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You dropped change
in my pocket and I
haven't had the
guts to pull it
out. I wish I
wasn't so
(c) Brooke Otto
I cannot be your
tree stump, your
leaves, and the
ground you walk
on, or the air you
breathe, the long
walks beneath the
rain, i used to be
used to be
used to be
(c) Brooke Otto
Well morning came and it dressed the sky
in a lovely yellow gown.
Now the shops, they are all opening
in that narrow hallway of downtown;
filled with people who are shopping for
their lovers and their friends
so they won't ever be lonely again.

Well, a forrest bench becomes backyards,
like songs are born from sound.
And the apple fell and it taught us all
that we are chained here to the ground.
So here we go, but there ain't no escape.
Yeah, these streets are just dead ends
so I will never be happy again.

Well it seems you too see a painful blue
when you stare at the sky.
You could never understand
the motion of a hand waving you goodbye.
"Bye bye."
But as the story goes, or it is often told,
a new day will arise and all the dance halls
will be full of skeletons.
They are coming back to life and on a grassy hill.
The lion will lay down with the lamb
and I won't ever be lonely again.

But until that time I think had better find
some disbelief to suspend,
because I don't want to feel like this again.
Let's take a few steps back
And look at where we've been
Torn and out in the gutter
Rain pounding on our backs

Now take a few steps forward
And look at where we've come
To stand amongst people
Who will never know our names.
Let me make a claim
That nothing is priceless
because four hundred dollars could make anyone smile
a human life wont be saved
if it costs six and a half trillion
your heart could sell for ten thousand
and your body could sell for ten dollars
or a million
yourself at interviews
we say we are worthless
we say we are priceless
yet both of those claims are
Even now
doubt tugs at the bottom
of my stomach
courage whispers in my head
my lungs burn
my blood rushes
and I am uncertain
as ever
Who cares about good titles anyway
How many people have you let read
the words printed on your heart the
chapter monologues tattooed on your
lungs, to dog-ear the pages of yourself
where they stopped but promised to
begin again, spilled hot coffee in the
middle and stained the title. I'm not
entirely sure if anyone has read the
prologue, did you know who it was
dedicated to? Oh, but you lost me
behind your bed, a good read,
no doubt, but I am long with
many pages. Maybe someday
you say, maybe

(c) Brooke Otto
 Mar 2013 Alexander Albrecht
Perched upon my keyboard,
eager and ready to write,
my hands are unwilling
to move.

I can never think of
the right words
to say how perfect you are

without making them sound
like everything I've ever written.

I am ashamed that I have ever even
thought that I cared about
anyone else
in comparison to how I feel
when I see your face.

So I quit writing
Because I have nothing to say.
Not because you've given me nothing to feel
but because you have left me
permanently speechless.
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