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Why are there gates into Heaven if it's never too late to be forgiven?
Can we not just fall to our knees and beg for mercy there at the entrance?
I just don't see the God that you preach as someone to say "too late".
I can't see how he can stand to watch his children burn in Hell.
For Heaven's sake.

I don't understand
how a man
with so much virtue and honor,
can be someone
who allows his children
to be accepted as goners.
 Sep 2012 Alexander Albrecht
I am counting twelve pairs of ribs lining the perimeters
of my torso
Boney Me
Asthenia fingers
Wasted knees and knuckles
Pricking the hard chords on my chest-guitar
Misery eyes -- Dashing around in dustbin sockets
My head like a raisin with skull-shaped framing
****** inward
Looking at the dead animals guilting me
Looking at the withering plants begging for water
Evil food.

Attracted to the mirror
I know only this
Only what I see -- And I see a sow.

Lost in this possibly regrettable movement
Boney Me
Looking at the evil food
I tell it that I hate it and that it will never be me

I tell it I want to be like the flossy ones on magazines
Thin to skinny to boney
Boney me smoking an e-cig
I defeat the evil foods tonight
Surviving on primal back-up spirits
Surviving for the hope of closeness
I can waste away all this skin
And finally see my own heart.
 Sep 2012 Alexander Albrecht
Everything I ever knew
Bundled in a waft of air
Weaving thru
Branches of the deep forest

Everything she ever knew
Left in a compact she dropped
Buried under
Thin layer of snow in the deep forest

Bright-colored tape stood out to me.

I walked & followed a line of blue tape
Crunching branches and leaf's under my boots
Holding the tape like a stair-rail 
A lifeline.
The opposite hand waving off twigs.

The blue tape ran into a red tape that
Came from another forest corner
I ran into a yellow and a navy blue tape line, too
Soon, tape from everywhere, every color in the mist

The fog of the deep forest seemed to condense and
Down to wherever these lines led
Hundreds of different tape lines
Used by campers to track their way back
To track their way back.

I held onto this story and followed
All the way into deep forest sanctuary

They all met at this dark spot.
A massive entanglement of rainbow'ed tape
Swaying like a hammock 
Held frozen in the mid-canopy 
A complicated dizzying web; 

I stopped there,
in awe of a feeling I got
                                         someone felt *missing.
I was in the backseat of a 1988 Prelude
listening to Conor's sonnets and etudes,
moving my tongue in uncomfortable loneliness
because your passenger seat was occupied and
I couldn't decide if you were quiet or shy.
I hadn't met you yet.

Hennepin was good to us at 2AM and
gave us space to sip uncommon grounds
in the typically uncommon Uptown.
I saw bright eyes in your words
and unrecognized yellow birds.

I remember things and I don't know why.
I remember the paper mache lady on Nicollet and
I remember that you sang about how it's neat that we all own guns and
I remember wishing that I was born on Independence Day and
I remember walking past empty bookshelves at the end of the day and
I remember remembering when they were stocked and
I remember loving the way we talked
about Huxley.

and it's a year or so later and I'm your passenger
and the streets are still full of images and hidden messages
and faces with whiskers.
"I saved a cat from a tree once,"
and my cackle secured the shackles on my ankles that
I picked out myself off the mannequin.

and it's always just us because Vic is always
with Lucy, Molly, and Mary Jane and
they're having dreams and hearing secret frequencies
(like the ones you pointed out to me)
and doing drugs and discovering Christianity
and decorating themselves with ashes and ashes with Ashley.

and the people I used to know from St. Paul
are working and growing small and
trippin' and slippin' and sippin' gravy,
but we're still sippin' uncommon grounds
and we're all still living in these twin towns.
But none of them are wearing the matching heavy crowns
that you and I picked out ourselves off the mannequins.
They're the same shade of gold as the birds in your words and
they're the same shade of gold as the shackles on our shins
that mold our golden grins
that we had our faces when you said,
"This is the world where dreams come true, right?"

and we're confirmed by a blinding white light that shows through
the windows of the theater in Bryant-Lake Bowl that compliments us
like you compliment me, like I compliment your skinny tie
(the one that makes me want to die.)
But we can't die because this city doesn't have any double-decker buses
or any other us-es.

and I watch you program lazers into my heart
and I think;
What a beautiful old man
What a beautiful growing boy
What a beautiful perfect cylops
with an eye of my color green to shower me in scenic joy.

and as we dance to the records we bought from Minneapolis antique shops,
I look into the eye of my cyclops from a centimeter above the ground
and realize that this is the dream where the world comes true.
"Write a New York style poem about Minnesota."
"Okay, professor."
 Aug 2012 Alexander Albrecht
 Aug 2012 Alexander Albrecht
wallowing in myself

the rain stops outside
been at it for days.

I walk
to my bathroom everytime
and everytime
the tarantula creeps or darts from
under the toilet seat

and then his little brother from out
the sink drain; I'm on the crazy train now
appalled, I die back into my room

It's raining again.
drug addled ****** patient
 Aug 2012 Alexander Albrecht
I open the front door
while the autumn breeze
trickles in,
as I lay
with my face against that
faded yellow pillow case.

I watch
as the snow floats
off of the tree
and hovers in the air.

Look, how the leaves
dance on their branches.
They shine
they laugh
and settle back to sleep.
 Aug 2012 Alexander Albrecht
The mirror stained with our memories, pictures
I am not in many of them
I count;
four pictures, we look happy
The bleeding sky was the only thing that gave  us release
Like the winter would fill our bones
and cigarette smoke would ignite the fire in our eyes
that had long since burned out
we lay on that floor on the balcony till dawn
talking about how
we will never be good enough and
life is pointless
I show her my scars apathetically
nothing effects
me anymore
My bubble cant be burst
surrounded by static
want to scream
yuodont finish jakc at 5 am
 Aug 2012 Alexander Albrecht
 Aug 2012 Alexander Albrecht
I could listen to this shiny song
as many times as I wanted
here, at 4am, 
imagining you were here listening in some
onlooking crowd of fanatical people
thinking out loud what I'm singing
hearing what I mean through the lyrics and
make you make me believe it.

But it wouldn't matter.
you don't know me 
I'll just go
to bed now.
It's imaginary anyway. (RIP MM)
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