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StrangeFruit Jan 2019
Your love comes with pain

Beaten purple and blue

The feelings of life

The colors of you

Red is a constant

You call it your clever hue

Yellow is the one i'm waiting for

One day I hope it makes a breakthrough
StrangeFruit Jan 2019
You make me want to write love letters till I fall asleep
So I do
And I love to see your face bloom with my thoughts of you
I write the love you make me feel
You tell me those words help you heal
So i'm never going to stop this newfound tradition
Keeping your love will be my life's mission.
StrangeFruit Jan 2019
If distance was measured by words our silence would stretch on for miles. If time was measured by suffering our pain will last for centuries. But if life is measured by our love we will live on through them all.
StrangeFruit Jan 2019
We started to blend together
Our colors bleed into each other as this life's water rinses the pain between us
I don't know where I end or where you begin
But I know I'm where I want to be
Twisted and tangled within this kaleidoscope of our combined chaos and joy
I will be forever pleading that we never forget this feeling
We are one in the same
StrangeFruit Jan 2019
You look at me. Waiting for me to spill. Waiting for my heart to overflow. Waiting for everything you want me to say to come tumbling out of my mouth.
But I never will. I never will tell you that I think about you constantly. I never will tell you that I want to s]pend everyday with you. I never will tell you that when you look at me I want to give you everything. I never will tell you that you are my everything.
Because you are taken. When you go home you have someone. But, for me, I have no one.
So I will wait. I will wait for you to spill. I will wait for your heart to overflow. I will wait for everything I want you to say to come tumbling out of your mouth.
StrangeFruit Jan 2019
Going down these turning roads she tried to release her painful loads. Faces passed her in a blur, she starred straight not causing a stir. While trying to leave by walking away from all the pain of yesterday.

On her journey she went through trials. Most of them lasting for many miles. In her heart anger and sadness brewed, wishing she could walk in someone else's shoes.

Then one day with a start she realizes she must depart. From all the anger and sadness inside and with this realization she broke down and cried. While trying to leave by walking away from all the pain of yesterday.

Looking back she remembers many things. Seeing all the memories hanging by strings. But now she is grateful for the pain and strife that she went through in her life. While trying to leave by walking away from all the pain of yesterday.
StrangeFruit Jan 2019
I wish we would have stopped at hello
I wish we would have stuck with the what ifs
The unknown
I wish we didn't know what we could mean to each other
I wish we didn't know what our love feels like
I wish we could be together
But that is a hangover from an extinct reality
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