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Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Thirty-two teeth in our bodies,

Thirty-two virtues of Buddha,

Thirty-two paths of Kabbalah (wisdom tradition),

Thirty-two plus 1, the age of Jesus at crucifixion,

Thirty-two, the life-span of Shankara.

Thirty-two is Fulfillment.
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Our Earth’s atmosphere lifts a winged plane that high;

Beyond that, rockets are needed. We’re in space.

Inside our mind,

Our Consciousness lifts our thoughts to the surface;

Below the surface we have only a feeling, a guess.

We are in Inner Space.

Settling in,

Letting go,

Opening ourselves to Grace,

We begin to swim in Pure Consciousness,

The Source of our thoughts–

We begin to experience the mechanics through which our thoughts arise,

Within Lively Silence expressing Itself–our Self–with increasing dynamism.

We begin to know who we Are.

Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Turn the challenge into an opportunity: A+

Turn the enemy into a friend: A+

Experience that all is One: A++.

Definitely A++
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Absolutely true
That I love You,
That You Love me,
That we are always Happy.

Absolutely great
That we Celebrate
People, sky, sea
And we are always Free.

Always Happy,
Always Free,
Was, Am, Are, Will Be.

All Ways,
Happy, Free.

All Ways,
Happy, Free.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
Enough to share: Abundance.

Enough to dance, to sing, to express the song of our heart: Abundance.

Enough to play with our world and World and to enjoy the world and World’s playing with us: Abundance.

Awareness Fully Restored to the Reality that One is All and we are One:

Ahhhh! Abundance.Abundance. Abundance.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Chameleons can change color,

Grip with their feet or their tails,

They can stick their tongues out faster than a fighter jet,

And are good at hiding:

“Chameleon” comes from Greek “khamaileon”, lion on the ground–

lions are very good at hiding.

Their eyes rotate independently so they can see 360 degrees without moving their head.

But we humans can also act according to need:

We can change our mind faster than the chameleon can stick out its tongue;

We can not only hide but also reveal;

We can hold Love fast without effort,

And Joy equally so.

We can gracefully fit the novel and the moment’s need into our healthy routine.

So, dear Chameleon, we invite you:

Evolve! Become human; Grow to Enlightenment quickly, with all Revealed.

Steve Sufian Feb 2019
“I think you’re in the wrong joke,” the manager said.

“Oh!:” the chicken said, “I though I was supposed to turn left at Wheatgrass Street.”

“Isn’t this the Corn and Barley Bar?”

“Uh, uh”, the manager no-nodded his head.

“But we do sell and tell corny jokes if you’d like one.”

“Yes” the chicken said, “When I’m not near the corn I love, I love the corn that’s near”.

“OK,” “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

“I didn’t intend to,” the chicken said, “I was looking over my shoulder at my favorite hen and suddenly! I was across the road”

“Uh, huh”, the manager said, “Thank you for giving me the real story”.

Tune in to CNN tonight at eight and you’ll see the chicken, the road and the hen re-enacting this gripping drama.
Steve Sufian Feb 2019
A sip of water,

A bite of breakfast,

Stirring our Omnipresence,

Lunch with friends,

Chat with sisters,

A happy chance encounter with an old friend,

A chance to support a good cause,

A gift received,

A delightful day!

A delightful day.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018



As a habit,


And within the simple,

We find the delight of the complex,

The indescribable delight of points and streams of detail,

Within which we find more points and streams.

But only once we’ve simplified.

And then!

Ahhh, then!
Steve Sufian May 2019
Word and sound,
Thought and meaning,
Joy abounds,
Love is gleaming.

Joy Abounds,
Love is Gleaming.
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Not just kings or the Messiah,

We each annoint our self

To set an example,

To lead wherever we are.

We create a good influence

Based on our experience

Of the Kingdom of Heaven Within Us,

Of the Stillness within which we know God

And the lovely peace that gathers around Christmas

Gathers every day,

Every moment.

We annoint our world

And everywhere and every when

Is Silent, Lively, Holy.

Seasons Greetings!

Happy New Year!

This moment and every moment.

This and every,

Now and Always–

Happy New Year.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Serene and sylvan,
Thrillingly simple,
Living a life with Nature’s Blessings:

Friendly and pure,
Smiling with dimple,
Spontaneously right,
No need for guessing.

Connected to Source
Not just the surface,
Everything’s easy,
Nothing is pressing.

Thrillingly simple,
Blessed and Blessed.

Thrillingly simple,
Blessed and Blessing.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Six foot tall this fellow is,
His heart as good as gold,
Trust him with your credit cards,
By all his virtue’s told.

Our heart agrees,
He’s steady on,
A pal in work,
A pal in fun.

How to judge a thought that comes
Within our mind and seems so fine?
Spontaneously our Heart’s Lens says
If it’s fraud or pure divine.

Deeper into Life we get,
Deeper into Wisdom,
There comes a time when only Truth,
Is our soul’s Anthem.

This time is coming soon, we pray,
When only Truth arises.
In our heart and in all hearts,

Only Truth arises.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Those of us who see Within
Know how far we’ve come:
From surface, mere reflections,
To the Wholeness, Shining Sun.

But though we are the Sun, for sure—
For sure! For sure! We know there’s more

Each detail, each drop, each Ray we need to know,
Command each Shimmer of each Ray to Flow, and Flow and Flow.

Beyond the Light, Beyond the Hum,
All within the One we Are,
Totality of near and far
Is what we need to Be and Do:

Omni Love and Joy,
What path, what query and what guide
Will see us Through?

What question in the form of prayer
Will inspire the All to take us There?

What question in the form of prayer
Will inspire the All to take us There?
Steve Sufian May 2019
Definitely not ordinary,
Definitely not boring,
Increasing alertness,
Banishing snoring.

Incredible! Fabulous! Stunning! Wondrous!

Gives Life a wake-up call:
Welcome All! Welcome All!

Shows us Joy is serious:
Life can be delirious.
Everyone in the Dance of Life
All are in the Chorus.

All are in the Chorus
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Many-colored square of cotton,
Good for head or neck, back pocket,
Some artist sweetly brought this in
A weaving Davy Crockett.

We like the many uses for a single cotton cloth,
Just as we like the many spices in a single vegetable broth.

We like the roots of trees from which trunk and branches spring;
We like the Deepest Joy there Is, within which is everything.

Which is, indeed, all things.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
When God commands this it is clear that it is within our reach to follow.

“Holy” means “Whole, not fragmented”.

Kindness, love, joy are signs;

Simplicity, naturalness, comfort and comforting are also signs.

This is a good life:




Swimming in Wholeness,

Rising to experience that we are more than a drop:

We are the Ocean.

We are the Ocean.
Steve Sufian May 2019
Doesn’t have to be a lot,
Can be just a little better;
Doesn’t have to be perfect,
No need to be to the letter.

A little better each day,
And we are living life with zest—
The moments become fulfilled
And quickly! We’re living the Best.

The moments become Fulfilled
And quickly, we’re living the Best.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Easy with everyone, everything,

Happy within our self, Our Self:

Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Not just moving up a ladder but getting to the intelligence of which the ladder is made.

Not just climbing the Tree of Life higher and higher

But getting to the Sap, the Intelligence of which the Tree is made.

And this is Joy–our own Self–All.


Steve Sufian Apr 2019
One view is that Full Awareness is beyond the distinction of Knower and Known,

Beyond the distinction of Name and Form.

Another way to look is that the Liveliness of Full Awareness

Is vibration that contains within it every layer of sound,

Including the surface value of distinct sounds, names.

Another way to look at it is……
Steve Sufian Nov 2018

Each cycle of Timeless goes forward and back simultaneously–


Memory of the Past,

Plan for the Future,

Join in this Moment,

In every This Moment.

Joy is the Nature of Totality,



Love is the Nature of Totality,

Enjoying Our Self, The One,

Healing all the roles in which we have hidden Totality.

Love and Joy forever cycling while also not moving.

Eternal Delight.

Eternal Delight!
Steve Sufian May 2019
Walking toward a meadow,
Toward a grove of trees
A bird chirps and tweets a song,

We aim to please:
We chirp and tweet,
We mimic the call:
Are we right or are we wrong?
The bird responds,
A little more strong.

We sharpen our ear,
Improve the pitch,
The bird is happier,
We’ve decreased the glitch.

Another pattern of chirps and tweets,
We’re the guest, the bird treats.
We sing again, so sweet, so sweet!
Having a bird friend is very neat.

. Within our mind
We hear a song,
A high-pitched whistle,
The Cosmic Hum.

We trill the song,
The bird responds;
So do trees and stones and ponds.

Trilling, singing, doodly-dee doing,
We stroll and run,
Ahh! What Fun!

We stroll and run,
Ahhh! What Fun
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble—
Streams of bubbles within each bubble;
Streams of bubbles within bubble shells-
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble.

Golden streams of cheerful bubbles,
Ambling slow and dancing quick,
Sliding, swooping, darting bubbles,
Dissolving thin, dissolving thick.

Now a sheet of golden shimmering,
Swells to be a sea of glimmering,
Dissolves again and now we see
An ocean bottom, fish and trees.

The fish and trees expand, dissolve--
They are made of bubbles!

Bubbles, bubbles, golden bubbles,
Fish and tree and ocean floor
Are bubbles, golden bubbles.
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Ecstasy, Rapture, Ananda, Joy
Fail to capture the surprise and the grace,
The surprise and the wonder, the flood and the thunder,
The magically changing form, space and pace.
Steve Sufian May 2019
Giant, huge, spectacular, outstanding,
Classy, elegant, stupendous, commanding,
Finest, superb, supreme, understanding:

The greatest of all is Love!
Love is the Greatest of all!
Steve Sufian May 2019
Giant, huge, spectacular, outstanding,
Classy, elegant, stupendous, commanding,
Finest, superb, supreme, understanding:

The greatest of all is Love!
Love is the Greatest of all!
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Enjoying Life together,

Helping out,

One listens when the other talks,

And the versa is nice.

Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Got the energy,
Got the skill,
Got the Suport of Mama Nature,

We settle in and let it Be,
With Joy and Love our life we Fill,
We’re more than just a creature.

We are the Mountain and the Sea,
Not just a stream or hill,
We’re grown, fulfilled, Mature.
We Are. We Be. We’re Free.

We Are. We Be. We’re Free.
We Are. We Be. We’re Free!
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Chirps, Tweets, Whooshes and Hurrahs!
Making words to capture sounds:
Making words to capture feelings:
I hear ya! I Love ya! I See ya!

Sounds of birds,
Sounds of wind,
Spontaneous sounds of Joy—
We make up words to capture them,
To sing the Rapture that’s within,
With Rapture, play, employ.

Chirp! Chirrup! Tweet, tweet, tweet;
Woosh! Sigh! Whistle! Roar!
Give cheery Highs!
To the birds that fly,
The wind that bends and rises,
To the One and Only Consciousness
That Enlightens and Surprises.

Sounds of feet—tap, tap, tap.
Sounds of laughs—Ha, Ha. Ha.
Sounds of water—gurgle, murmur, roar.
We sing to the birds, the wind, the streams,
To the ocean and its shores.

We sing to footsteps, laughter, stones,
To trees, to leaves, to butter, batter, fences, thrones.
Sharing our rhythm: Clap, clap, clap;
Sharing our tune: Ah, Ah, Ah;
Sharing our Love, our songs, our poems.

Nature is kind:
She responds with a tweet,
With a murmur, a flutter, a swoop and a dart,
With Wit and with Love, and with Art.

With Play and with Glow,
With fast and with slow,
With waving, with bending, with sways, and with Silence, with Magic, with Loving, with Flow.

We know She’s our Mother.
There is no other,
She responds with Love, Play and Flow.

She responds with Love, Play and Flow.

Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Choose to

“Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, all thy might, all thy souL”,

To “Love thy neighbor as thyself [as thy Self]”.

Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Rags and soap,

Shovels and hope,

Snowploughs, bulldozers, rock salt

Clear the asphalt.

Love, gratitude, forgiveness

Clear our heart.
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Water in the spring,
Water in the sea,
Water of the Soul,
The Ocean of Consciousness.

Clear Water.

Together we sing,
I am you, you are me,
The Fullness, the Whole,
The Ocean of Consciousness.

Clear Water of Love and Joy,
Clear Water of Love and Joy.

Clear Water.
Steve Sufian May 2019
Waking refreshed,
Completed our morning routine,
We Know! we can do
What our Vision has Seen.

We know we can do
What our vision has seen.
Steve Sufian May 2019
Consciousness, Ananda-ji,
A Lovely Tailor surely Thee,
Fitting us like a bespoke suit,
Leaving every question moot.
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
God Said/Is Saying/Will Say,

“How many of Me did it take/is it taking/will it take to Change?”

God Laughed/Is Laughing/Will Laugh,

“Only One because there’s only One Me”.

And within the Laughter there are giggles,

Innumerable giggles,

And these we Are!

These We Are!
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
A Bed and Breakfast half-a-block from the Stock Exchange;

Prices and service like those of rural Upstate New York.


But is it real?

Realer than we might think: $107 a night is a price for B&B service in a hotel close to the Market. Upstate rural NY doesn’t do much better.

Could it be more real?

Perhaps not as a cottage but as a room in someone’s apartment close to the Stock Exchange.

The spirit of sharing that is the Internet at its best

Also shows up in time shares, apartment exchanges, and day-to-day room rental in someone’s home, treated like a member of the family–except for the payment.

As life grows more and more civilized,

We see more signs of people behaving with love, kindness, courtesy;

We see more signs of life all around us having the cozy quality of a rural cottage,

More and more plants growing in the midst of asphalt.

We see love and kindness becoming more Universal,

The fundamental way everyone treats everyone.

We certainly have a way to go

But we are doing are best as individuals here and there

To make our world, our Planet Earth,

Into a Home for everyone,

A neighborly neighborhood,

A family,

A community.

Little by little!

Little by little~
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Krishna tells Arjuna:

“Prakritim svam avyashtubhya,

Visrajami punah punah”:

“Capturing my own Nature,

I create again and again” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s translation,

Often given by him during Invincible America Assembly sessions,


We can follow this advice,

Experience Entirety as Krnishna,

Who is our Total Self,

And within our Self,

Create Again and Again.

Already we are doing it to some degree:

Let’s keep unfolding our Awareness until

We experience it Fully!

Innocently doing it!

Steve Sufian Jan 2019


Dancing and Striding,

Moseying, Meandering,

Laughing and Smiling:

Us! One! Us!
Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Within the Timeless,

Always Shining,

The Play of Boundaries Hides the Sun,

Eternal Light.

The Game is Hide, Reveal.

The Game is Hide and Seek,

Then Find.

Now is sunrise, dawn,

Of Full Sunshine.

Soon is Noon–All Light, No shadow.

Very soon!

Steve Sufian Oct 2018
Happy, healthy, naturally kind.

More and more of us are blessed to be this way, act this way.

Thank you, God!

Thank you, everyone.

Steve Sufian Dec 2018
Nothing little, only the finest, most delicate, refined beyond perception;

Nothing big, only the Supreme within Whom all streams of life exist and grow.

We dream and lightly, gently, firmly, innocently

Act to fulfill our dream.

And we experience a solid helping of it Now!

And more each moment.

Thank you, all who help us to dream the Most

And who give us the skill to act to fulfill the dream.

Especially, Thank You, Supreme!

Thank You!
Steve Sufian Jun 2019
Early to bed,
Ben Franklin said,
Early to rise, he added,
And we will be healthy!

Aha! Aha!

And we will be wealthy!

Aha! Aha!

And we will be wise!

Oh, yes, indeed,
We will be wise.

Perhaps we might add a little
To deepen our sweet rest,
Make more Whole our healthiness,
Make wisdom Full, the Best!

Our world abounds with strategies,
With teachers, leaders, guides:

We look, we check, we find, we try
And we make faster strides.

Very fast!
Super fast!

We make faster strides.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Tuned to Nature,

Nature’s guidance moves us to Unity–

Her Song is our song,

We sing effortlessly.

We sing Nature’s Wholeness in every note.

Ahhh! So thrilling, we sing!
Steve Sufian Apr 2019
Bees gather round the honey,
Bears around the hive,
All we creatures, big and small,
Find a way to thrive.

Flowers grace us with their love
In  petals, fragrance, herbs to heal;
Bees provide us honey,
In itself, a meal.

Bears teach us how to rest,
A skill of great appeal,
With love and food and rest, the best,
We enjoy a life that’s real.

Not just the surface we need
But deep and Full: the Whole,
The fruit, the juice, the seed, the Sap,
So we know our soul as Soul

The fruit, the juice, the seed, the Sap,
So we know our soul as Soul
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Enlightenment is Total Fulfillment, nothing left out.

Enlightenment is Full Restoration of Awareness, Awareness that we are One without a Second.

Perfect Health means Perfect! Not even the teeniest pain or clog in our body.

Immortality is our birthright–our individual bodies are impulses of the Eternal, Never beginning, never ending.

Now! Let’s do this Now!
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
This Omnipresent Golden Whiteness Shimmers with our Joyful Faces,

Restoring Love to our needy world,

Restoring Intelligence to our daily routine,

Restoring confidence to our adventures

Healing all in need of healing,

Fulfilling all nobility,

Serenading, Celebrating, Enjoying.

Serenading, Celebrating, Enjoying.
Steve Sufian Nov 2018
Rising, falling, sliding, chirping–

The skylark’s song is in no way just a chirp or tweet;

It is unusual enough, charming enough, cheerful enough,

To be called “exalted”.

And the lark is a symbol of daybreak, physically and spiritually,

Of light dispelling darkness,

Of the journey inward to the Source, the Self,

And, therefore, also of Jesus.

So a gathering of larks is called an “exaltation of larks”

And we can follow our own song within

To gather all the streams of our Self

Back to Full Awareness.

Innocently we do this and

Innocently! we remember,

Exult and are Exalted.

Steve Sufian May 2019
Beyond the highest rung: Exalted!
By Itself Alone Supported: Exalted!
No word can name It,
No power praise It: Exalted!

Our True Nature,
We must remember;
“Who am I?”,

The All-Pervading,
The Traditions of One,

Hope for this moment,

Through gratitude, forgiveness, love
Arrive Home: Exalted!

Through Love Arrive Home: Exalted!
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Trees softly waving,
Birds sweetly chirping,
Bunnies surveying the prairie for food;

Consciousness swirling
In its Wholeness, Its Fullness.
Blessing all beings
With the Joy that is Love.

Friends and their neighbors
Gather together
To celebrate living
In  harmony, peace.

All is delightful, delicate, subtle,
Wind and sun soothing
Our life of Full Ease.

Wind and sun soothing
Our life of Full Ease.
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