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Sukanya Basu May 2022
I have heard of women
Who bear not children,
They bear dreams and swords;

My mother knew she gave birth to a Viking,
But nonetheless, a sad Viking.
She washes her face as she goes for wars,
Tell her, let her know good sir,
Butterflies are not her enemy.
Sukanya Basu Apr 2022
I blame my father,
For carrying me in my arms,
telling me how to walk
And showing me how to love;
It is scary how my set of men
Terrifies me when I talk;
Love is a false situation.

I blame my sister
For playing with me in Indian Afternoons,
Riding carousel
Showing me how not to be Epicurean,
All I found in my friendly mud
Was I;
And none else

I blame my mother
For teaching me ways
How to sing Do Rae MI,
How to do good
Tell me it's a lie,
I am but a Villain for Daffodils.

I expect naught;
I cry in my lobby.
Sukanya Basu Apr 2022
It's flattering to know;
I would rather talk about varsity leagues
And male machismo;
The leaves, my dead imagination and about war,
And yet channel my thoughts to events where my burial would be the centre of a clown's birthday,
I wonder who ever are clowns in a Clowns birthday?
Impoverished thoughts,
My writer is fantasized dead,
Might be for you to look at me once,

In my imagination you stroke my hair,
In my imagination, you call me yours.
Sukanya Basu Feb 2022
Honey, when I am buried in a box,
I want you to tell my teenage tampons,
Black tees and socks;
Tell her that she's not dead,
She is buried in pain
Tell her write on a paper
She has a name
Honey, when I am dust in the board,
I want you to know that chicklets fly after they are sore,
My mother said ten and 5 scores ago
Your body is fine
You need to dance on the floor;
Honey, when I am cat litter on the shelves,
Pay no heed to the friends that I cried for and helped,
They played their highschool drama
And didn't pick up my call,
They will give no **** about you
When your grandson is tall;
Honey, I am not here anymore
I hope you know there are plenty of fires
And plenty of doors,
Dead and decay I may rot and smell,
But honey,
The people who betrayed
They are all going to hell.
Sukanya Basu Jan 2022
How can police be rewarded and Satan is hell?

They both put bad men in jail
Sukanya Basu Jan 2022
She is sad and she is in my trunk
I'm smoking cigarettes wrong,
Maybe I am drunk
Miss girl from some sad place thought she could play
She got shot in the day
Sukanya Basu Jan 2022
My king rules a cacti
His subject is as prickly as he
He goes on wars every night and day
He calls his enemy as "me".

The reason he is dead
Isn't tyranny or hate
And it isn't the fall of monarchy
I assure thee so;
My king lies dead
Of his saddened ill fate
He planted a tree and as true it can be
It grew legs and walked out of the door

What good is a king,
If he can't love anything
As little as a tree and not any more.
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