See not to see but to be but not to be,
Tho I see through you and you see through me.
Touch, much, such a rush to punish, it's enough.
Don't fight, but write, the write of the wrongs of songs, don't prong the time because its long.
Stand, on land, demand a hand to carry out their plan.
What to say, to pay to stay for now, tomorrow or today.
Pray to prey for the clay makes the the *** and not the *** makes the clay.
Understand to see through, what you've been through so in the future you can go through.
X-ray, my ex plays, old text says what next stays in lines of *** tapes.
With no sense of no love but more hate on one plate for two days straight, straight never meant gay.
Clip the strain, of pain, in this game that man brutally can do but NEVER can explain.
X-rays to see through and to see you inside out, don't shout, please don't open your mouth.
Santa or Satan not prancer but six by six dear and six dancers.
Screaming, teasing displeasing in lancers at all poor people who don't Know, never will know, can X-RAYS help?
No because you have cancer.