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696 · Oct 2014
October 10, 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Oct 2014
I don't know if I'm crazy
but sometimes after I leave your bed
I want to secretly leave something behind,
so that my scent isn't the only thing you
remember me by.
I'm afraid that one day you will find out
what goes on in my head and see nothing
but a battlefield.

690 · Oct 2014
October 24, 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Oct 2014
Some people are like lions they know what
they want and they go for it, you recognize
them by their steady eye contact and firm
handshake (Controlling)

Some people are like,
Dolphins they like making new friends
and interacting with people you will recognize
them by their animated and informative style
of communication (Interact).

Some people are,
like Koalas they prefer things when they
go smoothly and they hate change, you will
recognize them by their intermittent eye
contact, gentle handshake, and their
less forceful tone of voice (Steady).

Some people,
are like Eagles they like situations where they
have freedom to concentrate on perfecting ideas
and work without interruption, you will recognize
them by their reserved nature, careful speech,
and their attention to detail (Cautious).

450 · Aug 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Aug 2014
From now on whenever you see
the moon,
you will remember the way my hair smelled,
you will remember my essence,
you will remember me.

and my love will leave you
behind like the shadows
that stay away from the sun.

404 · Sep 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Sep 2014
Don't worry about the monsters
under your bed,
they are not the ones you should be
worried about.

The ones who live inside your head
are the ones you should be
worried about.

387 · Aug 2014
My Voice
Dulce Berkowitz Aug 2014
May be as
soft and delicate
like a flower.

But my thoughts
are as loud as church bells
like the clapper
pounding over and over
again against the bell
like if it's trying to get out.

353 · Nov 2017
High School Thoughts p2
Dulce Berkowitz Nov 2017
Some say the world will end in fire
some say in ice
from what I’ve tasted of desire
I stand with those who are forever fire
but I know enough of hate
to say for the distraction ice
is also great
and would be enough.
341 · Mar 2015
Dulce Berkowitz Mar 2015
Your mind is something so
unfathomable to be.
I want to explore the depths
of most vacant hours
let me carve my name into
your heart so I remain a
part of you forever.
I’ll read the poetry you keep
hidden beneath your scars-
I’ll live in the dark cathedrals
of your thoughts so the
voices that torture you can’t
wash waves of melancholy
over your skeletal.

279 · Nov 2017
High School Thoughts p3
Dulce Berkowitz Nov 2017
There will be a soft rain and the smell of the ground and swallow circling with the shining sound and frogs in the pools singing at right and wild plumps trees in quivering white Robins will were there feathery fire. Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire; and not one will know  of the war, no one will care at lost when it’s done no one will mind, neither birds or trees will be making perished uteri; and spring herself when she awakes at down would secretly now that were done.
253 · Oct 2014
October 21, 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Oct 2014
Sometimes the best reason to know you love someone is to not know why at all. To be able to look into someone’s eyes and know you love them, but you’re unable to put it in words. You don’t have to tell them some bs about how they just “get you” or how you two have or don’t have everything in common. You just know it. And that’s all you have to say.

249 · Oct 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Oct 2014
You know that saying that goes “feeling alone in a crowded room”?Well, sometimes I feel the complete opposite. As in, I’m sitting, alone in my room and I couldn’t feel any more crowded. I feel as if this room is closing in one me, and I don’t feel it’s quiet enough or lonely enough. There’s moments where I want to burst out my front door and take off like a bat out of hell. I want to run into the middle of the forest, dig a very deep hole and burrow myself in it. I want to be alone. So very, very alone.

241 · Oct 2014
October 14, 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Oct 2014
Sometimes I want to let you in but I bite my tongue
and try to distant myself, I wish I could let you in but
I'm not ready for you to know the real me, I'm scared
of what you might think of me.

240 · Aug 2014
August 28, 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Aug 2014
You can examine my ghost
as closely as you want
but don't get to attached
because you might end up
finding something that
you might actually like.

235 · Sep 2014
September 7, 2014
Dulce Berkowitz Sep 2014
"When you were finally
here with me it somehow
felt as if you were not
really here with me at all.
You must have left
your heart at home,
packed everything else
that was of less importance
just to be safe and to
make sure that you didn't
forget it when it was
your time to leave."
221 · Aug 2014
Forgotten Dreams
Dulce Berkowitz Aug 2014
All my friends leave me during the day,
They forget i'm alive at times.

But once the clock hits Ten
& everyone is in bed,

My friends come out to play
They're the forgotten dreams

The ones people don't care for anymore,
The ones they don't need.

174 · Nov 2017
High School Thoughts
Dulce Berkowitz Nov 2017
Three weeks ago, I him I saw him I saw him in a new scene.
He turned around and said he knew me.
He said I told you it was a secret.

Now I’m lying in bed up awake in the middle of the night.
I have got a few things on my mind.
I guess is just that I don’t like the way things are going to turn out.
I have to find away to take this hear t and start again.
124 · Jan 2015
Dulce Berkowitz Jan 2015
Lost words
and silenced "I love yours"
between distant lovers
are all that remains
shattered hearts
or messy sheets

you can't destroy
what you can't touch

104 · Jul 2021
Who Am I Without You?
Dulce Berkowitz Jul 2021
The day you asked me to pack my bags, my whole world fell apart.
I feel like I'm stuck in limbo trying to find my way back home to you,
Maybe I should just face the facts that maybe you don't love me anymore and move on?
But I can't...  and I don't know-how.

You always held me close and guided me when I was lost.
Somewhere along the way, I forgot who I was.
I stopped taking care of myself and unknowingly relied on you to nurture me.

Who am I without you?
Maybe that's why I'm trying so hard to hang on to you?

Maybe I need to lose you to find myself? But how do I do that when I'm still in love with you?

I can't just erase those beautiful six years we spent together, where we began planning our future together, where I started shopping for our home. Who am I without you?
I'm just a lost soul, trying to find her way home.
86 · Jul 2021
Dulce Berkowitz Jul 2021
Why I can't I get over you?
You were an amazing partner... but you kicked me out like I was yesterday's trash...

I ****** up... but I'm still trying, nothing physical ever happened because I love you and respect you.

But you don't seem to care. I did always plan on telling you, but someone robbed me of that chance. How can you trust me when I was robbed of that chance..
82 · Jul 2021
Dulce Berkowitz Jul 2021
I was stupid and I was careless..

But my love for you is pure, and I hope one day we can get past this.
And yet deep down in my gut I know it's over.

But it doesn't feel like it's over, I don't know why.
I haven't stopped crying, and I wish I knew how to read you. I wish I knew what you were thinking.
I've never fought for someone before and it scares me to know we might be done.
But baby I swear I'm trying.
Just please don't tell me it's over. I can't lose you...

— The End —