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I see you over there
Staring at the floor
Behind your eyes
I can see that you want more
You know what it is
What you’re looking for
But dreams are hard to chase
And they’re easy to ignore

So you keep your head down
So your feet don’t leave that floor
Cause there’s no chance of falling
If you never try to soar
But does the pain of knowing
What you could do
Ever go away
When you pretend that you don’t want it
Is it any easier that way

You can tell your feet
To leave the ground
Take a deep breath
And ignore the sound
Of the doubts inside your head
That are keeping you down
Do it now

Leave this place
A prison for the free
A prison you built yourself
And one where your belief
And the desire for something more
Is the only key you need
So go and do it now
Pursue the possibilities

Your body’s heavy  
And it’s a battle just to breathe
So where could you ever find the strength
To even try to leave
Take a long look inside
Don’t leave the dreaming for your bed
The fire inside you will burn
Until you give up or you’re dead

Stillness is the surest sign
That you’ve lost sense of your will
It may be small in the beginning
But in time it’s strong enough to ****
You can move your body
With a soul that’s stuck in place
And it’s easy to lose sight of the point
When you learn that all will be erased

So what if nothing here
Means anything
If you find something
That means everything to you
A reason for living
A purpose you give yourself
Chase it now.

Leave this place
A prison for the free
A prison you built yourself
And one where your belief
And the desire for something more
Is the only key you need
So go and do it now
Pursue the possibilities

Just hang in there
You’ve only a moment to shine
You can’t impact everybody’s life
But you’ve impacted mine
You’ve made the one small speck of time I have
So much better
I’ll remember you forever
Even though my forever has an end
It made my everything
Just to know you, friend.
81 lines, 343 days left.
My eyelids wane like a raging
Sun strewn across
An unexpecting moon’s surface
To be viewed
From the thin slice of this desolate
Bitter blue planet.

Given a phase
By the uncomfortable
So that 28 days were easier understood,
And when eclipses flair,
Screaming across the sky,
We predict
So that schedules are constructed,
Making safe the unstable.

Writing a soft chill
When the dark side
Is the point of complexion shining
And we give labels
And names
To block out our
Primal fear
Of being so far away
And so forgotten to the stars.

The waxing and waning moon
In the sky residing,
Has no phases to itself,
Its rotation is not
But an orbit around our world.
Blame it on the moon,
But the moon never changes
Unlike these eyes
Eclipsed by your arrogance,
And shamed through your labels.

Not everything has to align
To your egocentricity.
Not the labeled one in the sky,
And not these,
Whose iris blocks out the aurora
That rages shallowly behind.
Your view may be true to you,
As the moon is only true to itself,
But the only difference:

One is an opinion
Forged within but a lifetime
As the other has folded upon tens
For a myriad of chances to evolve,
And yet never changed, thus has been
Sewn into fact,
Avoiding your cage,
That, if you only looked closer,
You’d understand
These bars
Wall up only yourself,
And maybe that comforts you.

So build your walls,
Tighten the blurry line,
Make true to life
Your ability to shine
In God’s eyes.
While the outsiders
Free to finally come to accept themselves,
Since you’re barred behind your cage,
While the world presses on,
Without you
And your idealistic crowd.

Falter your steps
To form a line
And march, you saints,
To where the road tapers,
Maybe you too will be left behind
By those you thought
Were on your side,

I wonder if your God
Is more forgiving
Unto those who lived
With an open mind,
Than those of you
Who counted heads,
Locked yourselves away,
And despised.
90 lines, 344 days left.
It’s cold
And there’s no air here
But there’s no need
After all we’re only dreaming

The cold is only here
As long as you believe it is
So simply believe the weather’s nice
And lets gaze out into nothingness

Deep into the great empty
Small white lights blink at us
As if to say hello
And we’ll wink back

They are distant friends
Of our giant shining orb
Busy lighting up
The moons and planets and all other bodies in their orbit

It’s quiet up here
Surrounded by silver sands
Nearly untouched
By the other animals

The animals below
That live and die
That laugh and cry
Every experience on the spectrum of animal emotions all on a blue dot.

It’s nice to be away from it
If only for a little while
And truly just do nothing
But nothing with you is everything.

I hope I don’t wake up soon
So I can still take in the view
So I can cherish this moment while dreaming

After all, that’s the only time I’m with you..
41 lines, 345 days left.
I came into the world
Covered in slimy filth
I was given a name
My hair and my eyes
Already their gene appointed color
But it seems that nothing about me
Would shape my future more
Than what was or wasn't between my legs

I will always be a male by ***
But gender was assumed
Assigned because nobody knew better
A sign of the times I was born into
But as the world changed
New parts of my mind
Were opened and now I see differently

*** determined organs
And ****** functions
The rate of my growth
Tweaked hormones and such
Made me predisposed to conditions
Purely biological,
My ***

My gender however,
Determined how I was treated
Came with social implications
Of how I should act
Often split me from other humans...

I was given different advice
Held to different expectations
My role in a marriage
Other strange implications...

But   why ?

Not why genders have rules
But why genders at all
It bothers me the differences
Made by the pronouns you're called

I was born with a *****
I was born with a ******
But I don't feel like a man
I don't feel like a woman

These labels are arbitrary
And I long to be free of them
Why must I be man or woman
I just want to be person

I believe my consciousness is without gender.
I'm just a person. That's it.

This experience - is gender apathy.
59 lines, 346 days left.
What is this feeling?
I know this feeling.
It’s been a long time
Since I felt the stargaze
Tarnish before my eyes.

But I remember
Sleepless nights
And a shudder
When I saw you
For the first time.

You won’t have the same
In my response;
I know what you are
And why you’re here.

You don’t have to convince me
That the shadow
You cast
Is my only friend;
I know it’s not and yet,

Here I stand.

Should I be afraid?
Will I come to fear
The places
My mind
You will take?

I’m too lost
To turn away,
You always seem to know
Just how long
This candle can burn

Before it fades.

I think I can pretend
Once more
That your vast nature
Can comfort me

I think I can pretend that
The light I see
Is more intimidating
Than the arms out you reach

But what the **** is this feeling...
51 lines, 347 days left.
What a waste of my eyes,
To see the mundane
Without realizing
That life is slipping away
Into routine.

What a waste of my hearing,
To know that I have talents
That are feeding nothing
Except the same playlists
And artists.

What a waste of my touch,
To type
Instead of feel what it means
To take a risk
In real life.

What a waste of my scent
To smell trash on counters I left,
Never getting lost in
The perfume of nature;
Never truly breathing life in.

What a waste of my pallet,
To sit here dreaming
Instead of kissing lips
That I know I want nothing more
Than to taste.

I wonder if you’ll let me see
What it means to fall with only a whisper
And feel the scent of blueberry wine
On my tongue and lips,

I wonder...
37 lines, 348 days left.
You hurt me today.
With a tongue that's sharp
Aimed directly at my throat
You tore away at the concepts of who I am

You don't know it though.
I'm still the same little boy
That you sent off to college
An obedient copy with no mind of my own

I used to laugh too,
Making fun of the people you hated,
But it wasn't really the people,
Only mere caricatures.

You've never taken the time
To speak to us
Only heard about our wickedness
From others who don't know us

I guess it's hard to blame you
It's easier to hate what you don't understand
It's easier to hate when you pretend what you're attacking
Isn't as human as you are.. isn't it?

It's easy when you're attacking an umbrella
Stick all of your fears onto it
Put people you've never spoken to
Into a box of evil, so you have an excuse not to listen.

You wonder why I've been so quiet
The past few years
Well the truth is you've already said you hate me
You just don't know it's me you hate yet.
34 lines, 349 days left.
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