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Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Loving, protecting, raising,
Feeding, cheering, praising,
Dads of the world and Moms of the world,
Are pearls of the world.

Thank you, Dads and Moms!

Happy Father’s Day.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Food on the table,
Love in our Heart,
Joy in our company,
Here’s a good start.

Chatter of weather,
Chatter of work,
Chatter of hobbies,
Laughter the perk.

Each one meandered
From office to lunch
Not knowing who we’ll join,
Or a few or a bunch.

But the food here is good,
Grown, cooked with love,
So Joy fills our soul,
In, around and above.

Joy fills our soul,
In, around and above.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Practical, concrete, getting things done–solid.

Happy, exhilarated, fulfilled in the Source which is the Goal.

Perfect combination!

Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Within our Consciousness--

Universal, All-Pervading Love and Joy--

Wisps and tiny Points of Golden Friendliness

Stream, dart, swoop, meander;

Expand into the Wholeness,

Become the Wholeness,

Emerge again,

Casually and suddenly,

Revealing again and again

The Nature of Wholeness:

Forever Full,

Forever Gossamer!

Forever Full and Gossamer.
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Sweet green grass,

Gentle wind,

Red, blue, orange flowers in the meadow.

We stroll smiling through the grass,

Gently loved by the blades,

We enter the grove of elms and oaks:

Silence! Lovely Silence!

Silence to our ears

Brings Silence to our mind, our heart:

Our body is filled with Golden, Overflowing Silence,

Inside Silence merging with Outer Silence,

Revealing Our Omnipresent, All-Pervading, Lively Silence,

Silence of Universal Joy, of Universal Love:

Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Working together we can do great things:

Sympathy, Compassion, Love, Sharing

Help us cooperate to create something perhaps none of us could do alone.

In the Bible, the building of the Tabernacle to reveal God’s Presence

Required Moses to assemble the parts even though these parts were created by those to whom God had given wisdom.

There is Wholeness inside each of us,

The ability to build the Temple of our life

That enables us to experience God’s Presence,

Which is always there but requires refined perception to perceive.

Working and playing together we reveal the Temple of the Universe,

God’s Presence Everywhere!

How nice!

Than k you, God!

Thank you.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
LIfe is always Full:
As we relax and trust
More and more
We open the door
And enjoy the Fullness.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Fingers glide above the pulse,
Above the flesh, the bones.
From our finger tips flow Bliss,
Tuning us to Cosmic Tones.

Within the Bliss, Joy, Love Flow,
Swirling, sweeping with Golden Glow,
Spheres and lines show sturdy shapes,
Cubes and vines of charming grapes.

Details appear that deep tradition
Connects with organs, all our condition.
Layers of pulse, points on fingers,
Balance us and quickly bring us:


Home to Health,
Home to Wholenes,
Home to Wealth,
To Joy that’s Glorious.

Gently bring us Home.
Gently Bring us Home.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Fingers glide above the pulse,
Above the flesh, the bones.
From our finger tips flow Bliss,
Tuning us to Cosmic Tones.

Within the Bliss, Joy, Love Flow,
Swirling, sweeping with Golden Glow,
Spheres and lines show sturdy shapes,
Cubes and vines of charming grapes.

Details appear that deep tradition
Connects with organs, all our condition.
Layers of pulse, points on fingers,
Balance us and quickly bring us:


Home to Health,
Home to Wholenes,
Home to Wealth,
To Joy that’s Glorious.

Gently bring us Home.
Gently Bring us Home.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
She delights in healing all our ills,
Sharing with us many skills,
Saving us from doctors' pills,
Smoothing out the slopes of hills,
Giving cash to pay our bills,
Allowing us to have the thrills
Of Knowing Her,
Of Knowing Her.

She takes us past the highest height,
Integrates the day and night,
Spreads always Eternal Light,
Shares Her Grace, All-Knowing Sight,
Gives us all the Great Delight
Of  Knowing Her,
Of  Knowing Her.

She is me,
She is you,
We three are One.
Merrily, We Roll Along:
We are the Light,
We are the Sun. (2X)

She takes our sorrow and makes it play,
She takes November and makes it May,
She gives All freely, no need to pay,
No need to travel, we can stay
And Know Her.
And Know Her.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019

The flower, the janitor, the dust mop, the stain on the grass–

Everything! Everyone!


And through appreciation,


Through enjoyment, love.

Through love of our neighbor–whether tree or person–

We more deeply love ourself,

Know our Self.

Through knowing our Self,

Loving our Self,

We grow to “Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, thy soul, thy strength”

And to realize “…the Lord, thy God, is One”

And we are One with the One.

Good judgment!

Judgment Fulfilled.

Steve Sufian May 2019
We swim on the tide of a cheerful thought,
Let it dissolve in the Ocean of Knowledge,
Stay as the Ocean in which all thoughts are Wrought,
Get our Ph.D from this Supreme College.

Get our degree from this Supreme College.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Filled with Joy,
We feel Blessed,
Our actions smoothly
Share the Best.

Love and Joy,
They are the Same,
Form and name.

Grace infuses every sense,
Car horn sound, picket fence.

Our awareness, with eyes closed,
Is Sheets of Light that Flows and Flows.

White and Golden, Joy Divine,
A Blessing to all Life, so Kind.

Eyes are open, Grace Pervades,
All and all, all light, all shades.

Meadows, cities, streams and glades,
All is Light, Grace Pervades.

All is Light, Grace Pervades.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Rising Hill of Feeling, Thought, Love.

Always Happy, never blue.

Mama Planet of the Soul

Raises the Hills of Her Love

Within Her Soul,

And the Hills become Mountains,



Every Present,

No need to climb.

Good Soul within which to Meander, Nap and Picnic.

Excellent playground,

The Best!

The Best.
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Greenhouse warms plants,

Green home warms us,

Love’s Green Home spreads Universal Love

To all plants, houses, homes.

Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Grown up is a big deal: Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent.

And within these: Omni-Joyful, Omni-Loving.

This is Grown Up: One Without a Second.


We are growing up:

Nurturing our knowledge, our skills, our range, our joy, our loving kindness.

And our Real Self Blesses us with Approval,

Bringing us Delight in the Pathless Path.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Sap pulses in green leaves,
Consciousness pinwheels around,
Full, Whole, feet on the ground.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Something’s clogged,
Our body’s sad;
We call the plumber,
Now we’re glad.

Who’s the plumber?
Not yet us
But as the flow’s restored,
So is skill and trust.

When the flow is completely Flow,
Full, Embracing, Total,
Then we Are and then we Know,
And Healing’s All Embracing.

Healing’s All Embracing.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Those in the ground,

Warm, mineral, soothing, healing---ahhh!

Those in the soul and the Soul!

Ahhh! and Ahhh! and Ahhh!
Steve Sufian May 2019
Opening to Reverence,
The Love within,
Living in gratitude to the Cosmic Grin;

We trust hat God Who Is,
Protects our innocence;
We grow.
We grow!
We Grow!
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
What are the signs, inner and outer?



Universal Love.


No separation between Thee and me.

Absolutely yes!

Steve Sufian Jun 2019
When the god of war is grateful,
And the god of wealth is kind,
We have strong signs of a Universe,
In which greed and envy do not bind.

When our thoughts and feelings love,
And our actions share and spread,
We have a world that’s pure and free
And in which Soul illumines head.

Love Flows,
Golden Glows
Become Subtler, Stronger Miracles
And Joy Spreads in our Universe
To prevent and cure all ills.

To prevent and cure all ills,
To wake our sleeping skills,
To fill all Life with constant thrills
From the solid core to the charming frills,

From the solid core to the charming frills.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Clear night,

Starry night,

Warm breeze,

Settling in–

Beauty dances

And our small garden

Is the Cosmic Garden of Delight.

Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg

Th­e story goes:

This is a name made for fun by Webster, Massachusetts newspaper editor Laurence Daley to lengthen the Algonquin name,

Lake Chaubunagungamaug,

English name is “Webster Lake”.

With Daley’s version the lake’s name is the longest place name in the U.S.

Let’s make up a few words doing the reverse,

Taking long words and making them shorter.

“Encyclopedia”: “pedia”, as has been done with Wikipedia.

“Thermostat”: “stat”.

“Consciousness”: “shuss”.

Perhaps we can get good at this and learn to continually make life simpler,

More comfortable,


I think we’re already oriented this way

And I think this style of living is becoming more popular:

Let’s keep sharing what we learn.

Very much sharing.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Living on the surface,
We enjoy a mix of things,
Sometimes rotten apples,
Sometimes diamond rings.

When we learn to settle down,
To subtle, subtler, subtlest
We discover One beyond the layers
We Are the One, the Best.

We Are the One, the Best.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Leading from the Source:
Of course!

Leading from within Never-begun Delight.

Leading within the Silence Singing.
Invincibility Ringing,
Waking the Lingering
To the Effortless Path of Return.

Leading within the Never-ending Delight,
The World of Pure Sight,
Beyond all height,
Beyond wrong and right,
Leading by teaching what all need to learn:

Settle in and return!
Settle in and return.
Steve Sufian May 2019
From the Source
The Course is Clear,
Every choice is near,
There is no load to bear:

All is Easy.
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Empty space is really Consciousness,
Dark sky is really Light hiding.

All is Beauty,
Bringing Joy to our hearts,
Our thoughts,
Our individuality;

Bringing Joy, Appreciation, Gratitude, Love.

Bringing Joy that is Love,
Joy that is Love.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Through Sunlight we see outside
Through Heart Light, we See  Inside.

Seeing outside Inside,
Our Vision’s open Wide:
We Merge the Layers and Ripples of Reality,
We Delight, we Joy, We Love, We Be.

We Are! We Are! We Are!
Sun, Moon, Space, Star—
We Are! We Are! We Are!
All Together, Wholeness, Fullness!
We Are. We Are. We Are.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
From the highest point of the world, we can see everywhere;
From the Lowest Plane of our mind, we See and Are All that Is—
We Are Eternal Bliss,
All is Here,
All is Here.

There is no here or there,
There is no near or far,
All that is Is Here,
All that is Is Love,
All that is Is Joy;
We Are the Player and the Toy.
We Are the Player and the Toy.

We Are All There Is.
We Are All There Is.
We Are All There Is.
We Are All There Is.
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Not just a smile that captures the eye,

But food on the table–love in detail.

Not just the Ocean of Shimmering Bliss

But fondly embracing this Drop and This.

Master of Wisdom, of Order, of Play,

Creating each thought, each Hip! Hip! Hooray!,

Fulfilling whatever we create in our Mind,

When we Hide and we seek, we Find! Yes, We Find!

All-Pervading, Omniscient, Omnipotent,

Omni-Loving, Omni-Joyful–

Not just a smile that captures the eye

But food on the table, Love in Detail.

Food on the table Love in Detail.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Michael in Hebrew means, “Who is like God?”

As the commander-in-chief of the heavenly army,

Michael asks any challenger,

“Who is like God?”

And when he asks,

God is in his speech:

What challenger can stand before God?


In our life we seek to harmonize with God, God’s Will;

We seek to become virtuous, comfortable, happy

Servants in the earthly peace battalion of the heavenly army.

Love and kindness are the greatest helps:

The more rested and natural we are

The more we appreciate, are grateful, love.

The more we love the more joyful we are and

The closer we get to the Total Love and Joy that is God.

Soon we are there.

Steve Sufian Dec 2018
We honor the blessings we’ve received when we connect to all mountains, do not attempt to stand alone.

We act with virtue to enjoy the full range, from smaller than the smallest to greater than the greatest.

We connect ourself, innocently, to the Self within our individuality and to the Self, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omni-Joyful, Omni-Loving.

We are happy to be one among many

And to open ourself to One, to All-in-All.

We are very happy!
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
When Carl Linnaeus, Swedish botanist and physician, was classifying organisms

He recalled a story about Alexander the Great seeing wise men sitting under banana trees and eating their fruit.

So he named the banana tree (plant, perhaps) “musa sapientum”, muse of the wise.

Fortunately, we don’t need to be wise to eat bananas or sit under banana trees.

Perhaps we will grow wise by eating them: I certainly hope so!

I very much hope so!
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
How can the Unlimited, All There Is,

Pretend to be limited?

How can it hide from Itself?

How can I, who You Are also,

Hide from myself?

Thank You-Me for the dissolving the veil that has already occurred.

Please restore Full Awareness to every individual value of Thee-Me,

Please do this NOW!

Thank You! Me!

Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Grow up, yes.

Old, no.


There are stories.

Veda Vyasa, Hanuman, Ashvattama,

Vibishina, Kripa, Parashararama, and Bali

Are immortal according to the Vedic Tradition.

Other traditions have a list, too.

Let’s be optimistic: let’s consider the lists are true.

Can there be immortality for me and you?

Sure. God can grant anything, just like that!

God can also show us ways to develop it.

Do we want it?

With Enlightenment, and Perfect Health it makes a great combination.

Let’s go for it!

Beginning yesterday!
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
Something familiar yet intriguingly new,

An experience of Wholeness, through and through,

The blending of “me” with the blending of “you”

Something to roast at an open fire,

Something to roast at an open fire.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Ocean of Self Sails, the Whole Ocean.



The Unbounded Ocean Moves All at Once, Within Itself.

It also moves as Streams and Dreams,

Facts and Fictions,,

Games of Love and Joy:

Hiding, Seeking, Revealing.

Concealing and again Revealing.

Always every move, however tiny,

Is the Whole Ocean Sailing within Itself.

The Whole Ocean of our Self Sailing.
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Nothing to discuss,

No controversies to consider–

Just look around and within,

Listen around and within,




Sixth sense and Nth Sense:

Hallelujah! Here is Fun.

Within the little one and within the One!

Hallelujah! Here is Fun.
Steve Sufian May 2019
La, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la
Singing along with the Cosmic Hum;

Dha Dhin Dhin Dha,
Dha Dhin Dhin Dha,
Tapping along with the Cosmic Drum.

These are the sounds of Love and Joy,
The glorious sounds of Joy.

These are the sounds of Love and Joy
The Glorious Sounds of Joy.
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Opening the door to our heart,

Opening the Door to the Temple,

Showing our self a Seat in our Self,

Teaching ourself a Song of Glory.

Little by little,

We usher our dreams to Fulfillment,

And as we do,

Fulfillment likes our song, our style,

And Rushes In.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Can be outstanding while sitting,

While standing in,

Standing inside.


Better than.

Can we all be outstanding, better than?


We can remember who we are,


And as we remember, share.

Then we all remember,

We all Are,

And we are I,

I Am.

Definitely outstanding!

Steve Sufian May 2019
Mountains on the West,
Meadow on the East,
Forest on the South,
River on the North.
Lovely land!

Our home was built to harmonize
With mountains, meadows, sun, moon, stars—
Living here is not just grand;
It’s greatly grand;
It’s super grand.

Living here restores our soul,
To Fullness, Wholeness, Purest Joy,
We are the Master of Home and World,
Not just puppet, not just toy.

This Fullness stays wherever we go--
We are the Ocean and its Flow.

This Fullness stays wherever we go--
We are the Ocean and its Flow.
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Pando is a forest, a single organism of Quaking Aspen trees,

Cloned from a single male aspen.

It occupies 100 acres in the Fishlake National Forest of Utah.

It may be 80,000 years old; it may be a million.

Its life is threatened by human carelessness.

We, too, spread out and through harmony with Nature,

Love and care for each other,

Have the chance to function as a single symphony,

A single organism,

And live thousands, millions, billions of years together as One.

Let’s continue trying!
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
God gives us the power to part the sea that dwells between us and Freedom.

It is God that Parts the Sea

But we must raise our hands, as Moses did,

As Moses did.
Steve Sufian Oct 2018

Inner Peace,

Lively Silence,

High-pitched shimmering Silence,

This is Joy,

This is Love.

It Is All There Is,

It is kind to its points and streams,

To the you, me, stars and universe points and streams of Itself

It is I,

The Only I,

This we Are!

This we Are!
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Not just the peace of a lovely green forest, sweet dream or silent deep sleep
But the Peace that is Lively, Fulfilling, Eternal, Peace that is Total, more than just deep.

This Peace is a Gift from our Self to our self, perhaps through a Teacher, a Wise One, a Guide.
Perhaps through a fragrance, a movement, a vision, a sound or a touch that we first learn to Glide.

Or maybe just suddenly! we’re more than our body, we’re our soul, our Soul rising high,
And we know who we Are and can never forget: we’re greater than time passing by.

Whatever comes first, we soon learn to mix, all the tools, all the paths into One.
From surface to subtle, to deeper than deep, we become the Peace that is Fun.

We Become the Peace that is Fun.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
As the song goes,

“We are the Light”–

Not merely the light of our local Sun

But the Universal Light

That shines everywhere,

Shines even in what seems to be darkness.

We are the Light!

We Are.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Hop in the van, we’re goin’ to the airport;
Special deal: no charge for baggage.
We’re goin’ to the beach to swim and sport!
Trip is cheap, we got a great package.

And while we swim, get into the Zone:
Enlightenment Now! That’s the Tone!
Swim in the sea by the beach in Long Island,
And Swim in the Ocean Of Bliss, the Highland.

Enlightment Now with Perfect Health and Immortality,
Delighted, Fulfilled, Enjoying Totality!
Delighted, Fulfilled, Enjoying Totality.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019

Be gone,! the woes of time;

Our awareness opens to the Rose Divine,

Rows of roses in line, outline,

Outline a path,

A clue,

A sign

That we can take in this clime, that clime,

To make each moment Valentine.

With Pure Love entwine, entwine,

Embrace the One, Divine, Divine,

I Am You, what’s mine is Thine,

Happy, Happy Valentine!

Happy, Happy Valentine.
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