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358 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
You came into my life
And brought me so much joy.
I want to be your world
But you are just a boy.
A cheating hustler
for which you are branded
But my love for you
Will keep this **** standing
331 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
Meeting you changed my life.
The end was painful
like a cut from a knife
Now I’ve met someone new.
I see it’s true,
I wasn’t meant for you.
I’m happy and free
because he truly sees me.
He is the kind of man you could never be.
277 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
As our journeys bob and weave
Our paths I hope do sometimes meet
An if we plant another seed
May a flower of love grow finally
275 · Jul 2019
Between the Two
J L Bell Jul 2019
I cannot sleep
My mind keeps racing
Just figures, you’re my peace
The smart *** that keeps me on my knees
You’re a cluster **** **** in a windstorm
Yet I know you’ll find your way
Tomorrow after all is just another day

Whether paths are close or journey so far
My friendship will never stray from
where you are
There’s built a bond between us two
I know not why and neither do you
I truly thank God
for introducing me to you
247 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
I love you on levels
How great are the voids
I give you your space
And them atta’ boys
Sometimes you’re open
Other times brisk
Every bone in my body says
you are worth any risk
Just an evening of you reading to me. By far the best T. Time
212 · Jul 2019
Kicking up Dust
J L Bell Jul 2019
I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel.
Everyday trying to learn
the right coping skill.
In the night my head races
With so many faces
So many places
Day by day I’m told
That’s all well and good
But even that gets old
My right now right now
Has me thinking, doing &
Living different ways.
One thing that remains ever taunting me
The love I have for another.
Never seeming to be just enough
Who knows when those boots will
Kick up dust.
I’ll wish him well
Smile and wave
No tear will drop
Not one little bit
Not until he’s no longer in sight.
I’ll send him with warm wishes
Yet cry myself goodnight.
Just like a strong woman should
157 · Jul 2019
The T. Journey
J L Bell Jul 2019
Whether paths are close
or journeys are far
my friendship will never stray
from where you are.
There's built a bond between us two.
I know not why
and neither do you.
I truly thank God for introducing me to you
156 · Jul 2019
Happy Days
J L Bell Jul 2019
I hope Happy Days come to you.
Happy Days are me and you.
Happy Days are like a bird
they come to feed and then they flee.
This was the first poem I ever wrote. I was only in 3rd grade. I was so proud of it.
153 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
Lately the stars aren’t shining as bright since your love said goodnight.
The suns sweet hot rays have been cold and dark since you took away your heart.
All there is to comfort me tonight are the memories of our love
and the warmth from my heart.
The tears will soon fade and my heart will grow strong, but there will always be the love for you even though you’re gone.
140 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
The night is still I can almost see the day.
I feel the sun wanting to come shine on my heart again, but it’s too far away.
I’m afraid that it will not return to my life.
Maybe I’m not listen hard enough or is he here now and I just can’t feel his light?
138 · Jul 2019
Real or Dream
J L Bell Jul 2019
I see you when I fantasize.
I feel you when I dream.
I wake up to you each morning
And feel a “calm at ease”.
I walk outside and see your face.
You make me smile.
It leaves the warmest trace.
The hours rush past.
Then it’s that time once again
When I’ll be here in your arms
And we can start all over as friends.
130 · Jul 2019
My Truth
J L Bell Jul 2019
Life today is hard and unkind.
People you pass on the street seem blind. You lower your head
and look at your feet only to think of the things you’ll never be.
You hurt inside yet don’t know why.
You just stand back
and watch life pass you by.
People get older and somethings die.
Soon you’ll truly find yourself
and so shall I.
124 · Jul 2019
The Fool
J L Bell Jul 2019
The world is over.
The walls are tumbling down.
The love is lost.
The tears fall to the ground.
The sky is black.
My eyes are red.
The pain I feel is not close to dead.
The room is tight
I cannot breathe.
The life is gone as you read.
My eyes are closed. My brain is full.
These words come from a young old fool.
This one was written in 10th grade. I showed a teach because I was pretty proud of this one as well. She sent me to the  guidance counselor. Thought I was  suicidal. “Um no, this is just feelings poured out on paper “
120 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
Once was something now has passed. I once was first yet now am last. Do you love me? I wish I knew. You say you don’t, but I think you do. You once were here like a dream in the night. You came with the dark and left with the light.
109 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
The choices I’ve made have left me in pain.
Afraid that now love I will never regain.
Never knowing all I was being was used.
Even after I was so broken and bruised.
Now trapped with more choices.
I’m just as confused.
107 · Jul 2019
The Questions
J L Bell Jul 2019
I feel him on my body.
I touch my heart,
But he’s not there yet.
Maybe he can’t find his way.
Should I lead him there?
What if I get hurt again?
Should I try?
107 · Jul 2019
J L Bell Jul 2019
Breathe it in and breath it out.
Pass it on it’s almost out.
You start to numb
There’s no more pain.
These pills are killer.
I forget your name.
Like birds we fly oh so high.
Say “******* world we’ll never die”
You hate this place where you are at.
The pills are gone.
The Pain is back.
A lot of ppl who struggle with abuse or mental illness turn to drugs to numb the pain. Please if you’re hurting or going through things you don’t understand reach out for help not drugs.

— The End —