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Sep 2015 · 270
We're Both Fucked
Supernova Sep 2015
How ****** up is it
That even when I lie with him
Holding his hands and playing with his fingers
All I can think about is you,
And how you would freak out whenever I played with your fingers
Because you were afraid of them 'breaking'
But I would laugh and do it anyways
And it always made you and I smile and we were happy
But all I can do now is yearn for you while I touch him
And it ******* hurts
Sep 2015 · 256
Supernova Sep 2015
First I lost you
*Now I'm losing my ******* mind
Sep 2015 · 345
Supernova Sep 2015
It's *******, this pain.
I thought I could move on
But I see you at school. At lunch.
You look at me and smile
And of course I smile back
A look of happiness on either of our faces is a shocking surprise.
I don't want you to know
That I'm still in so much pain.
That I still love you.
You shattered my heart
And the pieces got blown away by the wind.
I'm left in a raging tornado
But as long as I get to see that smile on your face
I don't mind.
Sep 2015 · 278
Supernova Sep 2015
When I told you I loved you,
The look on your face told me everything I didn't want to know
Sep 2015 · 227
Supernova Sep 2015
Kiss these scars on my thighs and stomach
Later on when you ask 'what happened there?'
We'll both pretend as though you don't know
That those scars were brought upon by a voice inside my head
Telling me that I'm a *******,
That I don't deserve to live,
That I'm worthless,
But we'll pretend you don't know.
I'll say, 'oh, I don't remember. it was so long ago..'
But we both know the truth
I was tired of being alive
And we'll continue to ignore it
Until the voices start speaking up again
And new scars begin to appear
Aug 2015 · 441
Ignore Me
Supernova Aug 2015
I'm so sad?
I miss you so much?
I'm so drunk I can't see straight
?This is so hard
?I can't even move on from you.
?But I can't not be your friend?
I wish you could have the same feelings that I have for you?
I'm sorry for typing this
?I'm honestly a mess.
?I wish there was a way to make you feel like you used to?
Ignore this because it's pointless
?**** I miss you
?This is honestly so pathetic of me
?All I can say is thank god for autocorrect
?Thank god I can put on a strong face in front of you?
I'm sorry for even sending this?
Ignore me
Something I sent to an old lover through an email

— The End —