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Susana Jan 2016
A walk in my shoes
You say you'll understand
Can you handle the truth
Could you keep on going
After taking a single step
Or would the grief consume you
Would it all be too much
Trying to help knowing
That you can't
In the end
Would you hate me for allowing you to take a walk in my shoes?
Susana Jan 2016
My walls are built high
Break them down
You may try
I have built them so tall
You must be careful
Once near the top
Prepare yourself for a great fall
If ever you did manage to get over or through
Just remember
It's all an illusion
None of it is true
A warning to all
Be careful
Or into an illusion
You shall fall
Susana Jan 2016
I try hide from the nightmares
I try hide from the pain
Sorrow engulfs me
As I try to stay sane
The memories bombard me
As I fight to keep them away
I use the good ones to fight the bad ones
Like the first time we met and he said 'I'll have this dance, if I may'
The first time he said 'I love you'
The first time we fought and I told him to leave
But he stayed
The last time he said 'I love you'
The last time he held me close
And said 'Everything will be fine. I'll be okay.'
The tears run down my cheeks
Because when I'm awake I feel the pain and grief
And when I'm asleep I the nightmares haunt me
Everything was supposed to be fine
He was supposed to be okay
Susana Nov 2014
Do you know who I am  
Because I don't
Can you save me
From myself
Because I can't
I'm just tired of wishing
For something that could never be
Can you free me
From something
No one
Not even I see
Susana Nov 2014
You make me doubt myself
I think I want something
And you say it's not worthwhile
I believe you
Even though
You are the cause of my grief
But all this pain
The one you cause in me
I know I say I trust no one
But that is as true as saying
There is no heat on the sun
Because for some reason
I trust everyone
To an extent at least
So when you tell me my flaws
I'll believe you
Even if you say
Just kidding
I tell you the way you hurt me
But my pain is just something
You don't seem to see
I know what the problem is
I'm hard to understand
But I wish at least
You could understand me
Susana Nov 2014
It's the love
I have for you
The love
I cannot forget
The love that's been there
My love can never reset
It's not
A game you can play
It's like the words i don't say
Even though I see you
Almost every passing day
Susana Nov 2014
He is everything
The only light in her darkest days
His laughter brings her joy
His presence brings warmth
Surprising her always
Keeping her on her toes
When she's gone
He tells everyone what he wants them to know
None of it's real
For her he doesn't care
Fall in love with her
He wouldn't dare
Oh what a pity
The laughter that brings her joy
Is at her expense
All because she fell in love with a boy
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