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I'm ****** if I do
and I'm ****** if I don't,
what I'm about to say,
don't think I won't...

Don't think I won't have the strength to go on,
because it's all in your perspective.
Don't think I won't have the courage to stand strong,
in the face of all my Demons.
Don't think I won't have the Mentality to know,
when someone's trying to break me.
Don't tell me I won't have the Will to fight,
when I'm faced with life or death.

Sometimes I know
that I feel so weak,
that I think it's time to end it.
But that's because,
I live in a house,
that would love to see me quit.

I won't let them.
There are so many things
we do not perceive, but the
knowledge of this blooms
in my heart with fresh
water veins
(c) Brooke Otto
I am a girl, mere five foot four
When I was young I dreamed of more
Of slender legs and five foot ten
for the attention of a million men
Slapped in the face with perfection
everyday I felt rejection
In a world where beauty is one shade
there was nothing I would not trade
But with one deep breath I let it go
I deserve to grow and grow
So see beneath my shallow skin
and it will thicken once again
Forget the ******* the glossy page
and watch the grates lift from your cage
Although I wished with all my might
I now accept this is my height
As you age you learn to see
beauty means just being free
******* i want to fight right now,
i have so much free energy,
the rents cheap, i've made ends meet
i got great sleep had great dreams
but i'm not fighting
i'm waiting
But god ****** i've been waiting to fight
fight for my life because my life is worth fighting for so i should always be fighting right?
shouldn't i be acknowledging, that if i don't fight
i'm shouting empty threats and just
     maybe i'll fight for that first...
swing metaphorical fists at not so metaphorical time
or is time metaphorical too?
     i should fight for that next...
fight for time, and then the time that's being wasted
while fighting for more time in which to spend fighting for time
   and i have no ******* idea how to fight for that
maybe fighting is pointless and we all just look in mirrors
and take freeshots at ourselves, by curling our biceps
and trying to hit our reflection but just end up hitting ourselves
yet you are only your legacy, fighting yourself leaves short trails
only followed by who looks back in the mirror, and that person is finite
until they fight for something else
in peaceful daze I wander
not knowing which way is wrong
in what kind of world do you kiss me like that
yet I spend my nights alone
Carved into a mould
just like everyone around
You tell me I am beautiful
I guess your voice is a nice sound
You see beauty is like a tree,
that grows in different ways
Like me for what I can't control
I guess I'm just a phase
My words ring hollow nothing,
I yell but no one is around
Look through into my mind
I've been waiting to be found
Beauty is a funny thing,
crippling in a way
See only what you want to see
and keep the rest a bay
For a pretty face is only that,
impossible to be more
A person can't be everything
unless she is a *****
Maybe not the best poem, just some words loosely thrown around
I wish someone
would sketch
me in, a sienna
thought with
cornflower blue
edges, during
coffee, chai tea
and bagels.
(c) Brooke Otto
In a tiny church with an overlarge steeple
I opened the doors to see all the people
A little girl stood there and sang about god
and all the sheep stared, shocked and awed
As the tears rolled down her rosy red cheek,
each one symbolizing another week
A week of havoc, pain and circular gain,
we live in a world that knows no blame
I stared at her focusing on innocent eyes,
her naivety made them so big and so wise
She looked at the crowd, they were hungry for more,
she thought of her sister, shunned for being a *****
If we are his children and all loved the same
how come people live life with no name?
How come I have the world in my palms
when girls with my birthday are running from bombs?
Her answers will go unanswered forever,
she will be called a fool for being so clever
Dear god you are supposed to show us the answers,
but our youth sees only society's best cancers
How can a little girl have faith in your craze,
when she sees people hungry, day into days
So you see dear lord I don't really believe,
all these people need to rise up from their knees
Stop praying for someone to change your fate,
and do it yourself, open your own gate
Love thy neighbour and to ones own self be true
but don't do it for him, do it for you.
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