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Steve Sufian Jan 2019
We are getting good at being responsible yet playful,

Not taking ourselves too seriously,

Enjoying jokes and being teased.

At a deeper level, we are getting good at experiencing our Total Self,

Self of All Beings,

Not just the individual self that chats and plays, works and prays, with a single name.

And this Self is definitely Playful: Smiling, Twinkling, Humming.

Expressing Itself–Our Self–in Dancing Streams of Golden Joy,

High-Pitched Whistles of Cavorting Delight,

Roaring Swooshes of Oceanic Tides.

Definitely supporting our everyday self,

Definitely giving us Experience so we know What’s What

And take our daily life responsibly but lightly: seriously but lightly.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Lighthearted we take it easy,
We get done what we need to,
Life treats us playfully,
We feel breezy.

We feel breezy.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
Physically, we’re individuals;

Emotionally, we’re family.

Spiritually, we’re One.

One, Always One.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Standing in the synagogue,
Waiting for a ride,
I sang to Elijah,
A prophet, a guide.

I saw the lights of the car for me,
And opened the door,
Elijah stood on the doorstep,
And more was in store!

His body of streaming light,
His head a smiling globe,
He flowed into my body,
And filled from crown to sole.

He filled the synagogue,
He fills it still,
He fills my body of light with light,
I hope he always will.,
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
Roof over our head,

Job we’ve had for a long time,

Friends and family we’ve loved for a long time–

We are protected.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…”,

We are especially protected.

Moving from the surface of our mind,

To the level of sound,

The level of flow,

The level of Formlessness,

We are at Home

And directly experience the Source of all protection.

We not only are protected but share in Protecting:

Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Like a flower which grows anew each year,
We can return and thrive from any fall or fear.

With our thoughts and feelings open to the Wholeness that Is All,
We grow in harmony with Life, beyond all fear or fall.

We grow in harmony with Life, beyond all fear or fall.

(More to come!)
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
The Friend dissolves the cloak that hides,

Reveals the Ocean and its Tides,

This Friend is Self, the Love that Guides,

The Self in which the All Abides.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Happy in the moment,

Beyond all time and space,

Restoring our Connection

To Wholeness, to God’s Grace;

Remembering Reality:

Joy is what we Are;

Radiating the Joy and Love

Within and near and far.

Radiating the Joy and Love

Within and near and far.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019

We get tested:

Can we let this go and not mind?

Can we be challenged and not anger?

Can we share and not feel proud?

Fill with Love and Joy,

No room for anger, greed, hate, fear, arrogance?

We are passing many tests:

Thank you to our helpers and our Helper!

Thank You!
Steve Sufian May 2019

Just hearing the sound
Frees our inner eye to see,
To settle down,
To Be.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
In the moment.

Living within resources.

Guiding our dream with experience.


But to be more real,


We need to dip below the surface,

Dip through the rind of life into the fruit and the juice.

Dip beneath the flesh, blood, bone,

The wood, earth, stone,

Into the Intelligence within which rind and juice exist,

Within which all dreams are fulfilled

As our highest dream is fulfilled:

To Be One with the One Intelligence that is All–

To Remember! To Be!
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
During a drought, plants exude oils into the dry soil;

During a rain, the soil and plants are refreshed, the oil released and the scent of the oil refreshes us, too.

Similarly, if a drought has occurred for our personality, our healthy routine spreads happiness into our thoughts, feelings and actions;

When we transcend all detail, the transcendence is a rain that releases Infinite Happiness into every detail of our life.

Stay with the program, the healthy routine!

Stay with the healthy routine.
Steve Sufian May 2019
Following the straight path,
Living in the Goal,
Creating the Straight Path,
Revealing Everyone’s Whole.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Once we were a bubble,
Then a brook,
Then a stream

In the Ocean of Consciousness,
Of Joy, Love and Bliss,

Then we Became the Ocean,
What was That,
Now is This!

What was “That”,
Now is “I”,
I All There is.

The Ocean of Consciousness,
Of Joy, Love and Bliss.

The Ocean of Consciousness,
Of Joy, Love and Bliss.
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
The Divine is all there is: Beauty, Love and Joy, Wholeness.

It is never hidden but we may be lost in parts of it,

Aiming only for a potato, a sock, a few dollars or a million,

Forgetting the Full Meal, the Full Clothing, The Infinite Treasury.

When, by Grace, we begin to remember,

We begin to share,

To reveal the Sacred Everywhere,

Consecrating our World.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Within the glare of all hard times
Is the Kindness we revere
The Gentle Love that heals all ills
With Power, Knowledge, Care.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Trying to build a tower out of bricks,

Fragments of Life,

Led to the fragmenting of Language,

Civilization shattered,

A world lacking ease.

Looking at beauty anywhere,

We begin to sense Life again,

Wholeness again,

Civilization and Language again–

We cease to challenge God,

Open ourselves to God,

Our Self,

We return to ease and Ease,

Enjoy beauty everywhere,

Enjoy each other’s company,

And live in a world where everyone is friend–

We live in God’s Tower

At Peace.

In Lively Peace.
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Golden streams of our Awareness

Express the Playfulness Inherent–

Words are a Gift to share in the play

And return, expand to Wholeness.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
We bud as we wake,

Blossom as we raise,

Flower as we rouse ourself fully from sleep,

And spread the Fragrance of Joy as we get into our day,

Spread the Rosiness,

Spread the Rosiness.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Delightful rivers of golden bliss flow from the soles of my feet to my head,

Twirl within my head and go through my arms to my palms.

They become golden spheres of bliss,

Repeatedly leaping back and forth from palm to palm,

Expanding into rivers and flowing through my whole body of bliss, of light,

Overflowing into my Cosmic Physiology and my Omnipresent Bliss and Love.

Steve Sufian Feb 2019
With Omnipresent, All-Pervading Love and Joy,

We are happy

But only with Total Restoration of Awareness

Are we Satisfied.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
Pasta, pasta, pasta!

So many different shapes,

So many different seasonings,

Same wheat grows more and more interesting with each day’s new shape and taste.

Same soul gets more and more interesting with each day’s adventures that open us to the detail in our soul and its reality as Soul, The Soul of All.
Steve Sufian May 2019
There are races on foot,
Races for loot,
Races for pride,
Races that glide,

There are races to heal,
Races to seal,
The bond of love
So we fit as a glove.

In  the race of Love,
We share and we care,
Enlightenment Now!
For all, everywhere.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
An amoeba changes forms;
An actor changes roles;
An author is aware of many roles at once;
The Cosmic Actor is Every Role simultaneously,
Remaining always One.

We are remembering who we are--
Always All, One!
Always All! One!
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
We raise ourselves to Wholeness by sitting before Wholeness, God–

Humbly sitting before God.

Our leaders, when they are good leaders, preside over us by sitting humbly before Wholeness, before God.

We sit before God and humbly pray that we and our leaders will always be humble and good.

Steve Sufian May 2019
Good at everything?
How can this be?
Because a Single Intelligence
Is the Omnipresent Sea.

Think, act, dance, sing—
Design, build, decorate, bring
Guests home for dinner,
Cook good  food that reveals the Inner.

Skilled at all trades?
Perhaps we’re not there yet
But the smoother we do
The closer we get,
Single Intelligence
Treats us a pet,
Pays off our debt,
Lets us forget
Our limits
And restores us to the Summit:
Let’s Hurrah! and Welcome It.

The smoother we do,

The closer we get.
The xmoother we do,
The closer we ger.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
A cupcake, a donut, a couple of grapes:

Eye and tummy pleased.

A good joke,

A flash of Pure Awareness,

The Voice of a Saint:

Mind, heart and soul are pleased.

The snack creates comfort but also the desire for a Full Meal,

For Permanent Pure Awareness Moving within Itself,

The Self,

Our Self.

Within This we move,

To this we move!

To this we move!

Within and to,

Gratefully and gracefully

We move.

Gratefully and gracefully we move.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
Wholeness, Golden Wholeness, Vibrates and Flows Within Itself,

It Streams, It Waves, It Spirals.

Wholeness is not “It”, it is “I”,

The I of you, the I of Me,

The Only,

The One.

The One.
Steve Sufian Oct 2018
Our daily routine is the step,

Sudden intuition is the flying,

Finding is the Grace of God, to see where we did not see before,

Sharing is the blessing, giving to others and being blessed in return.

Being Blessed!
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Waking refreshed: Success!

Listening to the birds and the breeze and water running through pipes: Success!

Rested and alert: Definitely successful!

Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Walking, smiling along a nice tree-lined street,

Seeing a movie with part of my mind of how my day will unfold,

Thinking about the movie with another part of my mind: Suddenly!

I am completely Joyous Transparency– edgeless, boundless, no connection with body, movie, thoughts, completely outside the body.

“Can I really be unbounded, edgeless, eternal?” I think.

My Transparency swells in golden light,

Creates a golden tube, makes a corner, turns around behind my head and looks through my eyes at My Self. How Glorious!

Within a little while–not long, maybe a few months, definitely not more than a few years–

My Transparency and My Golden Fullness are always together, at least while I’m awake,

And I experience My Self as Omnipresent, All-Pervading, Love and Joy:

How Glorious! How Marvelous! How Delightfully Simple to Know who I Am!

How normal!

Thank you to my teacher, to all who help me live a good life and to live a better and better one!

Thank You!

Thank You!
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Not just great, as the companions of Diana Ross,

But Supreme, nothing, no one greater.

Call This: Being, God, Self, Consciousness, Unified Field, whatever.

So long as we mean “One without a Second”,

The Only,

The Complete,

Never beginning,

Never ending,

Then we’re talking “Supreme”

And This we Are.

This we Are.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
We have a taste of All-in-All,
Omnipresent Joy;
The taste confirms the Goal is near,
We Are the Master, not the toy.

Total, Whole, Pure Love, Pure Joy, All-Pervading, nothing missing,
Fulfilled, Unlimited, Unbounded, All-Knowing, All-Power, All-Blessing,
Perfect, Real, no veil or sludge, definitely no curtain,
Exact, For sure,Complete, Profound, Ultimate, for certain.

The Ocean subtly Flows Within,
Glowing, Brightly Glowing,
We stir the Ocean easily
With thoughts designed for Showing.

With thoughts designed for Showing.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Beyond the peak,

Below the valley,

Beyond the range of metaphor, of praise:



The I of All.

Within I,


Hiding and revealing.

We are turning,


Letting go words,



We are Returning.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
So smooth the stem of this flower,
So sweet the touch of velvet;
How delightful the fabric of open space,
The changes from moment to moment, from place to place.

How smooth the flow of our awareness,
How sweet the Flow of Love among us all,
How delightful the changes in flow and in texture,
From moment to moment, from place to place.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Beyond the range of high and low: The Best!
All-in-All, nothing out, Lively Rest: The Best!
All desires fulfilled, passed all tests: The Best!

One without a second,
Beyond the skill to reckon,
Eternal, never changing,
Constantly arranging
All expressions of Itself—my Self, Our Self—
The Best!
For sure: The Best!
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Can we find Zee in Ahhh? Z in A?

Perhaps in Ahhhh! the Cosmic Hum, the Cosmic Sigh of Contentment;

Perhaps in Totality that has no beginning and no end,

In which all sequence is also simultaneity

And all structures are found in each.

A good experience to have more fully, more clearly.

Meanwhile: Ahhhh! let us zip around the golden stripes of the Golden Zebra of Consciousness.

Zip around and un-zip the zipper that keeps the veil of ignorance intact.

Open the veil and See!

Open the veil and Be!

Open the veil.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
Built-in: in the womb, before the womb,

We trust that our soul will make progress,

We will have happy lives and Full Awareness will be restored.

Parents, teachers, friends, family

Teach us how to take care of ourself: mind, body, heart and soul.

They teach us skills to keep us safe,

To tell the difference between safe and risky, true and false.

They teach us how to be trustworthy,

How to build a better world,

The great world in which everyone is trustworthy.

Let’s continue building!

Let’s continue.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
We are Wholeness,
Turning within our Self,
Creating an imaginary wall,
An imaginary shelf,

That hides us from our All,
Makes us feel small,
But we are learning to stand Tall,
We are returning!

We are returning.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Pi is God in Disguise.

God is the circumference and the diameter

Of the teeniest circle and the vastest.

One Unending,

Only One:

And we are also God in Disguise–

Really, We are This.

We are This.

We pray to God

To restore our Awareness.

So we become Fully Aware

There is nothing but God

And we are This,

We are This.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Branches of the tree are united in the trunk,
Trunk draws nourishment from its roots,
Roots are enlivened by the sap,
Which is the tree! Which is the tree!

Our actions are united in our thoughts,
Our thoughts arise from their Source: Pure Joy! Pure Love! Pure Joy!

Subtler, subtler, we learn to go, to do, to think, to feel, to Be.
Then all our life and all the World are united,
A Thriving, Fruitful, Single Tree.

Thriving, fruitful, One!
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
God’s Village.

Ocean of God,

Bubble of God, Drop of God.

Universe of God,

Village of God,

Home of God:

In our heart and our Heart,

God is At Home,

God is Home.
Steve Sufian Oct 2018
Stretch, open eyes, Ahh!
Yawn again!

Ahhh! Ahhh!


Thank You, God, for a good night's rest,
Thank you, World, we are so blessed,
Thank you, Job, for a cozy nest,
Thank you, Life, for sweet success!

Thank you, All, for sweet success.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
We hear the sparrows calling: we chirp in response.

The sparrow pauses, chirps again, a little more clearly, correcting our chirp.

We chirp back.

The sparrow understands: we are a novice, needing tolerance.

She tolerates us and we chirp along as a we walk,

Enjoying love of the sparrow, giving our own love and Enjoying Universal Love.

Very much Enjoying!
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Omniscience, Omnipotence,
Total Joy, Total Sense.
Omni-Loving, Omnipresent,
This is Full Enlightenment.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Bucks in the bank,

Joy of the Soul,

Linked to the world,

One with the Whole.

Nothing left out,

All is within,

The Smile of Our Face

Is the Cosmic Grin.

Steve Sufian Dec 2018
A million miles?

Nothing to our Golden Hearts.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Soothing and Enlivening
Fragrance of Pure Consciousness.

Choosing Bliss,
We skate upon the Cosmic Water,
Dive within its Depth,
Discover the Sea and We are One,
And we are born to Bless.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
We are lucky,

We are blessed–

We have more than we need,

Enough to share.

We welcome friends,



Donate to good causes–

Nature welcomes us,

We welcome all of Nature.

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