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The steam billows onto
my contemplating face as I
about the consequences

Distractions will not allow
my mind to focus on a

My heart and my mind tugging
at one another, the song
playing in the background

Sighing with relief as it changes
to something that doesn't
to my direct life situation

The new song is catchy,
pulling me from the
of my inner struggle

Tapping my foot to the beat,
But slowly slipping back into my
far off
Oh, my dear.
The time we’ve spent together has been the greatest.
I've loved hanging out with you, etc.
But with this new found technology I think we need to talk.
Here’s the deal.  There is just not enough time in the day.
Lost is my number one priority right now, as is Weeds, Parks and Rec, and Breaking Bad.
You try to communicate with me at the worst possible times.
My PS3 controller turned off during 30 Rock and now I have to get all uncomfortable and turn it back on.
Can’t you see I’m busy and that I simply cannot answer my phone?
And your solution… Nay.  Your “solution” of me simply reading the plots on Wikipedia has cut me to the core  and you have crossed the line.
Yes, it would save time.  It would also be the worst thing ever.
It’s clear that we are not compatible.
It’s not you, it’s Netflix.
I have a dark side
It's just on the inside
Which is why you probably can't see it

The other side of my skin
is the foundation for
a world with no stars

The world would be so different
if I could see it with my body turned inside out
Everybody would see my sadness
the inkiness of my veins
The tears in my blood
making it runny and
my organs aren't sunny
because my heart is the moon

But if everyone else
could see the world with my body turned inside out
maybe they would see that I'm more beautiful on the inside
than I am on the out
Because my organs:
My inky veins and My runny blood and My moon
are more attractive than everyone elses

Or maybe they're not.

Probably not.

My moon just likes to imagine they are.
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