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Squid Dec 2019
I'm drowning in the newfound freedom of returning to the words I once left behind
The words allow me to sink further into my mind
The words embrace me like an old friend
The words comfort me when I cannot run to a past lover
When I cannot cry on my friends shoulder because he is more troubled than I
Cover me in my blanket of words
Let me rest
Let me only be woken by one that could console me in a more pleasant manner
I left words behind like I left you in your darkest hour.
Wordtimewordtimewordtimewordtime. I made cookies. They're still just as bad as before.
Squid Dec 2019
Maybe I dont want to be seen as anything
I just want to be seen
Lose your perceptions of me
And I'll try to lose mine of you
For everytime I am shown something I know,
I fear,
"Oh, I'm the _ girl",
And that the whole world will know me for enjoying a thing I cared only minorly for
I've been writing too long today. I am stuck in my head again.
Squid Dec 2019
Sometimes you have to step away for a bit
Before the chaos of your brain combines with the paper and turns your flowing rhythmatic sentences into a mushy cluster of words and phrases that no longer make sense to you or anyone else
I just start writing and come to a spot where I cant find the right word or synonym or continue a line perfectly. And then I give myself a headache
Squid Dec 2019
The purest moments
Sitting on that bus with two and three
Standing in the cold with a constant ringing rhythm in my wrist
Nodding to strangers
Frigid air freezing lip smiles in place
Coins colliding with other coins
And stuck dollar bills
Rewarded by thank yous
Overpowered by the ever-ringing bell
Feet hopping from step to step
And stiff limbs doing a dance
Gentle banter with the cross brothers
Followed by the budding romance of the dimly lit bus
The near crushed dreams of next weak
The realization that all these experiences are temporary
The most pure moments
How I wish they could last forever
Though the thought itself is a piece of that same bittersweet purity
I've written like three poems about this boy now. I am screaming. But you know the sonnet thing. Maybe I just like poetry? Or maybe I like him a little. To be fair I've literally had a week to think about this day. And I've had an entire day of being with my thoughts so forgive me if I had a bunch of poem drafts about a guy in my head
Squid Dec 2019
You were the one to sit next to me
Voice my thoughts of familiarity
You were the one who thought I was pretty despite being bundled in layers of clothing to keep warm that night
You were the first to say truly charming things
And make cliches your own
My friends can call me immature
But I want to know this perfect yet penniless prince
And how your life had to be so
What flaws are within you?
Please let me continue
Chasing my pretty bell boy
You turn cute proposals into lighthearted jokes. Never knowing that I would've accepted them. I think I've met the one that got away. As I have little hope of catching him.
Squid Dec 2019
Pretty bell boy
Washing the dishes
Pretty bell boy
Asking for kisses
Pretty bell boy
Should've been royalty
Pretty bell boy
Asking for my loyalty
Pretty bell boy
Strip me of my dignity
Pretty bell boy
Born in another city
Pretty bell boy
Asking where I'm from
Pretty bell boy
Playing my heart like a drum
Sorry pretty bell boy
I'm just so ******* dumb
Ackk I knew I was gonna do this. Romanticize the idea of him. He makes me feel like I'm in a romantic Disney movie rather than an angsty netflix series. I just wanna be on that bus with him again. Please?
Squid Dec 2019
I don't have the words
Your words
The words that bring me to tears
The words that comfort me more than the man of the ocean's melody
It's absurd
How I can have all these complexities within me
Only for them to be swept away when I try to convey them
I long for your way with words
The ability to speak in an impacting way
Forgive my sense of inferiority, friend
I know you hate pedestals
But I could never envision myself atop one either
It feels great to be writing again.
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