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Stevie Nov 2020
On the day I was born,
I was not for sale,
On the Day I was born,
My Parents might just fail,
On the day I was born,
Having high risk of needing brail,
High risk of being pale,
Whether I was Female or Male,

On the Day I turn Ten,
I am still not for sale,
On the Day I turn Ten,
stepping on the parents nail,
Calling my own mother a fat whale,
On the Day I turn Ten,
My father almost put me in a forever grave.

On the Day I turn eighteen,
I am not for Sale,
The Ex still using blackmail,
Almost going off the rail,
angry and ready to send a fist,
via airmail.

On the day that I die,
I still not be for sale,
when my last breathe escape,
and the lungs drown,
sounding like a ruined audiotape,
heart rate slowing down,
knowing the chruchyard, landscape,
Bury me without chemicals,
buried by sundown.
Stevie Nov 2020
So I guess the world is screaming that we need to end Racism and Offensive words and Labels, but what happens when a piece of writing from someone who is seeing the whole world screaming about one thing, but yet acting normal just after a few weeks of it hitting the social media and media outlets.

So I decided to write this including all the Racial and offensive terms that I could research and put them in a list, If we are to discuss and try and make things better, then why should we be scared to be called racist or evil for pin pointing stupidity out because everyone else whether upset, angry or hateful towards someone or a community, even a group and let see how many people lie about not using any offensive or racist term online or in person, even if you thought it and not even said it.

Cause thinking the offensive or racist term/word also makes you just as bad of a person that speaks the words.


A Fair amount of Research when into this, and it a good way of explaining,
How we all see each other and every single person on this planet.
This was written to prove that everything is offensive,
that no one is every in a situation that is similar, but in a situation where histories are different,
But yet, if you are offended by this, trust me, I bet you even use some offensive, racial terms and labels to describe someone you hate or don't like,
So what makes you different from me or the next person who is classed as offensive.

Labels, Stop,
Labels, Go ahead,
Labels, all the others,
Go ahead and write them,
Fabric, paper and on skin,
Just let the labels sink in.

All Races and Enthics Racial Terms that are Labels, Not only Blacks and White's.
You're Racist,
You're a Ngger,
You're a ******,
You're 8 Mile.
You're a Albino,
You're a Bean Dipper,
You're a Beach N
You're a Baijo.
You're a *****,
You're a Guati,
You're a Beanbag,
You're a Border N*gger,
Border Hopper,
You're a FOB,
You're an Curry Muncher,
You're a Desi,
You're a Dot/Dot Head,
Here Dotti,
We are at war with the Crunchies,
The Whacky jinglies,
You're an Irish Cat Licker,
Are you actually an F.B.I,
You're religious, you ***** Mackerel Snapper,
Look at all these Irish Indian Narrow Backs,

All Other Labels,
You're a puff,
You're a *****,
You're a ***,
You're a *****,
You're so Ratchet,
You're an illegal Alien,
Hey we both gay, but that no ****,
*****, **, ****,
You're Bisexual - that just straight privilege,
You're a ******,
He, She, Never mind you just look like cousin IT,
You're a ****, ****, Never mind I can see you're a *****,
You're stupid, thick, dumb,
Just a fat *** that just chubby and overweight,
******* hell, you're crazy, lost the plot,
You are ******* disturbed, bat **** crazy, Psychotic *******,
You're a bible thumper, that explains the homophobic ****,
You're a Fundie, God botherer,
Bible Basher, you know God is a child thrasher,
You're a *****,
You're small are you a ******,
You look like you're apart of DC/Marvel a ******* Mutant,
Eww what is wrong with your face are you a Mongol,
That just hysterical so you must be *******,
everyone is a ******* Imbecile.
Stevie Nov 2020
" DISCLAIMER: This took around 10 hours to fully research and so many rewrites to get it perfect. Had to research each meaning and had to get each line correct to make sense".

****-Correctus, Before we are ****-Erectus,
Destroying whatever we are, by generations Collectous,
being nothing but homosapien, being Homeostasis by conspectus,
cause let's face it, nothing but hatred and aggression, cause they don't accept us,
From Religion, Black and LGBTQ Communities,
Abortions and blinded by there opportunities,
Maybe that God granted unity and immunity,
We are equal and hate the freedom speech community,
Wishing for us all to become Homogeneous,
Wanting a populations that is all the same kind,
Still fighting and showing signs of Heterogeneous,
being a Homoluden - Man that a different kind,

It seem that the meaning of every definition,
is deemed to be changed, without ample decision,
when the whole world is on a mission,
to delay or destroy God or Earth's vision,
**** - Man or Human,
Something that was assuming,
Still something that is resuming,
Sapien - Meaning wise,
Something that many sit and cries,
Screaming that there is too many lies,
Sexuality - Capacity of ****** feelings,
Relation to Gender concealing,
Sexualities - Identities in gender relations,
Screaming it still for reproductive creations,
*** is activities, *******,
Male and female functions, of course,
**** is sometimes a movement that is force.
So Why do we all have phobia's against each other,
When we still love our father and mother,
Saying Sugar Daddies and Cougar,
****** desires just like John William Cooper,
And Judias Buenoano.

**** - Man or Human,
Something that we are always assuming,
Still something that we are always resuming,
Sapien - Meaning Wise,
Something that many sit and cries,
Screaming that there is too many lies,
When someone else commits Homicide,
Someone else commits suicide,
1991 - Santa Cruz Genocide,
LGBTQ and Black Communities, Nothing with pride,
Demands changes that we all should be coincide,
Religions verses LGBTQ Community, sin and purified,
LGBTQ Community verses Religion - applied and glorified,
Black Community Verses Racism - verified,
specified and justified,
History - simplified, glorified, applied and diversified,
In the end all Homosapien are all,
Putrified, Crucified, Dehumanized, Neutralized,
When our bodies are replaced with Formaldehyde.
Stevie Nov 2020
When the Earth was spinning,
All vacant and wasted,
And a voice that came thundering,
All the poison, that you all tasted,
And all the one left, now unwashed,
hearing nothing but silence,
becoming the one's who suffered,
when all the believers, died,
and the non believers, survived,
the destruction of the planet,
hatred heated by a human cannon.

Now who will pray for Babylon,
When humanity acts upon,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
When Humanity is the Evil Spawn,
Now who will pray for Babylon,
Amon of the breath and Air,
Amon, where is Thebes,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
Humanity, Governments, Religion,
Black, LGBTQ Communities,
Planting the Evil Seeds.

When the Earth was spinning,
All vacant and wasted,
Adam and Eve was created,
To love and be Mother Earth,
Father Dearest,
Forbidden Fruit that sent you,
to Hell,
Oh Adam, You're the Devil, Lucifer,
Adam, Did you heard the snake voice,
Why did you follow the advice,
To pick and eat,
Do you live in all of us,
Do we eat, to become Deceit.

Now who will pray for Babylon,
When humanity acts upon,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
When Humanity is the Evil Spawn,
Now who will pray for Babylon,
Amon of the breath and Air,
Amon, where is Thebes,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
Humanity, Governments, Religion,
Black, LGBTQ Communities,
Planting the Evil Seeds.

When the Earth was spinning,
All vacant and wasted,
Everything is our posion,
Welcome Poseidon beside us,
Say Hello Pontius,
God in our heads,
Run to the Waves of that the tide tends,
In foul disposition trends,
As we welcome all our catasthrophes,
All the hate, all the lies,
All our devine that we hide in Denial,
Suicidal Kings and Queens, Here our Heresy,

Maybe Religion is a win,
Maybe it just a way of sin,
All I know it just a linchpin of support,
Belief and stability,
Belief and hatred,
Maybe Communities in it to win it,
to scream and fight and hit back,
False Flag, Attack that,
Found Guilty through entrapment,
Of our commandments,
You're cooperation is commended,
Since the corporation demands it.

Now who will pray for Babylon,
When humanity acts upon,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
When Humanity is the Evil Spawn,
Now who will pray for Babylon,
Amon of the breath and Air,
Amon, where is Thebes,
Now, Who will sing for Babylon,
Humanity, Governments, Religion,
Black, LGBTQ Communities,
Planting the Evil Seeds.
Stevie Nov 2020
Wish I could sleep,
The Earth is still Spinning,
Waiting and wishing ,
for it all to come vacant and wasted,
the voices to come thundering,
All the poison to we all tasted,
To become empty and wasted,
Maybe I am a sinner,
A winner, A non believer,
Maybe the body and mind,
still unwashed,
Evil, Suffering and Deceiver,

****** Angel, Come for me,
I won't pray or sing for Babylon,
I won't pray for Amon, Thebes,
To keep my last breathe,
****** Angel, Come for Me.
Come for humanity too,
It everyone that planting,
All the hate and the evil seeds.

When the Earth was spinning,
All vacant and wasted,
Adam and Eve was created,
To love and be Mother Earth,
Father Dearest,
Forbidden Fruit that sent you,
to Hell,
Oh Adam, You're the Devil, Lucifer,
Adam, Did you heard the snake voice,
Why did you follow the advice,
To pick and eat,
Do you live in all of us,
Do we eat, to become Deceit.
Stevie Nov 2020
Stop the hate,
Stop the religious sin,
Stop the religious preach,
It's time that humanity come together, and conflate,
Am not religious, hate is something I do believe in,
What to say that they are two seperate entities,
What's not to say God and Satan are one.

This ain't a discriminatory against an unseen entity,
Just wishing that LGBTQ Community and religion just find Unity,
See LGBTQ Community screaming let us be?
While religion preaches that it a sin,
Creating aggression and war, forget love and peace,
Christian getting attack for what they believe,
When everyone wishing for love and peace.
Stevie Nov 2020
Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
Never saying that I officially have those, to be ficitious,
Cause I am breaking and pushing all borders.
Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
In school labelled as the kid who was mischievous,
obeying orders, so ****** disorded.

Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
hating social interaction, dark thoughts, labelled as malicious,
Still loving hobbies and education, still ambitious.
Suffering from Undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
Behaviours yet still suspicious,
is it undiagnosed mental illness and disorders, that are tralatitious.

Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
From Depression, Suicide tendencies, Autism spectrum and ADHD,
Taking medication that suppose to help, clearly does and doesn't.
Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
From Depression, Suicide Tendencies, Autism spectrum and ADHD,
I don't say am like every other who suffers from mental illness or other disorders.

Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
Obesity isn't always a disorder,
A Small part of obesity is generics or health conditions,
A large part of obesity is the choice based upon society.
Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
Laziness is a mental, gaming is now a mental illness,
Kids that want no job, nothing to achieve, no physician needed,
Kids thinking that they are doctors, internet search and diagnosis,
believing in self taught self hypnosis.

Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
Childhood, I was very precocious,
Leaving friends, family and parents, Ferocious.
Suffering from undiagnosed mental illness,
Also talks about other undiagnosed disorders,
behaviours of mine never when unnotice,
Angry was always explosive,
Never been seen for the symptom shown, never reaching an prognosis.
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