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Apr 2023 · 149
Beck and Call
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Treating people better
Not being reciprocated
One way street
Exited when felt
Bound to end in misery
Another form of slavery
Taken for granted
Expired and dated
Lies many  a lesson
Stop taking poison
Dont cut your fingers
For one who won't scratch an itch
Last available option
Second only to boredom
At Beck and call
They know it all
Wait for the call
Take another fall
Empty and needy
Express it freely
They play the tune
You dance accordingly
Granted and Gratitude
Seperated at birth
Gratitude stays right
You pick your side
Picking your friends
An art as rare as Van Gogh
Only requirement is Class
That'll set you apart
Apr 2023 · 123
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Saying Hello takes a second
A goodbye takes forever
Best way to overcome
Grief is to grieve
Every tear is blessed
It is in the memory
Of the one you loved
It houses the soul
A treasure to behold
The price paid for loss
Is a spiritual reality
Your sorrows are messengers
Of the unspeakable love
Love leads to loss
Still worth a lot
Not risking love at all
Grief better off in the heart
His name v is the prayer
You want to recite
His wisdom is the music
You want to hear
He is the laughter
Expressing your humor
He is more beyond
The mere physical level
He is in everyone
He is everywhere
Tears will show him
To you one day
I know its a hard thing to say
I cannot share your grief
But I most definitely understand it
Apr 2023 · 141
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Covered in mud
Below the ground
Only real estate
To bear your name
The one you didn't buy
Secure future safe
Only outcome sure
Laughable not part
Of your desire
Life after deaths
Peaceful resting place
Addressed as late
Blamed on fate
Sand like food
Has your name
Written on it
Will fill you full
Outside as Inside was
Dug in dug out
Afterlife's foundation laid
Retired without pension
Rest doesn't charge rent
What happens after
Lie and ponder
Six feet under
Apr 2023 · 120
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Supreme being and Moral Authority
Power over nature called a deity
A system of faith and worship
A passion with devotion
Trust and confidence
Doctrines of religion
Presence of proof absent
Intended ally for the human
Or the one omnipresent
Gods as masters
Cannot be secular
Are the gods at war
No evidence so far
Fight for survival
Ironic at every level
If gods can go extinct
Thus, fears the man
His duty to keep alive
The one who answers his prayers
The biggest joke I've heard in a while
Apr 2023 · 102
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
When you hate
You have lost
Greatest form of giving
Lies in forgiving
Home is where
Your heart is
Living in the now
Is being in meditation
A silent mind
Is also deaf
Walk slow Talk slow
Don't say much
Rarely smile and never laugh
Respect is in search of one
Who does and lives thus
If not getting yet
Any other benefit
Is only a curse
Not worth a life
Faith is unknown
Having on the unknown
Hoping for the unknown
To deliver in our favour
Favour or not also
Is an unknown
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Love and forgive
Practice and preached
Suffer he did
Your deeds and not his
Betrayed he was
Crucified he was
He knew it all
Took his fall
To teach us God

His life his message
His death his message
His resurrection his message
He is the message

Know Christ know yourself
Reject him you still realize
Its his kingdom
Kingdom of compassion

He is not in competition
Human does the comparison
See him as God or not
He still knocks on your front door

He is already in every heart
The simple act of God
When he is already there
What is there to spread

Man made difference
Yours versus mine
Go ahead do your time
Its he you go to in the end

Came back on Easter
Let us get together
He resides in our heart
Lets find a place in his

Serve the other
Believe in the creator
Take everyone as a brother
Any expectation  don't bother
Repent your error
Enemy or friend don't matter
Love only to offer

Let us get together
He resides in our heart
Has us in his
What more do we need
Apart from celebrating his every deed
Praise the Lord
Not with words
Action and thoughts
Purer they are
Least you can do
To him on the Cross
Apr 2023 · 105
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Darkness engulfs vision
Music we appreciate
Form it doesn't have
Destiny ends in the grave
Justice a treasure
Not to be unearthed
Covered with mud
Will show up
Leaving its place open
To fill it with those
Whom Injustice seek
Manipulation and lies
Always loose the fight
Even without an opponent
Desire the fuel
Never lasts the distance
Always ahead in the race
Finishing line in place
Increasing the pace
Never crossed the line
Always end up loosing
Running out of time
Calling card is Slime
Which doesn't trust itself
Time to call Gin
Truth unfolds the cards
Winner take all
Better luck next time
Till end of time
Apr 2023 · 201
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Trial by fire
Law and people's ire
Aristocrats and Wealthy
Opinion Makers and Political power
Forming a team
Sounding the bugle
Declaring the battle
Aim to bring down
Slander to the reputation
Questioning the integrity
Doing it daily
Looking for avenues
These seem not enough
Bullets and muscle
Anything I missed
Media and Social
Filled pages for hire

All time low
Good to know
Last person standing
Already decided by destiny

The tale of the grapes
Oldest fable heard
It is what it is
Sour it is
the title fox gives
Give what you have
Oldest logic told
Need I say the rest
Wishing the best

Power is news
Acquired with guts
Vigour and energy
Time and money
Unrest to unseat
Hand over a gift
Filled with defeat

Pressure is a privilege
Given to those
Face to face
Against all the rage
Standing on the big stage

Play and win
Best option available
Play and loose
A net separate the 2

Jealous I am
Of the individual
Who cannot be ignored
Who's blood is sought
To be destroyed
What a creation
To serve mankind
God intended to be
That powers would be
Remain powers would be
Jan 2023 · 111
KV Srikanth Jan 2023
A film celebrating
The greatness of a Nation
Patriotism its theme
Sacrifice its Core

A Cinema hall
Name translates as Gift
The hall playing the film
Would soon become a Coffin

Lives of many
Ended before they started
Kids on the aisles
Engulfed by the flames

Arrogance of power
That money can buy
Negligence of repair
Transformers unleashed their power

Smoke spreading across
Car parks and gates
Fire  keeping it's date
In all its rage

Hell brakes loose
All for a fuse
Stairwell and Ariel
Sounded the deathknell

Running towards the exit
Emergency lights not fixed
Chaos and confusion
People already dying of asphyxiation

Fire alarm not installed
Authorities knew it all
Even the Projection not stalled
Seating arrangements breaking the law

Box seats gates closed
Exit gates bolted
A careless employee
Took a break by bolting the middle gate

Deviations and violations
Fire service delayed
Gangways failed to accommodate
Balcony seemed far away

Exposed to carbon monoxide
Succumbed and died
Toll stood at 59
Injured crossed a hundred

A full house
Turned many into empty homes
Tragedy cover up with travesty
Ticket price  not just a life

Friday the 13 th
7 th month of 1997
Set the record for the ticket prize
A life for a seat
Dec 2022 · 130
Happy Birthday
KV Srikanth Dec 2022
Happy birthday dear Lord
You son of a Jewish carpenter
Your life your message
Blood flowing like a river
Mankind's only true giver
Gave And forgave
Asked nothing in return
Kept your doors open
All we have to do is knock
Not with our knuckles
But with the faith in our hearts
Nov 2022 · 125
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
Celebrating your birth
On the day that you were
You're here no more
No one feels that
The life you lived
A message for everyone

A step in your path
Is the way
To feel from ones heart
Your life filled with deeds
Others can't do in centuries
Child actor nurtured by your father
Wing Chun from the Grand master
Seattle to Study Philosophy
Where you met Linda Lee
Teacher another feather
Tutored the art of thr artless form
Oakland years and the Jun Fan Institute
Till today pays you tribute
Hollywood and the big parts
Television actor with a mask
Graduated to lead Actor
In people's consciousness forever
Aided by the philosopher
Who made millions of seekers better
Came Conquered Left
Remained in people's thoughts
Who celebrate your absence
In your presence
The art of being present without being present
If we're to nourn your loss
We wouldn't be disciples of Jeet Kune Do at all
A century later
You'll still be remembered
Sorry not remembered
Because you will never be forgotten in the first place
Happy birthday we wish ourselves
Cause we don't see you apart from yourself
You lived for the rest
But never seperated the self
The word I dors not exist
The Word Bruce does
Grateful to you
Till we join you
You left Game of Death half way
For you wanted us to  complete it
Each one imagining that they are you
Are filling in the void you left on purpose
When we reach the terrace of the Pakoda
You will be waiting to protect us all
In whatever the journey that awsits us
We will be concentrating on the finger
Just to get a tap on our heads
No bigger blessing one can get
Nov 2022 · 95
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
Gratitude the key that ensures the imaginary line that we use to divide our life into good times and bad times stays imaginary
Nov 2022 · 102
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
The next second is so uniquely unpredictable for everyone
Nov 2022 · 101
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
We deceive ourselves even though we apply our own make up
Nov 2022 · 127
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
You love yourself you acquire Pride Esteem Character Integrity Confidence You love  others You get Fame Trust Friends Respect Grace When you love others as much as you love yourself The Gates of Greatness  await  unlocked by the combination of Gratitude Empathy Forgiveness
to seat you on the throne of Immortality wearing the crown of Sacrifice with the  Scabbard of Penance holding on to the Sword of Conscience
Nov 2022 · 98
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
Dawn wearing a mask
Made of the weather
Ante and Post dissolved
Meridian dissolved in the rain
Wind throwing caution onto itself
Spectral sounds abandoned
Silence never sounded louder
Briefly the mizzle threw a spanner
Drizzle the architect for a deluge
The wind  presses its brakes
Zephyrus the most called upon
A favour with fervour
Oct 2022 · 73
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
The only act done with honesty
Is the business of dishonesty
Clarity and consistency required
To keep a lie from being discovered
If dishonesty is the way of life
Clarity and consistency automatically lies
Oct 2022 · 173
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Hans Gruber the character
Played by Alan Rickman in a film
A German terrorist who instills fear
Shoots hostages at a whim
Whistles tunes for others to hear
Suited booted combed hair and slim
The first feature of his career
Voted greatest cinematic villain
Getting under the skin
Psychotic killer with impeccable behavior
Essayed the role
That required him to be
Not proficient in English
A tall order indeed
For a scholar from RADA
Who could recite
Shakespeare by heart
Spoke the language
So realistically wrong
Right actor was chosen for
The right part
No actor before or after to challenge his crown
Audience in frenzy every time he appears
Decades of performing in theater
Anti hero had coronated its new king
A lesson for every aspiring actor
Heartfelt celebration of acting
Film shot in a claustrophobic atmosphere
Performances key to hold the viewers within
Bruce Willis found in him a, great counter
Helped Achieve gargantuan super stardom
Die hard the film feature
Earned fans worldwide with halls filling
Performance a painting to a connoisseur
He has left us but his memory fills us to the brim
Played memorable characters to remember
Attained immortality in our hearts and minds
Never born never died
Acted on stage and screen
In the time in between
He visited planet earth
Oct 2022 · 193
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
There is no next
Right after death
Head to head
Between life and death
Most one sided score
That we can get
The the world's
Oldest  known enemies
Cannot be called
A rivalry at all
Life has to win one
To call it a contest
Life after death
Spiritual and occult matters
Death after life
Cemeteries and graveyards
Ready to receive
Results known beforehand
Man improvises with time
Has the intelligence to know
But none yet to solve
No coach yet
To coach life
In the match
To beat death
Undeath the death
Neutralize its power
Illusion to make
It look like a tough fight
Life is an illusion
Taught to us
A consolation prize
Lest we give up the fight
Oct 2022 · 90
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
No more knee high to a grasshopper
Way past being a spring chicken
Default one foot into the grave
Not yet reached the ripe old age

Hanging in there
In between all of this
Easy to place myself between  numbers
Nothing gives more clarity

What about the rest of it
How do I value my life
By the deeds i have done
Good and bad balances just fine

Was the last growth in my mother's womb
What's the latest count
From the time the umbilical chord was cut
Till midnight  added one more round

Maturity and Wisdom
Can never be innate
Life promotes me in accordance
With how  i led mine

Success and failure
The world brands daily
Where do I find myself
Am i in the race or are the grapes too sour

How do I value others
By their heart or
Whether they hit the mark
How far does indifference play its part

Do i bring cheer
Have i helped the near and dear
And the not so near and dear
Embellished over the years

Did i learn my lessons well
Opportunities lost can i recall
Nothing is lost if there's a lesson in it
Am i atleast grateful for it

Fear Anger Frustration and comparison
Friends from adolescence
Are they still the guests i invited
Or have they been cremated

Content and Peace
Been inviting them daily
Have they accepted my invitation
If my heart  has opened they don't need one

A temple of tranquility
I know I'm.not
Not yet i tell myself
Will be there before I'm dead

Been there done it
World weary seen it all
Faith still missing from my thoughts
Halfway mark i. Hope i have crossed

Am i moving daily
A person better than i used to be
Gratitude Compassion and empathy
I will strive to make these my innate quality

I know its all inside
Outer just a mirror
A life worth remembering
Is the key to immortality

Not about creating a legacy
Others perception no control over
How do I value myself
I rank myself true to myself
Oct 2022 · 71
Introduction again
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Lost my soul
In my fight
To live my life
Keep the Soul
The only goal
Forgot to remind
Me every night

I keep hearing
About me from others
No introduction needed
My reputation ahead headed
Innocence lost its battle
Complex convinced it
That it was foolish

Education Job Marriage
Each  a seperate ambition
Every trick learnt
Played at the table
To keep it stable
Only then considered able

Bottom line is wealth
Properties and bank balances
Respect not in self
But how we project ourselves
Playing the part of a dog
Might as well bark
Where do I stand
Goal posts shifted
Conveniently on purpose
Still missing the mark
Price paid as the highest bidder
For many questions still  no answer
Oct 2022 · 84
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Guns have their uses
Should be fired
When women are physically abused
Any act that's perverse is being performed

Apart from protecting
injury and trauma
To women and children
Guns best remain
In their holsters

A society compromising
On a Woman's Right
None to fight their plight
Instant justice needed
None better than a trigger

Slogans prove democracy
Right to use it
Should not remain a fantasy
Must be allowed universally

A form of protest
Against policy makers
Cross with their logic
Not believing in their beliefs

Nothing expresses better
Than a Slogan
That never tires in
Issues  being highlighted

Clever ones convey
The anger and apathy
To a society that demands
Change and Sympathy

A war declared
To prevent a war
Against the powers that be
Who held a placard to get there

Phrases tailored to attract
Attention onto themselves
The issues to be addressed
Gatherings at their own behest

Highest pride lies
When the other shouts at
The top of his voice against
Something that you have spent
Defending a lifetime

A tolerant society
All views taken equally
The ballot wins finally
Peaceful War cries shape the tally
Oct 2022 · 113
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Don't bid farewell
Together still and forever
Feeling in our hearts
Never leave us apart
Oct 2022 · 103
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Order is disorder
To make complete
That i feel is empty
The steps I take
In order to make
Like life is at stake
Am making a mistake
Urge to act
To keep up the act
Started of as I read
Sports icons have it in them
Slow poison it was
I did not know then
The list is infinity
That I'm counting it daily
To live my life well
Life has already passed by
I'm still ticking the boxes
Right from which sox do i wear first
The side of the bed
Have to get up
Is already decided
Starts from there
Brush shave and shower
The exact timings noted
Which hand holds the razor
Not that I'm ambidextrous
But if i do it
With the wrong hand
Rest of the day in stress
Ironed clothes on the bed
Matched acording to the day
Of the week suggests
Colognes in alphabetical order
Odour not the problem
Disorder very clear
Same route to work
Roads under repair
In total despair
Unable to move forward
The power of the brake
My mind applies
Beats any car manufacturers desire
Trying to break it
Murphy's law applies itself
I try to beat the law
Murphy's law paradox
Makes its call
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Intrusive internal quarrel
Beats liquor as an actor
Masquerading as your best friend
Giving you a high
But in reality a depressant
Two sides of the rope
Pulled in opposite directions
First it registered that
I was on both teams
Only to finally Cotton on to
To the fact
That i was the Rope too
Oct 2022 · 166
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
To live life
Based on logic
Is the most illogical
Way to live
With no patterns
There as evidence
Projecting the next
On data that
Stands alone by itself
Interpreted by the vices
Balances by itself
Doesn't require human
Input or perspective
Only to realise
In the retrospective
What we thought prospective
Was our invention
Based on the clues
Which we had no clue
Out in the blue
Ignorance caused by experience
Which covers the truth
With everything but which
Is only true
Oct 2022 · 95
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
An insomniac dreaming
Can only dream of sleeping
Dreaming to get the dreams
That comes only when sleeping
Dream will remain a dream
Not because of its unreal nature
But the inability to give reality
To something unreal
The real becomes the dream
Making it also unreal
Real and unreal
Playing a dual role
But each Cast for the wrong part
A film without a ****** ends
With the opening scene playing
Looping the dream to dream
Which becomes the dream
Want to remain awake to dream
Or sleep and risk by sleeping
Am i awake or sleeping?
Or am i dreaming?
Oct 2022 · 112
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Woke up from a dream
A wonderful one
I didn't want to end
Realised that i had woken up
In my dreams
To realise that was a dream
Continuing to dream
In my sleep
Woke up again thinking it  too was a dream
But was reality staring at me
That i had woken from my first dream
Oct 2022 · 95
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Curious and seeking
Opinions and perceptions
Formed not based on facts
A reality created by the minds creativity

Credits and debits
Balances it finally
Tweaking it daily
To the results it wanted initially

Both ends a live wire
Having one or at the recieving end
Mind works overtime assembling a palace of cynicism
The heart bleeds when the same is done
With you at the firing end

Taste religion principles
Everything under scrutiny
Uncalled and hurtful
Every relationships death tool

Destroys even destiny
Powerless against animosity
Opinions own the trademark
To awaken the beast already on its mark

Wisdom to know
When to embark and disembark
If you had the wisdom
You'd never have embarked

Do not give
For it was never asked
Go ahead and give it
Be ready to live with regret

Where there is a union
Engage in conversation
Where there is a division
Silence the  only option

Do not ask
Your life no one's job
Do not suggest
No one ever asked

Everyone has one
Nothing can be done
Used as a shield
Which too becomes a burden

Dons various roles
Reasons right and wrong
Only way to express opinion
Is not expressing your treatment
Oct 2022 · 100
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Thoughts Feelings and Soul searching
Cannot be seen felt or heard
Ironically form the triangle
For internal enquiry and external therapy
Behaviour and Personality
Constructed by these three
Asked to get them healed
Where do we find them to deal
Is it why it is called the search
If it is in us why all the research
The games they play
Wonder where they stay
Organisms covered in medical study
Can be studied  for further recovery
Illusory participants take away
Most of our time
Understanding the key
Knowledge to be deemed
Spiritual the path
Opens the doors for the invisible three
That's what they deem it to be
I'm still searching
Something that is not there
To be pointed at
But makes its point everytime something is at
Schizophrenic reality but none alone
Probably gives us the relief
A member of the heard
On the lookout for the message
From the messenger whom none have seen
Exploring a phantom hoping to get answers from another
Playing chess with no coins
But the pieces are falling apart
No one to play against
But the moves are made
To match yours
The game never ends
Where is the board
Black and white squares
Warriors on the floor
How do I exit
Where is the door
How did it i enter
Where is the door
Sep 2022 · 87
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Hurt is a state
Already bring experienced
Frightened is the feeling
Of something bad lurking

Ideas images and concepts
Created without any evidence
Canvas keeps expanding as our imagery keeps inventing

The Mirage of a future
Reflecting the concrete of the past
Engulfs the present
The true compass of the truth

The mind weaves
Fear its main tool
To paint a picture
Contradictory to laws of nature

Irony lies in this
That which is yet to happen
We keep our gates open
Ready to recieve them

Anxious and Agitated
The masks we use
To ready ourselves
Lest our imagery becomes similar
To realities yet to be painted picture

The difference between
The then and the now
Best left not connected
Extrapolation the brush dipped in the paint of experience connects it thinking it is correct

Hurt can be healed
Time and again
Time has proved it
Just give it time

Panic as no figure
To present itself in the near
Looming large from a time zone not existing yet
Is Fears real power

As they exist
Realm of reality
Idealistic and Catastrophic
Has no place in it

Transcending the only way
To keep the unreal at bay
What is not Is hurting more
Than what actually is

Back seat drivers
With no one in the back
A look at the mirror
Gives the real picture
Sep 2022 · 99
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
My vocabulary fails me
When what i want to convey
Is a matter of the heart
Words conscice feelings
Tries to be intelligent
Masks my inabilities
Says what you want to hear
How do I convey the absolute truth
With no trickery of imagery involved
Silence is powerful but can
Also be misunderstood
Where do I search
On how to express
Or will  just know
Words and silence
Fail to convey
Search leads nowhere
Secret behind the secret
Of expressing the fullest
Remains a secret
The word defines that
Once known no more sacred
Sanctity kept away
In the sanctorium
To keep it revered
If penance is what it takes
I'm willing to give it as many takes
Let God hold the clapboard
And be the judge
And include in his judgement
My honest expression
The only way to transcend
Clouded human perception
Sep 2022 · 94
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Days and nights
Making up life
Spending the seconds
As it passes by
Wondering what to do
Looking forward to nothing
Except daybreak and sunset
Phone has replaced friends
WhatsApp has pushed passions out
My phone and me
On a journey
Neither expected to be
Each other's sole company
Contacts in my phone book
Answer only when they are free
Way it is naturally
The phone doesn't know this
Which makes me the only
One to realise
That i have ended up lonely
Sep 2022 · 103
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Born as a Male
So i was told
Educated later about gender
Aware of only 2
Later a third in Transgender
My growing up years
Was kept as simple
Difference between the two
Adolescence brought to my notice
Even AIDS was made aware
When i was already sixteen
Different reasons given
On how it spread
Theories and understanding
And the lack of it
Made it very confusing
I am able to understand
But unable to share
The emotional reactions
To bring gender fluid
It is a new word
Let alone a concept or a fact
I respect those
Who describe themselves as such
Inspite of my learning and hearing
About this daily
I have no confusion
That i am what i was born as
Will remain the same
Not a conviction
Because there is no doubt
In the first place
For me to fight it
I don't think any gender
Is more superior than the other
All are equal and only
Missing word in the equation
Is respect alone
Enjoy being a male
Don't envy the others
Fluidity being new
I know that equality
Is what they expect
Not as a gift but as a right
The right thing to do
Is to do it right
Sep 2022 · 75
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Drunk in your thoughts
Your face in my heart
Withdrawal bring stone walled
Search for the next high
Not required at all
Till i take the missteps
That of a drunkard
The floor always ready
To take my fall
Lying on the floor
Not good for esteem
But i willingly seek it
Thinking about you is no sin
Loss of pride by the pavements side
But every thought filled with alcohol
Brewed by your existence
Ego takes comfort
That a poet on a later day
Might set to words
A composer set
It to tune
To be played
For time to come
Abstensnce needs the
Greatest antidote available
The will to forget
Which i do not have
But if the price of immortality
Is to bear the burden
Added to your existence
The title of a dipsomaniac
To be carved
On my Stone
Whoever said that Wounds
Do not hurt those who depart
Never had to feel the despair
Life spent in longing to possess and to have
Sep 2022 · 108
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Criticism is narcissism
So absorbed into ourselves
That any design outside the pattern
That our brain maps
We deem it wrong
A sense of righteousness
High on a pedestal
Looking down at the other mortal
Seemingly unfit to act
Directly in conflict with the facts
Our priorities the best
Hence condemn the rest

Judge jury executioner
The roles everyone plays
Cought in the middle
With no one to plead
The sensibilities behind his deed
His soul is lynched
By the paralysis of our process
Which exclusive is nature
Excludes the doer

Judging the other
Is the crime
to be judged
And judgement passed
That one shall not judge
Sep 2022 · 80
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
A feeling so deep
Has no logic to it
Expressing the affection
Sometimes without reason
Thought process has intelligence
Intellect weighs the pros and cons
Love has none
Only a  clean heart
That does no math
Sharing it with
Someone or something
Greatest pleasure of giving
Is actual real living
Must have it in us
To begin with
Can't share what we don't have
Like patience love is
A proactive act
Gets accumulated in us
As we filter out the negatives
We ourselves destroy the false image
Architects being our experiences
Honest expression of ourselves
Is what remains after
That is the garden of Eden
Where love overflows
Filling us of our share
Share the rest to show that we care
Gratitude and empathy
Sympathy in Symphony
Pressing the right chords
Hoping for the best
Happy that we are blessed
Naturally being a mirror
That the same is felt by the rest
Valuation of our lives
We do almost daily
But forget in that process
What we possess daily
The most precious treasure
Is not in being its sole proprietor
But  in being generous
Making it our equity
Even if it makes our hearts heavy
The lack of lacking
Makes love flow freely
The river of no return
But every droplet cleansing out soul
Sep 2022 · 101
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
The life of Bruce Lee
That daily inspires me
Gives me a purpose
His philosophy Jeet Kune do
Teaches me to reach but
Does not preach

Serves as a Doctor
When I'm hurt and wounded
Deep in my Soul
Whatever the reason
Born a human
I don't need one

Coach and enabler
Let's me find my answer
Enabling my search
By adding wisdom
Which he imparts so well

Dons other roles
The tales he told
By his acting roles
Gives me pleasure
Watching him enact
Movement in stillness
Speed faster than
My eyelids closing
Making me wonder
Was he human

A friend he is
When he says
Its alright to loose
Offering the greatest gift
A friend can part with
The Will to face
Humanity's self created race
Where i too chase
Dreams that are dear
Far or near

Simple quotes for living
To keep the days going
Has said so many
Makes the living easy

His life was his message
Lived by  the words
Answers he got
In his search
Shares them with all
Everyone gets the feeling
He wrote it all
With me in his thoughts
He addressed me directly
Like he does millions independently

Life an inspiration
His fight to cross
Every block that was tossed
To put him at a loss
Walked the talk
Never doubted his skill
Used his own philosophy
When he went for the ****

Making the impossible
Into a reality
Workaholic in days
Replaced the hours
Days on end
On the film set
Till he fainted
Literally in his fight
To paint his life's canvas
Small budget films
Made in Cantonese
  Restricted in budgets
Second take a leisure
Never enjoyed the pleasure
Had to still deliver
With all its restrictions
The 5 movies he acted
As an adult
Did not just
Become box office hits
But part of cultural history
In everybody's conscious memory
Simple and direct
Easy to follow
Work ethic laid before
Sweat the secret
Of success galore

Greatest role for humanity
The god of anti bully
As a savagely bullied kid
Continuing till i was an adult
Stopped the second
I started studying him every second
Standing tall by my side
The bullies know what
They will get

No sacrifice big enough
Immortality bestowed upon
A  light shining
Twice as bright
Lives half the life

Thank you Bruce
Teacher Guide and friend
Advisor father and protector
Eternally popular figure
Died at 32
Lives amongst us in 2022
Only to guide you
By being with you
Sep 2022 · 80
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Search for answers
From questions arising within
Questioning the given
Seeking its meaning
Feeling or recognising
A Cosmic divine
To impart wisdom
Personal contact with God
A path chosen by seeking
Not following a set pattern
Not denying any belief
Or accepting them for relief
The search is neccasary
To realise that the search is not necessary
Where do the answers lie
In the experience or in the devotion
In our pursuit of in the turmoil
Is it within or without
Inside or outside
does the answer lie in the question
Or is there no question at all
Vanishing the moment you ask it
Knowing the Answer
Triggers the questions
Where did we begin
That we are looking for the end
Did we begin at the end after all
How does the journey start
At the end
Sep 2022 · 96
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Our relationship with the other
Smooth flowing as a river
Riding like tides
Getting away like the waves
Breaking nature's barriers like a Tsunami
Still like a millipond
Calm flowing and crashing
Where do you stand
Does the bond
Make you feel
Like a duck takes to water
Or a fish out of water
Or in hot water
In the presence of water
Makes you calmer
Because of its natural cool temperature
Can become hotter and turn to moisture
Where does the correlation
Stand in your favor
Water an analogy
To be the centre of the study
Of the link and connection
With any other human
Study water and it's layers
Clear understanding forms
On dealing with humanity
Strong or fragile
Answers can be got
Know your starting point
Set your target
Be like water
Be water
Sep 2022 · 95
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
The present being
Ever present in the present
Being in the present
Which is only present
Present never ceases
As every moment is present
Awareness of the present
Makes one feel the present in its prescence
Sep 2022 · 87
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Politics drives the sport
Skill and Sweat take the back seat
The players fill the seats
The committee's benefit from these deals
Tasted power through others talent
Threatened constantly as they have none
Seek to hold on
By destroying the careers
Of those who put them there
About whom they don't seem to care
Dealings and negotiations overtake
Ballot and draws
Power to misuse
Makes the player
Who had spectators
Standing in queues
Hang up  their shoes
Without getting their dues
Sep 2022 · 80
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Looking life ahead
Twists and turns
Taking you back
Where it all started
Lost in the maze
Hope and faith
Illuminating the path
Or so you thought
All you did was wander
Only the shadow
Never left you apart
Quagmire of darkness
Cast its sheath far and wide
Dimming the glow
That the light wants to throw
Unravel from within
For the maze an illusion
Inner quest illuminates
The labyrinth illustrates
The void that resides
Every layer peeled inside
The roads become straight and clear
Transcend the transcript
Blank pages filling it
Mirroring the empty Ness
To be written
Or already written
Page by Page
In great detail
Fill a blank page
With emptiness essays
Nothing from nothing
Is the fullness of life
Explained in detail
By the empty sheets
For you to discover beneath
Aug 2022 · 265
KV Srikanth Aug 2022
Five films filmed
Fans fantasies fulfilled
Fear filled feelings
Fraught foisted firmly
Fist Fury fighting
Firm focused following
Forgetting faking fanfaronade
Feature film flashing
Fretting fuming fallacy
Fundamental facts faced
Flawless faultless fable
Feeble fluctuations freezed
Feeling free forever
Film forwarded facts
Flowing  forward fluidly
Jun 2022 · 110
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
Tobacco  crafted together
Rolled up in a white piece of paper
One end dangling between the lips
Other end waiting to get lit

Nicotine rich leaves
Dried up and fermented
For smoking or chewing
Packaged for marketing

Burning the tobacco
Ingesting the smoke
Ciggerate as a tool
Fool or Cool upto you

Perceived as a pleasure
Suffering from peer pressure
Looking fleek  a measure
Addictions founder member

Risk and rebel
Not concerned about Survival
Dismissive of approval
Most factors mental

Trying to monitor
Through force or power
Always does backfire
Appears to empower

Quitting a process
Hard to digest
Body craves as time lapses
Target dates set in process

Makes time go faster
Is a friend to a loner
Finds company in the smoker
They compliment each other

Seen as a misfit
Or the ultimate fit
Approved disapproved habit
Every era gives it a certificate of merit

Movie star letting out smoke
Triggers the wanting in you
Imitation best form of flattery
The hero achieves it rather easily

Rolling it in his mouth
Sending smoke  rings out
Talking with the ciggerate dangling
Lighting it is almost heaven

Be there do that
Doesn't make you him
Realising it is too late
Lips holding the stick a preface

The first is the toughest
Next comes the secrecy
Not for too long
Agony  loses out to fantasy

Vapours on the twin tracks
Guilt and pleasure
Parralal to each other
Guilt replaced by fear
Pleasure by torture

Light it and inhale it
Exhale it and smoke it
Forget about it
Till the next time you light it

Easy come never goes
Words like willpower deeply sowed
Growth replaced by fire
Six feet under

Easiest way out
Make a joke
Destiny the locker for moral bankruptcy
Imagination starts flowing freely

Smoking and dying
Are  forgivable in a sense
You know you're the pits
When everyone around you have quit

Dying a better option
An example for future generations
The biggest sucker of the lot Nicotine finds you its easiest mark

When the marketing slogan
Warns you of death
Speaks for the product
Still beats their sales target

Laughable not that irony
Willpower to stay of the grave
Use it for better purposes
Than to negate a  negative effect

Many Bestsellers written
How not to be the Marlboro man
Be the Marlboro man
Marlboro immortal not the man

No one is immortal
Tells us our brain
I'll quit at the right time
Shows everything wrong with time

The dreaded condition
I won't be the victim
Every smokers slogan
Decade long battle like the Trojans

Married to it
Withdrawal the Alimony
Too much to pay rather stay married
Don't worry not too long your stay

Born smoked died
Could never put it away
All that needed was an Ashtray
Go ahead make your day
Jun 2022 · 107
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
The personality traits
Character determines fate
Considered to be not in one's control
An adverse result delivered is fate ' s protocol

Fate can punch a hole
Make one go backwards
Can even determine life's end
Or when not to end

In a battle of wits
Fate versus the Will
Fate always wins
Knows the result gives it the advantage

Fate finds its match
In a honest man
Fate cannot fight truth
Even if fate"s reasons are also true.

Honesty defines character
Being brutally so what ever the matter
Destiny cannot weave it's magic wand
The honest mans honesty already has

A life of ruthless honesty
Weakness the power of destiny
Destiny a brought forward balance sheet
Now needs an additional colomn to fill

Tomorrow s reality depends
On today s honesty
Lacking in it
Your fate writen in it

Outcome not even in thought
Answer when asked
No interpretation required
Yours is the final word

Fears that breed
On the dishonesty
Stop feeding it
Watch it die immediately

An illusion created
Truth will lead to problems
The illusion is the problem.
Truth can never be an illusion
Jun 2022 · 94
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
The race to succeed
Mortals classified as horses
Winning chances defined
Odds spelt out with favorites

To best the best
In what one does
Is to be the best
One can be at

To be the best
Better than the rest
Everything is a test
Top of the heap a quest

Education Sports Occupation
Out there in the open
Competitive world no doubt
Seats reserved for the distinguished few

What if the best
Is not enough to get selected
The next best option
Not a bad option to select

In the pursuit of winning
Living life takes a beating
Engaged in the sole activity
Experience gets limited naturally

Life lacks the color
That is associated with every endeavour
Restricted to black and white
Even Grays are missing in the order

Life is to live
Life is to experienced
Life is to express
Life is to learn

Life is not a conquest
Life is not a rat race
Life is not a scoreboard
Life is not a reportcard

A healthy life
Is to lead it well
Do what is to be done
Results happen automatically

Not to win
Not to loose
Not to prove
Not to justify

Content life nothing to pride
Nothing to be ashamed
Not a bother to other
Anything else don't matter

Another humans little finger
Cannot sweat because of ones behaviour
Do what you want
In your time place and savings

Complicating the simple
Lay it threadbare
The lesser things bother you
The more the people around you

Live it
Don't chase it
Don't ruffle it
It will ruffle back

Respect it
Thankful to it
Grateful to it
One day seperated from it
Jun 2022 · 100
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
Finding a woman attractive
Anything to get her companionship
Going all the way during courtship
Life's only prerogative

Heart longs for her
Start a family with her
Kids included in the planning
Dreaming and dwelling on attaining

Basic lesson forgotten
Mind games performing its function
The real attraction remains
As long as she remains a tough bargain

Attractive to the eyes
Only till she comes beside
Beautiful inside and outside
Only till she is found bedside

This is the truth
Great Poets have written about this
Figure it out with experience
Come to the same conclusion
Jun 2022 · 102
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
Born not knowing life
Grow up learning
Childhood filled with memories
Teenage was spent confused
Graduated to keep up
With the rat race
Sometimes as wished sometimes followed the wish
Middle age spent with frustration
What never happened seemed most precious
Life teaches many lessons
Attentiveness is the challenge
Observed the rest
Indicates where you stood
50s reached a stage of acceptance
What is is
Nothing can be done about it
Questions about what's left
R coming up
Ignoring them in purpose
Knowing well that the answer is not available even as a choice
Heading towards the 6th decade
Lived life till now
Experienced and more memories in store
Incidents and people
Played a very big role
The path chosen
Or the path chose you
No way to find out
Regret life no point in that exercise
Celebrate life gives validity to living
Lifespan determined not a breath more
Awaiting the last breath
Going to die
Not knowing life
May 2022 · 95
KV Srikanth May 2022
Those who don't know
That they are walking in the darkness
Will never seek the light
Said the immortal Bruce Lee
As a part of his Jeet Kune Do philosophy
Which he created as a hybrid from many
All knowledge leads to self knowledge
All the obstacles that confront us outside
Answers the real seeker seeks inside
Simplicity is the key to brilliance
The shortest distance between two points us a straight line
Freedom from conditioning
Brought about by flexibility
In order to face a hurricane
Be like the Bamboo that gives way
Only to come back to its position
Rather than an old tree that's rigid but gets uprooted
Be ready not tensed
Not thinking yet not dreaming yet
Ready for whatever might come
The middle path chosen
Be in harmony with the world
Nothing apart from us in our control
Use the path of least resistance
Give you a lot of confidence
Life is changing process
Following a fixed pattern when life is not the same
Will not help find answers to the game
Be yourself express yourself
Do not project an image of yourself
Honest expression is a path to self realisation
May 2022 · 130
KV Srikanth May 2022
A professional coach
Game of Table Tennis
Joined the league
A bit late only at Forty Three

Put down by colleagues
Instigated by parents
That i was Rookie
Not to send players to train with me

Rumors i was hearing
My reputation taken to the cleaners
In order to be sure i enquired
The defaming could not be truer

My doubts were erased
When a parent called one day
Told me to my face
That my skills needed an upgrade

Took a call then
That i will make a champion
Decided to mentor a newcomer
Started a new chapter

From that day onwards
The clock stopped working
Day or night did not matter
Time on the table only factor

Nothing else in my thought
No other feelings in my heart
Closed the doors to everything
Standing in the podium sequential dreaming

Worked in the process
Never took a recess
Hours spent countless
Taking the game to those who denounced us

Started with school matches
Everyone looked up and watched us
He piled up his wins one after another
Made me a proud teacher

Next up was the district
Matches became tougher
We didn't loose our vigour
District match another victory in sight

Mistook him for my son
The bonding went beyond
No one would work for the other
Unless it involved a biological

The sessions were so intense
Both had to go and see a shrink
He even blacked out and fainted
Our goal never went out of sight

Got selected to the State team
Won the Team Gold at the National Championships
Became India No 1 for a period
Dreams come true if you stick to the process

Made everyone look back
Had achieved which no one else
Who had mocked my abilities had
Answered with results garnered a lifetime of respect

Wide eyed everyday dreamer
Dream realised made me  stronger
Decided to dream even more
Dream backed by action is what is called as Champion
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