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Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Into our Home,
Into our Heart,
We welcome;
We welcome all to Join us
As Universal Love

Into this Love,
We welcome,
We welcome;
We welcome all
To join us in Totality,
Deeper than the deepest,
Higher than the highest above.

Higher than the highest above.
Steve Sufian May 2019
Something slow,
Since we’re breaking fast!
**, **, **!,
Let’s make it last.

Warm water’s good,
With lemon and ghee,
Some protein powder,

A banana, some grapes, some dates will go far;
Let’s stay open to chances,
Leave the door ajar.

A dip into Soma,
The Cosmic Nectar,
Some Higher Awareness,
Divine Ambrosia.

Time to go:
Can’t eat all day,
A prayer and some prana
And we’re on our way.

A prayer and some prana
And we’re on our way.
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Once an occasional sudden feeling–

Now the all-time reality.

Once an unexpected sight of beauty,

An unexpected win,

A windfall.

Now ordinary life.

How extraordinary is ordinary life!

Whoppee! Wahoo! Hallelujah!
Steve Sufian May 2019
Realizing beauty is the Harmony
Of what we sense
And Who we Are;

Experiencing all is near,
Nothing far.

Learning from those who Know,
Finer, finer, finest flow—

And then!
Beyond the finest:
Transcend and mend,
Be and sow
Seeds of All Creation;

Routinely settle,
Share and blend,
Each seed, each tree, each fruit of
Our Cosmic Celebration.

Soon we know that all is One
And we are This!
The Sun, the Fun.

And we are This,
The Sun, the Fun.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
To the leaf, the source is the root far away

But it can waken,

Be awakened,

And realize, as Maharishi puts it,

That it is Sap, playing the role of leaf,

And then the Whole Tree is Within the leaf,

Which has become Leaf.

Same is true of us:

Body, senses, thoughts, I-Sence

Are not just the familiar individual

Whose name is on our driver’s license,

ID card,

But the Wholeness within which all individuality

Exists as Expressions.

We have begun to Waken to this Reality

And our Life has begun to be not only Magnificent

But Cozy and Comfortable.

We are all Waking!

Steve Sufian Dec 2018
It’s Christmas Season, sweetness, joy and friendliness begin to shine and flow.

So lovely! We begin to remember, to know

That we are made of Love and Joy,

We are sweet children of God, not just toys.

And so we get on the channel and place an ad saying:

“Hello, God, We’re glad You’re Great! Supreme! One and Only!

Thank You, God!

Thank You.

— The End —