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To the trees,
I write about
The way that all leaves
Will eventually
Explain the reason
Why such that they are called
By the way the wind
Takes hold
And drags them away.

I guess that’s why the rain comes,
And the winter soon thereafter;
The misconception is quite common
Because emotions no longer exist
With how the world has evolved,

But I know
That the seasonal change is that
Of the leaving,
And not of the axis rotation,
Nor the orbit of the sun,

Only one who knows
That trade-wind feel,
Could ever understand
Why some trees fall
Without a sound.

Only the bystander
Can know that leaves
Will always leave;
Standing at the treeline,
Questioning the sanity
As the trees will always
Let spring from branches
And the trunk again;

Only the bystander
Can tell you
Why dating an ex
Seldomly ends
With an effect not reminiscent of this,
And without a question deep in the mind
Begging to know the difference.
44 lines, 358 days left.
Two people met,
Took a chance,
Fell in love,
Had children.

This cycle repeated,
From the origins of the human species,
Until it was my parents’ turn,
And they had me on a day of a year,
In a hospital in a town,

They left that town,
Left the next,
And the next,
Just happened to end up
Somewhere that I’d learn
About the college I go to now.

I met people along the way,
With each random collision,
I was shaped into who I am today.

Who would I be,
If i was born just a day sooner or later?
In the next town over?
Into the family in the other hospital room?
Met just one fewer person along the way?

Would I still have met you?

There’s billions of people on this small blue planet,
What’s so special about one grain of sand,
On a beach with trillions indistinguishable?

I believe in no intention behind it,
But so many things happened,
To lead that grain of sand,
Being where it was,
To be picked up by you.

So on this planet of billions,
When I think about how lucky I’d need to be to meet you,
And how even luckier I am to be called yours,
I can’t help but be crushed by the weight of our improbability,
And feel all the luck that put you in my arms.
45 lines, 359 days left.
I’ve never been close
To anyone I’ve ever loved;
Always they are miles away
Or miles from my heart.
They may have loved me
One point long since passed,
But cradling in my hands,
Their face before kissing
Is no longer allowed.

I miss the stonehenge bridges
We built that I crossed;
I miss the way
Niagara phased me
Not so as your eyes did
Lying beneath a sunsetting sky.
But just because I might have
Felt your lips brush against mine
Doesn’t mean we were truly close.

And just because I've seen pictures
Doesn't mean I’ve really seen anything.
Because a picture
Is nothing compared to seeing
Not through the eye of a camera,
But with your own.
Closeness is defined
By the hearts willingness
To be let seen, and not confined
To the depths.

And no heart
Has been so willing to be held
As I have made mine,
And I wonder
If there ever will
Be such one to find.
And I can't help but feel
As though the vessel
Beneath my chest
That beats only for so much longer,
Was misdesigned.
43 lines, 360 days left.
Maybe we won’t last forever,
But we wouldn’t know unless we tried.
Forever’s out of reach anyways,
‘Cause eventually somebody dies.

We know that our road is finite,
Everybody else’s is too,
But just because it’s not forever,
Doesn’t take away the value of every step with you.

In fact,

Doesn’t it make it all the more valuable?
I think it’s beautiful to have the gift of time,
And to give it to somebody special.
It’s the rarest treasure, and I want to give you mine.

And for the record,

I would never be upset,
Even if you decided to walk away;
I know the worth of memories,
It’s how dead people live, as long as they stay.

Just because one of us got burned
Or burned out, doesn’t change;
Every good time still happened,
And I will look back on them the same.

So in the end,

Maybe it won’t be everything,

But it will be something,

That if you mean it,

Will mean everything to me.
38 lines, 361 days left.
Your hair gleams a different shade
In the sunlight than I've ever seen;
It stuns me at my core
To where I am lost for words,
Until I’m able to find my resolve again,
And pretend that the stars strike me more.

Your brown eyes seem to pierce my soul,
Even from five thousand miles away.
I couldn’t possibly lie to you.
It takes my breath from my lungs,
And the color changes in my face.

Not enough for anyone to see,
Except your windows
That see right through me,
And I realize only now
That your blinds are closed.

I wonder what you are afraid of,
Me or society?
But still you peek through,
Eyes on me,
And mine on you.

But now I know why
You never let me in:
You fear yourself,
Not those who wave at you
From the streetlights smiling with sin.

Built up to be broken
Is what they taught,
And the thought
That nobody will stay
Is hidden behind the blinds.

If you let me in,
Maybe I could show you
How just a hug
Can change your mind,
But you promised me.

“I am nothing,”
Is what you said
And for you to be nothing
Would make nothing, to me,
Worth everything.

And I can't help
These twitches in my chin
And my hands holding either side
As my tears penetrate through
These once-strong hands.

I couldn’t save you
From the sorrow you’ve
Weathered behind your blinds
Closing off your soul
And I am left shaking…

I am defeated, as life defeated you.
I am breaking, as life broke you.
I am gasping for air, as you breathe no more.
I am alone with your ghost,
That will haunt me until I finally
Decide to knock on your door.

And I wonder how long it’ll take me.
69 lines, 362 days left.
Trying to take back a single grain of sand
From the bottom of the hourglass
Is an exercise in futility.

But now that the falling sands
Have been in my face,
I cannot forget the sound of it collecting
And the other sounds that accompany
My slow progression towards erasure.

What am I to do then?
If fighting is a losing battle
And giving up is a waste of precious time?
How can I live? What does living mean?

I know that living is not:
wake up, work, sleep, repeat;
That’s the purpose of robots,
Of cold metal, without life,
Never working for themselves.

So I’ll live for myself,
Decide my own purpose,
And inspire others with the lust for life
That I strive to cultivate.

I will do more than exist
Because living is not simply
Not dying.

Be good to each other
And live each day of your life
So that when your last grain of sand falls,
You’ll have lived a life worth missing.
35 lines, 363 days left.
A day has already passed.
The once slow, soft
Rhythmic beating
Morphs into the only audible entity
Existing in this empty room.

And it only seems
To become more profound
The more I let it in--
The more I let it take over.

Its consuming my mind,
This thought of nonexistence
And now its 6 in the afternoon
Of the second day
And the sun sets soon.

I fear
The oncoming onslaught.
An answer to a question I had before
Has answered that my time is limited.

The sky burns purple
From the atmosphere
Affecting the sunlight
Before fading into black and white.

Will i fade to monochrome
Along with the colors
Of the sky?
Or will I be abraised
Beyond recognition,
Cast from the last memory?

I exist now
With questions
Emerging from the septic
Tank I buried long ago
Knowing no one
Can save me.

My volition
Was revoked
When I accepted numbness.
And all the fear
Is let loose at the thought
Of my life
Ending meaningless.
49 lines, 364 days left.
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