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KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Brothers and sisters
Braving the hostility
War in your backyard
You didn't ask for
Biting the bullet
With all your courage
What can I say for your loss
Sorry won't take me far
I pray from deep within my heart
Enough if being used as pawns
I bow to your armed forces
Taking on all the might
That takes a lot more courage
Alone taking on the opponents barrage
I can't share your grief
But i understand it totally
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
The life of Bruce Lee
That daily inspires me
Gives me a purpose
His philosophy Jeet Kune do
Teaches me to reach but
Does not preach

Serves as a Doctor
When I'm hurt and wounded
Deep in my Soul
Whatever the reason
Born a human
I don't need one

Coach and enabler
Let's me find my answer
Enabling my search
By adding wisdom
Which he imparts so well

Dons other roles
The tales he told
By his acting roles
Gives me pleasure
Watching him enact
Movement in stillness
Speed faster than
My eyelids closing
Making me wonder
Was he human

A friend he is
When he says
Its alright to loose
Offering the greatest gift
A friend can part with
The Will to face
Humanity's self created race
Where i too chase
Dreams that are dear
Far or near

Simple quotes for living
To keep the days going
Has said so many
Makes the living easy

His life was his message
Lived by  the words
Answers he got
In his search
Shares them with all
Everyone gets the feeling
He wrote it all
With me in his thoughts
He addressed me directly
Like he does millions independently

Life an inspiration
His fight to cross
Every block that was tossed
To put him at a loss
Walked the talk
Never doubted his skill
Used his own philosophy
When he went for the ****

Making the impossible
Into a reality
Workaholic in days
Replaced the hours
Days on end
On the film set
Till he fainted
Literally in his fight
To paint his life's canvas
Small budget films
Made in Cantonese
  Restricted in budgets
Second take a leisure
Never enjoyed the pleasure
Had to still deliver
With all its restrictions
The 5 movies he acted
As an adult
Did not just
Become box office hits
But part of cultural history
In everybody's conscious memory
Simple and direct
Easy to follow
Work ethic laid before
Sweat the secret
Of success galore

Greatest role for humanity
The god of anti bully
As a savagely bullied kid
Continuing till i was an adult
Stopped the second
I started studying him every second
Standing tall by my side
The bullies know what
They will get

No sacrifice big enough
Immortality bestowed upon
A  light shining
Twice as bright
Lives half the life

Thank you Bruce
Teacher Guide and friend
Advisor father and protector
Eternally popular figure
Died at 32
Lives amongst us in 2022
Only to guide you
By being with you
KV Srikanth Nov 2021
Celebrating birth anniversary
Not at all necessary
Marking a beginning
For one with no beginning

Limiting the limitless
Hence also endless
Conquering the Clock
Relevance never out of stock

Road to immortality
Brought about by multifaceted personality
The present stands testimony
To eternal popularity

Popularised martial arts
Using movies as a canvas
Super heroic deeds a marvel
Marvel heroes wear his shell

Found answers from within
For Questions about the creation
Complete knowledge of himself
Knew the difference between him and the self

Kept it simple
Led by example
Lived by a principle
Reached every pinnacle

Every quote and philosophy
Useful to everybody
Helps in living life
For which he tirelessly strived

Child Actor Champion dancer
Stunt coordinator Producer
Movie Actor Screenplay writer
Director Teacher

Martial artist and philosopher
Fittest and Quickest ever
God for the underdog
Resides in every one's heart

Came for a purpose
Did not digress
Accomplished every goal
Became part of every Soul

Never born never died
Can never be defined
Wherever one has a  void
He plays that role to make it devoid

Harped in simplicity
Pray for a hard life the irony
Bruce plus Lee equals easy
He's sorted it out follow his path simply

Known to kids
Before they are six
How and Why the question
Answer lies within The Dragon
KV Srikanth May 2022
An ardent follower
Of Bruce Lee the philosopher
Fan of his movies
Watched them repeatedly
Movies are not classics
But a Religon
His life a lesson
To be learnt in the present
Be Water he said famously
Follow the thought deeply
Jeet Kune do his philosophy
Use it to navigate life successfully
Multi talented Polymath
Try and emulate as much as you can
Martial Artist Philosopher Actor Writer Director Producer Poet Teacher
So many facets and more
God of Anti Bullying
A saviour of the bullied
Weaker in any form
He is the go to form
Internalise and implement
His teachings and his life
Yours you will not regret
An answer for every question he has
Eternally popular generations later
Kids by the time they reach
The age if 8
Have heard of his name
Came for a purpose
Lived by example
Taught by gaining wisdom from his own seeking
Left an everlasting impact
Will exist till the universe ceases
A realised soul
Anyone who knows all this
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Speed of lightning
Philosophical in thinking
Put it down in writing
Life saving for generations

Father from the Opera
Placed him before the camera
Acted in 20 films
From new born to adolescent

American by birth
Hongkong nurtured his growth
Street fights in his daily route
On his way to studying in school

Grandmaster Ip Man
Martial arts legend
Teacher of Wing Chun
Took him under his wing

Enrolled for a study
His favorite subject philosophy
At Washington University
Met Linda lee

Founded a new system
Called it no system
Jeet Kune Do just a name to list
The art of the intercepting fist

Ed Parkers Tournament
Performed in front of an audience
Showcased his talent
Greatest Martial Artist of all time title given

One inch punch
Sent other masters flying
Mastery and dexterity of Martial Arts
Capability and Competence
He imparted

Different styles should compete
Only then the real test of a fighter complete
Deservingly called the the Father of Mixed Martial art
Its founder Dana White swears that he is god

Cast as Kato
Second lead in a series
Green hornet had a short run
He was so quick his scenes had to be shot in slow motion

Small parts in Marlowe
Followed by Longstreet
Espoused his theories
He had discovered through his practice

Started Martial Arts schools
Superstars as his pupils
James Coburn Steve McQueen to name a few
Kareem Abdul jabbar and Stirling Silliphant joined the queue

Had written scripts
His pet projects
Studios Didn't allow him to star
Could not get a star to star

Fought many battles
Couldn't break through prejudice
Humiliated and insulted
He would never be accepted

Career threatening injury
His entire back in jeopardy
On the road to recovery
Will never be the same opined the medical fraternity

Brandon & Shannon his progeny
Son & daughter completed his family
During the time of the back injury
They helped him overcome his adversity

Hollywood closed its doors
Wanting a movie career
He left for Hong Kong
The rest as they say is history
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Rejected because of prejudices
Landed in Hongkong in search of opportunities
Unicorn Chan had his CV distributed
Finally landed the role he desired

Raymond Chow just parted
With the legendary Shaw Brothers
Started his own company
In Golden Harvest

Bruce and the Shaw Brothers
Regarding payment at loggerheads
Golden harvest invested
In Bruce Lee's talent and Skill

2 film deal signed
$ 15000 the amount
Shoe string budget
Filming in Bangkok targeted

Starred in The Big Boss
Ice factory worker
Investigating drugs and ******
Stunts like never seen before
Ready for release by October
Made on a budget
One hundred thousand dollars
Was an instant hit at the box office success
50 Million at the global box office
500 times the cost recovered

Fist of Fury
Added more glory
To Bruce lee
Same team reteamed
Used Nunchaku for the first time
Holding audience spellbound
Story of revenge set in Shanghai
Japanese colonization the backdrop
Budget of one hundred thousand dollars
Boxoffice receipts over 100 million dollars
1000 times the  investment
Bruce became his own competition

The Way of the Dragon
Showcased his complete talent
Apart from starring in the film
He also wrote produced choreographed and produced the film
Living in Rome Italy
Threatened constantly
To leave the property
By the mob boss and his flunkies
They appeal to their uncle directly
Bruce Lee arrives in Rome
And gets the job done
Climatic Battle with Chuck Norris
Filmed at the Colosseum lasting 9 minutes
The greatest fight sequence
The whole world will reminiscence
Made on a budget of  130000 dollars it grossed 130 million dollars
1000 times the investment
Global Superstardom attained

Enter the Dragon
First Hollywood production
Warner Brothers distribution
Poetic justice done his prediction
Sent to an island fortress suspected of corruption
Under the guise of a Martial arts tournament
Goes there to do an investigation
Gets the job done with complete anhilation
Revenges death of sister
Befriends John Saxons character Roper
Action blitzkrieg
Never before seen
Scene after scene
Making the audience scream
Hall of mirrors ******
Till today packs the impact
Greatest Martial arts movie of all time starring
The greatest Fighter of all time
850000 dollar budget
Grossing 350 million
Returning 400 times the investment

Game of Death shot the climatic battles
Every floor of a building
A different opponent waiting
Each using g a different style
Against Bruce Lee, 's no style
Greatest action scenes ever filmed
Audience still surprised inspite of watching his earlier films
Different versions available
Wiyh an alternate title
Grossed 43 million when it came out
The yellow jump suit he wore
Mimicked in films to the core
Final film to get a release
Stardom reached beyond belief
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Formed his own style
Fighting and for living
Philosophy through seeking
Answers expressed through feeling

A great Philosopher
Who said be water
Using no way as way
Having no limitation as limitation
The slogan from his self exploration

Greatest Martial Artist
Of all time
Founded Jeet kune do
Never lost a fight
In exhibitions showed his might
The One inch punch
An example of his uniqueness
Could close your eyelids for you
Non telegraphic movements help him do

Bridge between various cultures
East and West both he nurtured
Oneness of human beings
Was the core of his teaching

Made Martial Arts global
Single handedly due to his mettle
Spread it far and wide
In it took a lot of pride

Many roles he played
Integrity in all displayed
Nothing ever half baked
In every aspect carved his name

Acted in movies
As a newborn till his late teens
Twenty films in 2 decades
The  camera loved his face
A child artist before evolving into a martial artist

Was a celebrated dancer
Cha cha dancing Champion
Of Hongkong in 1957
Showcased his phenomenon

Statues across continents
As a sign of peace and contentment
All cultures embrace him
For he was simply him

Learnt from the Grandmaster
Who thought him everything he had to offer
Went with an empty cup
Filled it up with all he could

Ip man his teacher
Wing Chun practitioner
5 years his tutor
The Master's Master

Worlds fittest man
Another jewel on his crown
Worlds quickest man
No more place in his crown

Shined as a lead actor
Was also a fine script writer
Trendsetting fight choreographed
Sensible Movie Producer
And performed duties as a director

Died at age 32
Completed all that he was sent to do
Led life as an example
His life was his message

Many facets in a person
A very rare occurrence
Defenitely the chosen
Cannot measure his contribution

100 most influential
People of the century
Time Magazine's list
He naturally fit

An inspiration to many
Worshipped by as many
Day to day life made easy
If you follow his philosophy

Enduringly popular people
Includes gods and religious heads
Finds a place besides
In every heart he resides
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Simmering with tensions
Difference of opinions
Each approving their stand
Other unable to withstand
Self Respect Beliefs and Money
Matters which are very touchy
Questions and Answers thrown
Relationships now a gamble
Questions about lifestyle rambled
Answers given with sacrifices as examples
Hot under the collar
Off the deep end
Every Syllable become venom dipped arrows
Aiming for the heart aim narrows
Issue not solved either
Peace beeping  like an error
Bad taste alone remains
For life tasting bitter
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Laggard at going halfway
A step to be square with
Hostility obviating the course
In stew on a swing refusing to halt

Out with the old and
In with the new
Belligerence has done its miles
Time to discard it in favor of
Tying the laces towards reconciliation

Amour propre in a golden cage
Selfdom ruling its own kingdom
Clean as a hounds tooth
Besserwesser doesn't want to hear

Bugle sounds echoing
Hurt egos loaded their six
Faster at the draw doesn't matter
This goes on till you empty the calibre

Enemy without form
A wounded sense of pride
Cover up by operation on
Faceless warriors battle rages on

Only flaw in creation
Greatest nemesis created
Hubris in humans unexpected
Recall operations initiated

Nothing as certain as death and taxes
He made death certain
His way of recall
Made a warped one after all
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Guns have their uses
Should be fired
When women are physically abused
Any act that's perverse is being performed

Apart from protecting
injury and trauma
To women and children
Guns best remain
In their holsters

A society compromising
On a Woman's Right
None to fight their plight
Instant justice needed
None better than a trigger

Slogans prove democracy
Right to use it
Should not remain a fantasy
Must be allowed universally

A form of protest
Against policy makers
Cross with their logic
Not believing in their beliefs

Nothing expresses better
Than a Slogan
That never tires in
Issues  being highlighted

Clever ones convey
The anger and apathy
To a society that demands
Change and Sympathy

A war declared
To prevent a war
Against the powers that be
Who held a placard to get there

Phrases tailored to attract
Attention onto themselves
The issues to be addressed
Gatherings at their own behest

Highest pride lies
When the other shouts at
The top of his voice against
Something that you have spent
Defending a lifetime

A tolerant society
All views taken equally
The ballot wins finally
Peaceful War cries shape the tally
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Set in the South
Cars chases in every route
Pedal to the metal
Revving noises drowning heavy metal
The Sheriff's department and the FBI
Gunning for the same guy
Train wrecks and action explosion
Every film lived upto your expectation
Handsome funny and Macho
A very rare combo
If you are in the cinemas
With the above events unfolding
Viewing it increased your pleasure manifold
Rest assured you are watching a vintage Burt Reynolds
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
South  west bound
Driving through the backroads
Blemishes skill
Holding the steering
Colleagues and Cousins

Alike in thought
Education and Profession
Interests the same
Character identical
Honest and integral

Fathers best friends
Mothers greater buddies
From the same family
Thanks to the Grannies
Siblings to each

Pedal to the metal
Ripping through the South
No one on your trail
Just got a mission at stake

Forget the brakes
Push the pedal
Keep the diesel flowing
Put that  foot down and give it a go

Final destination
Before time
Rubbers burning
Gears changing

Gene  Hackman in French connection
Steve McQueen in Bullit
Charles Bronson in Violent City
Burt Reynolds in White Lightning

Done it all
Done it before
Travel the same path
100 miles plus
Engine full of wrath

5th gear release
Lowest to 4th
Shift between the 2
3rd is for amateurs

Find the RPM
Release the clutch
Control the launch
0 to 100
And out of sight
You're gone

The Rockford turn
Missed the bend
Back in 4th
Zoom past the roads

Heal & Toe
Blip the throttle
Hit the break
Find the RPM
Same foot
Shows the experience

Turbo charge the car
Use the gas from the exhaust
Spin the turbine
Compress the air
Increase the power

Grip the surface
Dont loose the traction
Push the envelope
Hear the metal

Negative camber
Flush the car
Slam low
Scrape the ground

Rotate the shaft
Increase the torque
Roads at a fork
Taxi down to a fault

Racers not ricers
Taxiing on the highway
Jetting past the speedway
No one in the way
Sound of the engine
Boeing in take off position

Enjoyed the ride
Driving skill a matter of pride
Driving and Navigation
An art worth celebration

Greatest pleasure
Easily lured
Taking the back seat
Evidence the feat
Feel the heat

To life added 1
A new dimension
Very few possession
Skill and exgpl
Dynamite explosion
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Born without clothes
Food taken is nature' s order
Day or night did not bother
Weak and exposed  still were taken care

Crying and sleeping filled the time
Not aware of time
Thought process yet to start
Were still taken care of

Growing up and observing
Slowly comes the learning
Is it the unlearning
Forgetting that we were taken care

Intelligence and Intellect
Knowledge  and no more naked
Survival kits all in the bag
Sans the above were still taken care

What happened today
What has changed
Growth the clothes covering the ignorance
Making us forget that we were taken care

Taken care by who
Taken care by what
Taken care till when
Did it really end
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
There is no victory
There is no defeat
No one is better than you
You are inferior to nobody
All are equal
Skills may vary
Some score great marks
Others fail the same test
What does it tell
To try something else
Fail again try again
Failing not the problem
Not trying is taking poison
Carving on the stone
Here is a guy
Who tried hard as hell
Nothing more to tell
Life's purpose met
KV Srikanth May 2021
Triggered as always
By the unknown in many ways
Found peace in pets
In a million years I wouldn't have bet

State of Zen
Just by talking to them
Staying in the present
Their  life's biggest present

The cats mere presence
Increased their tolerance
Always benevolent
Now without judgement

A couple of varied interests
Indepth knowledge but no vested interest
Pets now their priority
Everything else secondary

A cat in the Apartment
14 floors from the basement
God making a statement
From then on most relevant

Their destiny tied together
There is no other answer
Why should Booch Wander
Simply following Nature's order

2 more added
With love adopted
Siblings of opposite genders
Injured badly by a sadistic offender

Girl named Meimei
Chinese for Sister
Panda her brother
Brother and Sister now together

Love for animals rights
A matter of Spiritual insight
Lumlum the fourth   that lost half  its sight
Its plight strengthened their ties

Parents to new born
That's how they  views their lot
A lot to learn by observing
They always go only to the deserving

Teacher shows up when student is ready
Cats showed up when life  was in quandrary
I can never share their  happiness
But I completely understand the passion

They have 8 more lives
Meditative they made  life
If the theory of rebirth is true
Theyll come back to them  for sure

Passion now turned to devotion
Loving them more than a fellow human
Day to day spent in the presence
Nothing short of a severe penance

One with the self
Self realized
Cats Aiding in the act
Their duty intact

Quest for company
Now an anomaly
The only reality
Peace and tranquility

Day to day transaction
No other option
Reason for existence
Not in the transaction

Living for others
Is real living
To life adds meaning
Soul cleaned and life defining
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Fogerty brothers
Join together
Rhythm Guitar the elder
Lyrics Voice and Lead the other

7 albums
Lyrics and tune
Not dated till date
When lonely  your comfort mate

Cook and Clifford
Bass and Drums
Joined the band
When they were very young

Blues and Country
Vocal and Political
Rivers Bayous and Wars
They sang em all

Every song a classic
Orchestration simplistic
Consistent pattern of their music
Path of the band highly individualistic
Simplicity the key to brilliance
No one followed it more than Creedence

Creedence named after a friend
Clearwater a commercial for Olympia Beer
Revival the 4 band members oath of  renewal

Songs about the war
Fought at Vietnam
Got them name and fame
International Rock band they became

Played at Woodstock

Hall of famers
Influenced future players

Differences cropped
Regarding the direction
Of the bands path
John carried the band
Others wanted their hand

Uneasy truce
Kept them glued
Mardi Gras
Lacked the class

Sign off album
Failed audience expectation
Bad blood broke the band
Never to perform again

Record company
All about the money
Label fantasy
Brought them to reality

5 songs to hit number 2
Album placed 500 weeks on the charts
Added more to their records
Reached the position
Aspired by everyone
Biggest Band in the World
Alone at the top
Next step downfall

Albums of the century
Every Album included
Songs of the Century
Also picked by many

Most DJed band in history
Playing as Soundtrack
In Hollywood films compulsory
Playing across Colleges and Universities
Mystic in their music
Reason for their longevity

Self titled album
Sold Platinum
Bayou Country
With Proud Mary
Record stores went dry
Green River
Second in the same year
Critical and commercial success
Churning out hits now just a process
Willie and the poor boys
Did the trick with a Hatrick
No one more prolific
In music & lyric
Cosmo's Factory
Anti Vietnam war battle cry
Sales skyrocketing
Platinums no more limiting
Pendulum a few months later
Last performance together
All original no cover
Goodbye CCR forever
KV Srikanth May 2022
I exist therefore I am
I am therefore I exist
I ceases to exist therefore I am
I am ceases therefore i ceases
I exist therefore i ceases
I ceases therefore i alone exist
I exist and i cease
I am therefore i am
I do not exist I do not cease
I am not therefore I do not
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Intelligence is celebrated
When life goes according to plan
Faith is celebrated when the man upstairs plays his hand
Creator is celebrated when the unexpected happens
Wisdom is celebrated when the  expected disheartens
Karma is Celebrated when Skill fails
When all that is celebrated suddenly seems worthless
You get to know yourself
When you know yourself
The God within you will be Celebrated
KV Srikanth May 2022
The white chalk
In the black board
Reducing in size
Spent its life parting knowledge

Akin to a candle
Burning itself to give light
At the hands of a teacher
Imparts knowledge sacrificing itself

The purpose it is used
Does not stay forever
Erased by an eraser
Invented to prevent its staying power

Helps the teacher
Helps the student
Helps build  education
Helps the institution

Unfairly compared to cheese
A malpractice by the traders
Centuries ago to increase quantity
Put  in bad light for no fault of it

Unfairly compared to cheese
A malpractice by the traders
Centuries ago to increase quantity
Put  in bad light for no fault of it

Serves its purpose
Doesn't discriminate others
Its usefulness and its presence
Used like a ladder only to be not missed later

To be emulated
Sacrificed and not
Birthplace of erudition
Impartial the world is an learned  place

Rivers Oceans the Sun and The stars
Used as examples of how selfless you are
Alphabets already written for the next generation
Add the Chalk to your gratitude list
KV Srikanth May 2022
A professional coach
Game of Table Tennis
Joined the league
A bit late only at Forty Three

Put down by colleagues
Instigated by parents
That i was Rookie
Not to send players to train with me

Rumors i was hearing
My reputation taken to the cleaners
In order to be sure i enquired
The defaming could not be truer

My doubts were erased
When a parent called one day
Told me to my face
That my skills needed an upgrade

Took a call then
That i will make a champion
Decided to mentor a newcomer
Started a new chapter

From that day onwards
The clock stopped working
Day or night did not matter
Time on the table only factor

Nothing else in my thought
No other feelings in my heart
Closed the doors to everything
Standing in the podium sequential dreaming

Worked in the process
Never took a recess
Hours spent countless
Taking the game to those who denounced us

Started with school matches
Everyone looked up and watched us
He piled up his wins one after another
Made me a proud teacher

Next up was the district
Matches became tougher
We didn't loose our vigour
District match another victory in sight

Mistook him for my son
The bonding went beyond
No one would work for the other
Unless it involved a biological

The sessions were so intense
Both had to go and see a shrink
He even blacked out and fainted
Our goal never went out of sight

Got selected to the State team
Won the Team Gold at the National Championships
Became India No 1 for a period
Dreams come true if you stick to the process

Made everyone look back
Had achieved which no one else
Who had mocked my abilities had
Answered with results garnered a lifetime of respect

Wide eyed everyday dreamer
Dream realised made me  stronger
Decided to dream even more
Dream backed by action is what is called as Champion
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
The only child to his Parents.
Father an Engineer,Mother a Teacher.
Godfather was his Grandfather.
Resolve he was born with.
Give it your best try.
Was his battle Cry.
Second to none.
Never to be outdone.
Groomed for Stardom.
Destined for Greatness.
Potential he did fulfill,
Blind to the bird but not to it's eye.
Made his opponents eat humble pie.
Straddling Table Tennis and Education
He did it with Passion
Born in a house of Paddlers
He took to the game like fish to water.
Loose he did to a veteran player.
Affected his esteem at every layer.
Formal training was the direction.
Which he commenced with conviction.
Interned with the mighty
Name was Senapathy
Mentored him in the game.
Which was to bring him name and fame.
Nobody knew then,
That he would become a player to reckon.
Showed potential as a teenager.
Prodigy he was not.
Only Sacrifice would suffice,
Parted with Parents and Friends alike.
Lived and breathed the game.
Penchant for winning pushed him beyond the frame.
Victories were far and few.
Never let his purpose skew.
Respecting his teacher, he set an example
Coach was God
Was his principle.
Perseverance paid
And he played for State
In his younger age.
Junior category was a fight.
He did with all his might.
India number seven.
Vault of heaven,
Was yet to open.
Toured Korea and Japan,
Attended many a Coaching Camp.
Learnt all he can.
Trained with vigour,
Things began to auger.
Quantum jump, Radical Change ,Giant strides.
Give it any name ,his style was a sight.
Meteoric was his rise.
Nothing could stop him
Winning just a game
Won his  opponents praise.
Relentless in his pursuit for perfection.
Education was not left behind.
Value systems being the same.
Strived  to be in the hall of fame.
He never did Play Hooky.
Integrity toward his subject of study.
The Gold Medal seemed Worthy.
Topping his class became a habit.
From Kindergarten to Law.
His Answer papers
No one could find a flaw.
Being first is Special
Coming 2nd is the same as finishing last
Either you are the best
Or you are with the rest
He still says with zest
First of the Finest
His fame reached wide and far.
Became the games first Superstar.
Stadiums were Sold Out,
To Watch him Play
Night or Day.
Opponents fell like ninepins
Keeping count became difficult of his wins.
Men wanted to be like him.
Women wanted to be with him.
Everyone wanted a piece of him.
All he took lightly on his shoulders with a grin.
Palaghat ,Indore and Durgapur
History was rewritten by Telent pure
Ballistic went the crowd
As was bestowed upon him the ultimate Crown
3 different Bats and 6 different rubbers.
Odds of Winning,
Punters  will tell you the numbers.
A feat unmatched it remains.
******* on the
table it explains
Traveling like an arrow from an ace archer.
He had his aim much farther.
Asian ranking in his fold
There were not enough challenges to put him on hold.
Life is what happens when we are busy making plans.
What is meant to be will find its way.
A person often meets his destiny on the path he took to avoid it.
All these adages came true.
As a bolt from the blue.
Shooting fish in a barrel
Knee Surgery.
Was botched leaving him
Knocking on Death's door.
Brain Dead ,Pink Froth and Coma he endured
Juxtaposing Winning Glory and celebrated
Culpable liable they were of negligence.
Guilty once found ,
their careers in jeopardy.
Doctors became Actors.
Carried out the Sting.
Deceptive and delusive
Crystal clear became their motive.
Fighting for his life .
Disowned by the Hospital.
Face like a wet weekend,
Down in the mouth.
He was wheeled out,
Knocked sideways.
An act of slight.
Made him take up the fight.
Their insolence was the trigger.
For things to become bigger.
Opposition however mightier.
He readied for battle on the philosophy of Be Water.
Benchmark he was in all his endeavours.
Destroyed in him was everything .
Spirit was intact.
Calamity opened the doors for creating history
Medical negligence suit he filed.
Leading the way once again.
Never to back down from a fight.
He took upon their might
Long drawn battle ensued.
David and Goliath played over again.
Too big they were to oppose opined  all.
Too big they were to miss would cause their fall.
Money Power and Manipulation were their  deck of cards.
Truth was the Ace he had in his heart.
Fruition of his thoughts, he never failed.
Threaten ,Disrupt,Delay weapons they used.
Countered them with grit and tenacity infused.
The Giant assumed the storm unleashed he cannot withstand.
Only if they had known he was the storm beforehand.
Judgement Day was Justice Day .
Late it was but not Denied.
Not new to him.
For all the battles and wars he'd fought.
He was always the dark horse who beat the odds.
Setting a precedent always his vogue.
Stood on the Soapbox.
An addiction he never could detox.
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Another brother to my brother.
Addressing him as I do.
Steam engine loaded with coal
The carriages about to roll
Year was 79.
I was all of 9.
Was acquainted with Chandy
Immediately realized was  life and soul .
An original at the core.
Older by years,
Could never make me his peer.
Charming And Friendly
Why would I be treated differently?
Video games or American Consulate
Was fortunate.
Impossible made Possible.
Intention as always noble.
40 years since
Never mentioned once
Showed the Class.
Dapper Astute and Suave
Watched with Awe.
Can one be all
If your Chandy it's not a Crystal ball.
Since Eighty One.
Decades passed one by one.
I am Fifty one.
Promise made to my brother undone.
Be like him.
Has remained a pipe dream.
An honor to be an acquaintance.
Passionate about movies
I place above the mentioned qualities
Proudest I am,
For what are the odds.
To know someone
Who looks like Burt Reynolds.
Gripe I have against everyone.
Even Chandy is no exception.
Whatever your reasons are.
Why aren't you a movie star?
Birthday doesn't make you special.
Everyday does.
Happy Birthday.
Wishing you more and more Candles to blow.
May the best day of your past
Be the worst day of your future.
My Mother sends her greetings.
God bless.
True Story
A million times I have asked my Brother
Why didn’t Chandy follow Sean and Roger
KV Srikanth May 2022
Recieved in times
Needed the most
Weighing scale tilted
Balance against your favour
Help and Sympathy
When didn't deserve any
Came your way
By people who
Cared for you
Digging holes and slipping in the wet sand
Time and again
Warned before hand
Took life for granted
Granted it was
Instead of being
Six feet under
They dug deeper
To life you from below
Their life was in flow
You the debris
Halting and clogged it slow
Two way street
Time to treat
And return the favor
Not to them
But to Any other
Be charitable in forgiving
Be magnanimous in giving
Ready to sink
Stop the other from drowning
Repeated offence more grace the essence
Were at the recipient at the podium
Time to stand down
And next victim passes by
Do to them
What was done to you
The greatest gift was given
When no one recalled any event
Impressed upon you
It was forgotten
Or you'd die of embarrassment
Charity in giving
Memory in lacking
World presented to you
When you wanted to start life again
Easiest thing is to copy
Simply follow the duty
Forget it after not before
Give it before not after
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
A game of Chess
Played inside
Brain taking a side
Heart playing Devils Advocate

A 3 pound *****
Centre of intelligence and interpretation
Cognizant of the two
Makes its move

Size of a fist
Donor of the pure
Patron in nature
Makes its Counter

Distance of a Ruler
Both fight for the Throne
Each in its zone
Both one human own

Thinking and Analyzing
Logical in its Conclusion
Cannot coexist with Emotion
The Hearts Weapon

Protect the King
The name of the Game
Kingsize Ego
Center of the Frame

Sub conscious mind
Product of thought process
Data mine for the brain
Train of thought
To be trained

Objective to a fault
Heart to halt
Process and Assess
Only faculty
Man on the right side
Of the fence
Ability to think
The Sixth Sense

Think and become
Dream to reality
Magic portion
Always in need
In thought becomes deed

King of Heart
Fall for the
Queen of Thought
Or not

Brain dead
Heart beat
Not beat
Still beating
Fighting death

Follow your heart
Another Magic dart
Wandering mind
Gives the address of
Where the heart resides

Belief and Faith
Hope and Prayer
Heart the Stimuli
Gray matter Sine die

Follow you heart
Take your thought
Feeling flows from Thinking
After removing thoughts
Negative and Stagnating

Brain Pedals
The heart cycle
Cognitive and Cardiac
Brothers in Arms

Board and its pieces
Black and White
Pieces move
Mirror image
Reflection of thought
Mirrored in the Heart
Feelings of the heart
Expressed in thought

Chess Board
Pieces all aboard
Heart and Brain
On the same side
No opponent present
On the other side
KV Srikanth Sep 2021
A relationship at its core
Combative situation for both
Choiceless awareness the approach
For maintaining the growth

Impartial and non judgemental
Flexible adaptable and pliable
What is is Changing and moving
Requires thought and action which is  flowing

Awareness halts projection
Dying to yesterday's thoughts the solution
What should be and would be  is wasted emotion
Awareness requires permanance and endurance

Fluidity of thought and action
Requires choiceless awareness
In harmony with the outcome
Nothing to worry or fathom
KV Srikanth May 2021
What do you do
When there's nothing to do
Ask yourself the question
Is it because of you

It always is
True to yourself
Interrogate the self
It reveals itself

Next on the tick box
Choices as answers
You know the answer
You still need s choice to make you ponder

Are you alone
Are you lonely
Alone and lonely
Alone not lonely
None of the above

Data Analysis question
All seem alike
Know it at the source
Or you are playing the wrong course

Unlike during the test
Time unlimited
Test to prove to the outside
This has everything to do on the inside

Option available need not be the answer
That option is there in the question
Tick the last box
Then this whole enquiry needless

If answer in the paper
An honest truth seeker
Answer will present itself
You just have to be present

Alone a Philosophers abode
Lonely a humans inferior quality
Alone not lonely a Saints pedestal
Alone and lonely have a lot of work to do on yourself

Is it just a feeling
Or reality presenting for you to see
Dream like Mirage can mislead
Playing for the wrong side in the field

Enquiry answers the query
A one man jury sees things in totality
Purity the quality the jurors inquiry
Judgement delivered with equanimity and honesty

Playing this game compulsory
For spiritual advancement answers necessary
Question and Answer everything secondary
Actualizing yourself and not the your image is Primary

Actualized once the question ceases
Along with it the choices
Judge and jury are the same the mind realizes
Knowledge of this after the search started
Start and end the same when realized you are a Zen Master
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Selective Vocabulary
Profanity Mediocrity
Volume in Decency
Lack of it in Tonality

Sartorial Style
Tonsorial grace
Elegance in refusal
Smile Mysterious
Laughter hidden
Glamour Sublime

Issues Debated
Spectrum Transcended
Scores to settle none
Value System Core

Easy going
Complex absent
Baggage Nil
Boring Never

Consistent conduct
Socially Confident
Gender Neutral
Always Pleasant

Grudges Zilch
Avoides filth
Heart and Mind
Peace with each

Walk Slow
Talk Slow
Talk Low
Occasionally Smile
Never Clown
Dont say much

Evidence of these
Freedom from prejudice
Sun Radiates the Moon
Character shines Clarity

Combination in measure
Class act a treasure
Value Valueless
Antonym for rigid mess

Vibration Energy
Quality and Quantity
Dignity to accompany
Elegance in Peace
Grace in Gratitude
Handsome in Harmony
All in Synchrony
Path to immortality
Inside and Outside
Noticed and Remembered
When told Everyone wants
To be Cary Grant
He Replied So Do I
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
I cried for the first time
In my adult life
Weakness or Strength
I did try to find
Dawned the knowledge
That majority i met
Only thought me to let go
Whilst a few had tattooed themselves
In my heart
With a glue so hard
Unable to set them apart
Memories of their acts
Fruits still enjoyed today
Times of fun or learning lessons of  wisdom
The days filled with anectodes
Heard with rapt attention
Go on playing in my heart
Show never seems to stop
Hoping for an interval
To switch myself off
Never comes as the projector
Is my thoughts
Beaming the feelings across
Been strong too long
Tears welled up to say solong
Words don't express in full
A few drops of tears carry out the role
Expression of sadness
A form of defense
Felt shallow before
Not for this reason though
You may be watching or not
A matter of faith
I can promise you
That every heart you left behind aches
Still to come to terms of your absence
Crying themselves a river
Where's the boat to cross-over
Special to everyone
Made to feel as your favourite
How did you manage
To fool all of us into believing
That we were your closest mate
Everybody s life a value system
Thought by you to them
Your presence felt in words and action
Or in the pages of a book you had given
Greatness found you
As you ran away from it
The purity of your soul
Greatness found a refuge
Took your work seriously
But never yourself
Knew it was temporary
You were wrong here
It stayed with you permanently
God choses a few
Lucky to be around
To know what it is all about

Days have slowed
Nights have paused
Where do we go after we passed
Tell us from wherever you are
After you brought the farm
Ready to leave this all
To be in your company
Our bucket list consists of things you taught
Kicking the bucket now doesn't seem so bad afterall

The real deal Big time Class Act
The name of your autobiography that you wrote
Each of us knowing a chapter
That you shared to make lives better
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Grateful that thankfully
Our parents who thought similarly
Enrolled us at the Don Bosco Egmore
We couldn't have asked for more

Decision by parents
Boon for students
Bonded as friends
Past and Present

Convent education
For future preparation
Tough by definition
Oneness in orientation

Bonding  in the past
Till today last
Proof is in the heart
Till now never part

Together 14 years
Nostalgia still brings tears
Friendship always mutual
From the inside and natural

30 years later
Still together
Thankful to each other
For time spent together

Divided by section
Never lost connection
Many a difference of opinion
Moving away never an option

Friends in need
And a  friend in deed
School sowed the seed
No exception
A miracle indeed

Problems take sway
Solution a call away
Nothing so tough
Mere presence of the boys
More than enough

Fairweather friends
They are not
All full of heart
Lucky to be a part

Farewell party
Mere formality
Share your vulnerability
Vulnerability becomes history

Fun and support
Straddling both
Every soul pure
From Don Bosco Egmore

From personal experience
Have asked many a friend
Any form of help required
At your doorstep delivered

Class of 87
Ever in unison
United as one
Each one to everyone
Soulmates till kingdom come

Thank you said
A feeling expressed
Heartfelt and honest
Every interaction purest

Virtuous and precious
Never refused help
Experience universal
Soul mirroring behavior

Decades passed but still
Purity and quality
Heart remains this
Happy to be doing this
Virtues in Arduis
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Talk slow  Talk Low
Walk slow Don't rush anything
Never say much
Never howl or shriek with laughter
Just a smile rarely
Becoming a clown .
Under the guise
Of sense of humour
Suspended forever
Never insult another
Express yourself honestly
Copying a personality
Confusion stalling confidence
Words that come
Should reflect the feelings
Refine yourself inside
Don't have to censor yourself outside
Opinions and judgements
Back to the gutter
Aware and in the moment
Merges your soul and class together
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Man with no name
Laconic in every frame
Smoking a cigar
Or driving a police car
Westerns or a Cop Thriller
As a Drifter or a Rider
Iconoclastic instant justice
44 Magnum to carry it out without prejudice
Mayor of Carmel
All American Male
Filling cinemas across the globe
East West North or South
Its got to be Clint Eastwood
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Complete Creative control
Apart from playing the lead role
I'd rather destroy my career
Than give others the power

Long drawn film making
Big budgets and months of scheduling
Multiple characters and sub plots
Bringing them together on a studio lot

Filmmaking style of his mentor
Spaghetti Western genre creator
Sergio Leone the director
Whose direction he did the trilogy under

Studio backed Actioner
Don Siegel was the auteur
Met his second mentor
Worked 5 films with this Director

Fast paced and minimalistic
Was Siegel' s characteristic
Fewer set ups to shoot
Lesser number of characters to boot

Direct approach to the story
No sub plots to deviate from the itinary
In your face filmmaking
No time wasted in its processing

Audience are intelligent
Premise he learnt to implement
Explanatory scene and dialogues done away
Both the styles he now had under his sway

Dots left unconnected on purpose
Audience watching him global and diverse
Each to their own conclusion
Was the underlying scoring point of his direction

Built a team at Malpaso
Regular Stock company scenario
Editor Cinematographer Designer
Made films like a express luxury liner

Handled various genres
Doubling as Actor and Director
Made everyone wonder
With his output as a Producer

Not low budget fare
But optimally budgeted affair
Restricted shooting days
Edited along the way

Handled off beat themes
Increased his creative esteem
Many remade later
Nothing like this master storyteller

A one night stand
Kept the viewer on the edge
A Drifter seeking vengeance
Ghost or brother left to the thinker

Alcoholic cop sent on purpose
Retrieve a witness who'll cause more trouble
A loser cop as a protagonist
Feather on the cap for this perfectionist

Love for Jazz and Country
Stealing a plane from another Country
Harry Callahan made you day
With Go ahead make my day

Priest saving a community
Disappearing affecting the continuity
Caddiallac comedy
Partnered with Charlie Sheen in the Rookie

Played the legendary John Huston
Premiered at Cannes and won good reviews
An Army film about the Marines
Wonderful film that's more that it seems

Dedicated a film to Sergio and Don
Compounded their skills in this milestone
An Anti Western about a reformed former bounty hunter
Deciding to saddle up to save his children from hunger

Deliberately paced and terse
Classic Western in every frame
Emotional emptiness of killers
Unwilling to conform to society and loners

Conscience is his friend
Whom he looses in the end
Kills those responsible
Regretting every time he triggered his rifle

Clint pays homage to his films
And his mentors in the credits
Reinvented his image  with merit
The film won 4 Oscars to his credit

This only covers half his career
Handled complex themes later
Never deviated from his core principle
Trusting his feelings m he for gut in the middle all the trouble

Never yells Action or Cut
Let's go and that's enough the way he puts
Principal photography ahead of schedule
Compromising on the quality not even miniscule
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
The clothes on the table
Each one carries a fable
Tinkers memories from the cradle
Worn themselves thin like a candle

Associated with events memorable
Tailored  for a family wedding
Gifted by a friend with bonding
From a loved one with longing

Torn and worn
Still part of our wardrobe
Not mere Pieces of cloth
Stitching together all our thoughts

Preserve them forever
Wanting the thoughts to linger
Gateway to an ocean of nostalgia
Our collection of Sartorial memoribillia
KV Srikanth May 2021
A busy lane
Narrow frame
Two cars could not cross
At the same time
Chaos and confusion reigned Supreme

An obscure building
Wouldn't catch your attention
Housed a club premises
Of two varying interests
Table Tennis and Cards

A small door
Along with it the canals odour
Dimly lit indoors
With not a single window

Toilet and a phone
Also housed a carrom zone
4 tables lined in order
Next room housed the card player

Mylapore Gymkhana club
Diminutive in appearance
With a small parking space in the front
A place of historical importance
Produced Champion after Champion

Tables numbered in order
Determined the quality of the player
Senior Junior and Sub Junior
Played with their respective partners

The air filled with Positivity
Sportsmanship and equality
Will to win in every player
Who played at every layer

Ability to play the game
on any given day
Weighed on a justice scale
Determined which table you play

Background never mattered
Wealth and Influence nobody cared
Integrity to the game noticed
Absolutely no prejudice

Play with your peers only rule
Any attempt to spar with a better player met with ridicule
Improvement in game the only consideration
To play with a better paddler
At his dispensation

No Coach present
Learn by being observant
Want to raise in the ranks
Show performance in the match

Legends of the game
Proud to lend their name
Respected their place of practice
From novice all the way to winning the Championship

All tables with players
Learning and playing with each other
Each a ladder to another
Owed a lot to one another

Discipline present
With no one to Discipline
Coached in the game
With no one to Coach
System of competence
With no one to judge
Dedication to the game integral
With no one to Enforce

Booked its place
In the history of the sport
A paradox of a place
Which can never be replaced

Visited the club everyday
To see paddlers play
Great opportunity presented to me
For this was what meant to be

7 years from 77
Club was heaven
Watching and learning
Took to the Sport 2 years coming

Thankful to the men
Who gave me attention
Helped shape my character
Life became a lot easier

Became a coach
Of the same Sport
Nostalgia for the club
Reason I got the job

Teaching avid learners
Imparting sporting values
Every player who I watched in action
I dedicate all my success to them with devotion

Each player a personality
I thank each personally
For the love and affection showered
Considering my age I could have easily been ignored

The opportunity to visit the club
Greatest gift God showered
Getting to know players if that calibre
Solely determined my future
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Serenity that the night
Brings with it
Enjoying the solitude
Alone but not lonely
Surprised at it
Crack of dawn
The sky being lit
Making darkness fighting a loosing battle
Taking along with it
The tranquil it brings with it
Is my imagination going haywire
Trying to make sense
Out of a fantasy
Nights lived through many
Sleep not protecting me from it
Travelled the nights awake
Doesn't make much difference from the day
Perception a leftover of the emotion
May bring in a new variable tomorrow
Treating the night differently
The night remains the same
Darkness playing the dual role of joy and sorrow simultaneously
Waiting for the genesis
A new day to begin with
First light at the break if day
Break a leg i wish myself
Eventful or routine
Is routine eventful
How will it play out
Night will bring the results
Of the how the day panned out
A million thoughts
Playing the crossword
Trying to complete
Using life as the clues
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Mould from nothing
Baby steps beginning
Patience a Vitue
Rookie years
Figuring the prescription
Knowledge of the game
Future Hall of Fame
Every Aspirant the Same
Hopeful at the Start
Imparts the Art
Selfless in Approach
A Coach

Player taking shape
Coach and his grace
Nevers accepts mediocrity
Intense practice a necessity

Excellence pursued
Day in Day out
Foundation laid
Brick by Brick
Game built

Best you can  be
What the Coach tries to be
Urges you to copy
Final results vary

Sheds light in the dark
If it merges with the dark
Holds hands guiding
Other end of the tunnel
Darkness left behind
Light at the end
Signals start
To display the Skill
And the power of Will

Placed ahead of God
By the will of God
Did someone Coach God
Not a far off thought

Technical expertise first
Mental conditioning after
Physical fitness above the two
Complete responsibility on the Coach to do

Participation in Competition
Coach the Companion
Friend Philosopher Guide
Multiple roles
Plays them all

Barriers become Milestones
Preasure becomes Privilege
Aim becomes Trophy
Glory becomes basking in

Date with Centrestage
Made at an early age
Ability to gauge
Even Sport needs a Sage

Forefront his backyard
Rallying behind his front porch
Sidelines his garden of Eden
Peanut Gallery his Gate

Motivation the key
Inspiring by being
Champion in Game
Human in Life
A Coach does all
But does not tell

Career Graph
Various points
Thick and thin
Rain or Shine
Hope still high
Reaches for the sky
Out of the black hole
Continues his role

Coach reviews from pupil
Coach  Relates to pupil
Give and take relationship
Long term partnership

Perseverance and Endurance
Taught and Profiecient
Feet on the podium
Medal garlanding the neck
His job well done
Return expects none

Winner or loser
Opportunity to tutor
Builds character
Boy into a Man
Permanent change
Code to live by
All the money
In the world cant buy

Mentor for the player
Built layer by layer
Strives on reflected results
On his life deeply affects

Teacher and Protege
No longer separate
Thought and action
Relate and duplicate
Alter Ego for the other
There is no another
Trainer Trainee Merger
The world to conquer
Finality for both Student
one with the Coach

His sweat creates skill
His tears creare talent
His blood creates  Victory
His sacrifice creates Legends

Walks into Sunset
Players after they retire
Coach ready
For the next Understudy
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
Million thank yous
Would not suffice
Gratitude to the excercise
Filling your coffees they indeed did without any malice

Living in a fantasy
Greater sin than blasphemy
State of lunacy
Living on the currency
Of others hard earned money

Earn your bread
Or better lie dead
Inheritance from father
Is the next best offer

Lifestyle beyond means
Stylish as it seems
Better remain a dream
Or live with low esteem

Become a comic meme
If you don't redeem
Not part of any team
Alter life's theme

Face the music
You are not doing justice
Others money not at your service
Make yourself a promise

Ensure and endure
Future is secure
Life is insecure
Never ask for money
Secured or unsecured
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Black coffins on the oceans
Cemeteries by the sea
I wonder where do I see
Its there as far as i can see
Carrying my past
Fought it with my present
Done it to death
Laid it to rest
Floating on the high seas
Haunting me to tease
Bury it in the cemetery
Don't store it in my memory
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Looking back
Decisions taken
Faulty ones
Don't make sense

Knew it beforehand
Taken the right stand
Turn of events favourable
Leading to intended solution

The word mistake
Would be removed
If beforehand we knew
Right or Wrong consequences

Impossible to predict
What is next after this
Event gives the incentive
Staircase wisdom now possible

Options of actions
The one not done
Seems most favoured
Feeling guilty end result

Putting pieces together
Mans greatest blunder
Not destined to happen
Nature intervened in logical conclusions

Errors and mistakes
Nothing to feel irate
In harmony with good and right
Combination makes ones might

Learn the lesson
Move on to the next
Same mistake again
Lessons not learnt

Duty to ourselves
Not repeat the blunders
Outcome not in our favour
Another error not the same
Have to ensure

Don't fail again
For the same reason
As the previous occasions
One less option to ponder

Guilt and heaviness
Replaced with Fulfilled and lightness
Done our best given the condition
Given the option
Do it again
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Father or Mother
The stomachs differ
Brother elder or younger
Does it matter with an empty coffer

Mind is the disease
Its activities never cease
Cause of every human deceit
Centuries gone by still repeats

The going is good
People flock to you
Difficulty for a plate of food
They don't even remember you

World driven by money
Love and affection seem so funny
Anyone dousing your burning heart
Are the brothers you don't set apart
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Things are tough
Be thankful they aren't tougher
Alive to narrate it
Proof that it's not any rougher

Not enough money
Pennies from heaven real not funny
Health requiring prescription
Needing permanent attention

Think of sub human conditions
Death due to malnutrition
Another Thank you for health
Now thanked along with Wealth

Abandoned at birth
Starving to death
State of New borns
You ain't one
Your initials stand proof for all

Rough patches in relationships
Heart going through hardships
Communication breakdown
Body mind soul in lockdown

Friendship in tatters
Size of the Ego matters
Not in police custody
Let alone being in solitary

Thank you for my family
Stood behind solidly
Deserted and alone
Thank God you are not alone

Return to normalcy certain
Nature your maturity testing to ascertain
Thank you for putting me through
In Loneliness i sought company in Thank You
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Boarded the same train
Striking out at different stations
Disembarking on their destinations
These are Saints famous quotations

Guard waves the flag
Whistle blows and train moves
Wheels rolling on the tracks pulling carriages one by one

Waiting for none
Father mother son
Safely till terminus
Source or end not its business

This is the Anectode
Told as an antidote
Paradigm of reality
Remain balanced emotionally

Harsh in its execution
To its duty alone devotion
Needles move to declare
Time to leave fair and square

Loosing loved ones
Easily said than done
Unless heart made of stone
Rest of an living life live  alone

Missing the ones
Not left as bygones
Core of any philosophy
The message it carries

Permanence in temporary
Reality in reality
Realising the reality
Temporal is temporary

Real and unreal
Permanent and temporary
Dream and reality
Rebirth and Salvation

Clueless at arrival
Clueless in queue
Clueless as traveller
Clueless in departure

How does it matter
Near and dear exit earlier
Everyone is exciting for sure
No exception no answer

Pulling the chain
Trains holy grail
Hangs as temptation
No points for engaging in that action

Be the driver
Engaging in his endevour
Uniform and recruited as soldier
He too exits but till then deliver
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
May the better win
Heard in Mythology
Told in a different Context
Good vs Evil

Talent and Skill
Strength and Will when
Identified with Ignoble
Faced defeat
At Battle

Competition by definition
Existence of an Opponent
Worth measured
Only Tool used
Win and Victorious
Loose and Defeated

Folly of Participants
Performance in Tournaments
Victory won in Practice
Lack of it the Opposite
Championship only Confirms First Place
In the Race

Winner and Loser
Not Against each other
One half of another
Complementary Nature
Compete to make it Whole

Hard Work and Discipline
Rhetoric for Inspiration
Chance to Participate
In the dance
Only one will Suffice
Complete Sacrifice

Crossing the finish line
First not a must
Nature is aware
Trouble you endure
Commitment for a day lacking
Opponent sends packing

Passion for the Game
Not just in Name
Submission to the Coach
Most neccessary Approach
Respect for the Rival
No means Trivial
Reverence for equipment
First sign of development

Optimum Potential
All Aspirants equal
Formidable or Despicable
Never decide
What is in Store
Who is tuned for Glory
Time tells us the Story

Attitude to Outcome
Whatever is Welcome
Not Thinking yet
Not Dreaming yet
Ready for whatever may come

Compete against the world
Impossible task to behold
Easiest way to judge yourself
Are you better than your
Yesterday self

Anticipate Result
Faulty Method
Engage in Process
Rest will happen
For the best

Process not a Ritual
Expression of self Spiritual
Relationship Mutual
Effort Result Equation
No better demonstration

Spiritual insight
Brings to light
Opponent an Illusion
Reality definition
outside competition
Mirage in Inner Vision
One with the engagement
Is final enlightenment
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Winning and Loosing
Achieve Abandon
Concepts of delusion
Made by man
For fellow Men
To feel superior and inferior
to each other
At a given task
Or advance paid in Tax
Long roe to *** that life is
Ranked on your ability

Unfair system at play
Every person unique
In birth skill circumstances and opportunities
Overcoming them make best selling Biographies

Mediocrity branded by
The powers that be
Mediocrity in the results
Seems to matter
Branded thus sidelined forever
Chances none whatsoever

Those not passed
The chequered flag
Need not despair
There are great people
Who feel it is  fine
To be below the line

To those who failed
The percentile game
An entire lifetime devoted
To seeing how many are better
Or lower
Ironically amongst each other

Thriving on inequality
Man made and flawed theory
Sending on a spin
Those who live within

The world  order defines
Misfits and loosers
Using disparity as their defence
Issuing Injustice in their judgement

Messiah s are present
To protect these men
By giving them a hand
In an equal shake hand

Fortunately the universe
Not capable of judging those
For by the same rules they laid
They were completely outplayed
The Messiah gives confidence
By the sheer worth of performance
Laid out by the system
Beating the system

Follow the philosophy
That says real mediocrity
Not lying in the results
But in the process
Done diligently
They take over automatically
Fight your cause
Only because they were treated with the same ideology of so called meritocracy

Concepts of man
Like he created time
Success and failure
Time controlled pedestals
Set pattern a man controlled ritual
His greatest conceptual failure
KV Srikanth May 2021
Lack of emotional content
Is the very root of sadness
Loneliness the biggest cause
Nobody there to share your sorrow and Joys

Anger is the tool
Mind puts to full use
Stays on forever
Fooling us into believing
That we are angry with the other

There is no other
Anger is self inflicted pain
Blinding us for all there is to gain
Anger inflicted wounds forever remain

Anger a suicide mission
Drinking poison hoping for others detriment
Even while manifesting outside
It ends up hurting our inside

Content realizes the
Spiritual power within
Awareness its first lesson
Living in the moment in fusion

Feeling the emotions
Keeps you within
It remains one
Peace prevails

Anger remains within
Moves you away
Makes you alone
Rest of the life atone

Living in the moment
Caused by awareness
Awakens inner power
Anger and Sadness cannot enter

Cut it at its source
Before anger takes its course
To find out the source
Dont think but feel

Walk on from temper
Sadness its neighbor
Splits our nature
Transcend the only answer
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Achievement by destruction
In the midst of ruins laying foundation
Death and destruction as equity
Blood and hate as collateral security
Bruised egos closely knit
Balm for ego in showing might
Humanity  the casuality
Humans bartered for harmony
Division in Construction
Despair in Growth
Bullets fired aimlessly
Nothing aimed with more clarity
The bullet doesn't ****
Blaming it still
Winning  never conquers
Conquerors never win
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Fierce and invisible
Force working Suo moto
Slave when things go bingo
Enslaves you the human ego

The reverse gear to progress
Like the gear essential to live life
Its presence gives the sense of I
Nothing adjourned sine a die

Pendulum swinging between
Depression  Elation & the inbetween
Causes every man made error
Bravado and fear tools used to manouvre

Pin sized injury
Builds up enough Fury
Its its own judge and jury
Words and Actions the weapons in its armoury

Anesthesia of the Brain
Caused when the Ego strained
Relationships thrown under the train
Delusional state it makes us remain

Esteem and Respect
The value it decides
Insult and Injury
In its lacking resides

Fragility its liability
Stability its respectability
Equanimity its tranquility
Duality its quality

Root cause for worry
Removal needs surgery
Surgery called self enquiry
In the Answers lies the finality

Philosophers and Saints
Thinkers and Prophets
Darkness removing wonders
Guiding in the process
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
The phrase God Willing
A defence mechanism working
A result awaited eagerly
Burden shifted expediently

Roll of the dice
Results never precise
Twice or Thrice same devise
Required result odds provide

Outcome a combination
Of actions and emotions
Gestures derive the values
Logical equations put to use

Need not be that
That is where God sells
Unmeasurable actively engaging
Want God to do the counting

Can't be bribed
Cent be threatened
Pleading to no avail
Writes the verdict to be signed by the judge in  tow

Your tasks not his problem
He already has taken care
You just do the rest
And leave him alone
KV Srikanth May 2022
Yesterday night
Two friends
Alone together
Got into their car
Pedaled it afar
To the graveyard
For a lively party
Their dead friends birthday
They reached an hour late
Bang on time
Stayed sober by drinking
Woke up late as eyes didn't close a wink
The climb down was tough
As they were starving on a full stomac
The deafening silence enroute
Even though it was a short distance
Made a rightful mistake
Of turning the wrong side

Going straight in reverse
The found their way
Was the rightful opposite way
Which they found immediately in a day

Bumped into a truck
On an empty highway
Reached their homes
Which was broken to
By thieves who took
Away their valuables
Spent the next 6 hours
Searching for their keys
They needed to enter
KV Srikanth May 2021
Voluntary Action
Required no reason
Aware of its function
Never paid attention

An act as easy
Inhale and Exhale duly
An exercise to remain healthy
No reason or cause for worry

Peace and Prosperity
Seldom present globally
Pandemic presiding universally
Doomsday Prophets claim victory

Nuclear warheads
And Defence budgets
Countries readying to protect Borders
Apocalypse awaited
Through armed forces

Wars and Battles predicted
Entire population anhilated
Most prepared rewarded
Powerful nations listed

Times of distress
Breath easy to reduce stress
Breath easy now the stress
Cause of all distress

Not a shot fired
No knives drawn
Hand combat no impact
Expect the unexpected an ignored fact

Who would have thought
That what was never taught
Will now become a law
Punished if done with a flaw

Humanities greatest calamity
The easiest act makes people crazy
The world in a state of dizzy
Breath easy and end up at the cemetery

Tanks and Warheads
Seem like Kindergarten kids
Billion spent to stay ahead
Sneeze and take as many lives

Simple now complicated
Complicated now not rated
Act as simple as breathing
Effect on Mankind devastating

No warfare to engage
The only way to manage
To safeguard the human race
Is to simply cover half your face

Contradiction its weapon
Attacks the pulmonary system
Claimed its every victim
Only breather Is the symptom

Not in human form
Not designed by any norm
Nameless and faceless
Always active and never rests

An enemy everywhere
Residing nowhere
Traveling through thin air
No life to spare

Nothing to fight
Except ones own death
What causes the death
Not even a suspect

Unable to cage
Inability to gauge
The Pandemic's rage
Now on every research page

Loosing lives everyday
Watching it on the news night and day
What a way to spend away
Reduced to counting death rates everyday

So far only a name
Nothing else remains the same
Human intelligence put to shame
People's life not a game

Water and Oxygen a commodity for consumption
Now forced into mass production
Compass pointing present situation
There will be a Solution
But for the millions lost souls
Where will we get Absolution

Is it politics and economics
Pharmaceutical tactics
Money making motives
Putting lives at risk

No Answers found to combat
Till then follow and format
Solitary confinement
The delivered judgement

Self given punishment
No human interaction
Alone and lonely against this predicament
Neither alone or lonely
One of seven billion
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