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Sukanya Basu Dec 2022
To this day,
Keeping my scorpions as witness,
The shovels and the little dead girls from my uncle’s basement,
I love lamenting for my loss;

It is the truth that I bask not in Love’s glow,
I bask in death of you.
Sukanya Basu Aug 2022
Malini, your skin is beautiful
Like summer skies beneath clouds,
Do not scrub your skin
You are my kin,
Make your mother proud.

Leena, sing Vande Mataram in a pub in Illinois,
Be bold when men take you for granted,
You are your mother's soul
And someone I always wanted

And say, who your father,
Your mother and your blood,
Say father is a role
Not decided by the gender
Father is a shelter,
Father is home.
Father is a man of your achievements
Father is the man of the house,
Say my mother is my father,

She's a lion, not a mouse.
Sukanya Basu Aug 2022
My manager had to told me to keep my pants up,
I shared glances in the pub,
I flew my Aunt to Orlando
Her ashes were warm

Then I came back home,
And stripped a little more
I stripped and stripped till my skin was on the floor,

I lay here naked
With my flesh baring it's naked self
And took a look at my poetry notes

She said to bare my soul to her
I did so I did so,
Look at me, look at me!
I cry!
I did so!
Sukanya Basu Jun 2022
I don't think being brave means not having any fear.
We are human, fear is survival instinct.
However, I think being brave is being afraid,
Yet not giving up on it.
Sukanya Basu Jun 2022
I hope when I turn around,
I can feel your face,
You can tell me when things are not okay.

But when I did,
I was holding air.
I hope I turn into Ash.
Sukanya Basu Jun 2022
I hope I meet you one day again
When you do not hate me anymore,
We might even laugh with our wedding rings on,
Our children holding our hands,

We would look at each other and smile;
"What if?" I'd say
"What if?" You'd reply.
Sukanya Basu May 2022
If only I knew,
My house was burning,
I was delusional,
If only i knew.

The truth was I cried not about your smile,
Nor your kisses on my forehead,
I shed my tears for a little me.

She sat on a pyre and burnt herself.
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