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Marble and stone
Hard and rigid
Some people
Are like marble
And stone
They are so rigid
In themselves
And in their ideals
That they can
Not compromise
They would
Rather crash
And everyone
Around them
Just to keep
From having
To move from
Their own rigid
The same ideals
That confine them
And restrict them
Keep them from
Moving forward
And being able
To understand
How life really is
But sometimes
It's good to be broken
So that you can be
And to change you
Into the person
That you were
Always meant to be
Things can fall apart so easily
but for some reason things never fall together
They can come together
You can put them together
but it's never as easy as if they were to just fall into place

And things can fall apart so easily
but once they have done so
it's almost impossible to put them back together
The pieces never seem to fit right
and you're reading a manual that some other person wrote
that says they know what they're talking about
but they never really do.

Things fall apart
They will never fall together
You can break them apart
You can take them apart
but don't expect the pieces to ever fit again.
What's that mess on the floor?

It's the ink from my pen

Well what did you spill it for?

I didn't. You did.

No I didn't.

If you hadn't spilled the ink from my heart, I wouldn't have held the pen in the first place, and nothing would have fallen apart.
There is nothing insignificant in walking past someone.

A whole universe just strolled by,
their anxiety caused by that test coming up,
their worldview that differs from yours,
their moments of joy
pure adrenaline
their troubles that may trump yours
their Aunt with that terminal disease
or the Dad that's never home,
their mental to-do lists that grow and grow and grow,
their images of reading on that comfy chair,
their time spent by the bonfire,
and their favorite quote that's always in their head.

But we just keep walking despite all there is to see,
and we're thankful for the people that walk by our side,
and share in our moments,
our troubles,
our images,
our time.
I thought of this after walking past a stranger and thinking something along the lines of, "Wow, I know absolutely nothing about her.  Her life could be crazy and interesting or super duper sad but I'll never know."
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