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126 · Apr 2018
Sprkinthedrk Apr 2018
A hand that longs for something to hold
Is only truly satisfied once in a lifetime
A pencil can enable a hand to write
A brush can enable a hand to paint
A fork can enable a hand to eat
A knife can enable a hand cut
But the hand only longs for one true partner
Something it never has to let go of
Something like a mirror image with five long limbs
Something like a mirror image with blood red ends that never drip
Something like a mirror image with blue lakes underneath
Yes, something like another of its own
125 · Nov 2017
Sprkinthedrk Nov 2017
How am i supposed to
Walk on the clouds
When they are merely
The water on which i will slip
124 · Dec 2017
Broken Bush, Shredded Shrub
Sprkinthedrk Dec 2017
You're with her
I'm without you
You're so happy
Having the time of your life
I'm over here crying
Myself to sleep at night
You never loved me
Though what I did was right
You paid no attention to me
But I thought of you all night
She's so lucky to have you
I'm so unlucky to not
I'm so glad that you're happy
Though you left me there on the spot
She's so much better than me
In every single way
She can sing
She can write
She will stay on the phone with you all night
She makes your heart melt away
She's got the beauty of
Aphrodite the goddess of love
I'm over here in the corner
Looking worthless as a shrub
With thorns to keep everyone out
Yet somehow you found my rose
You avoided all the thorns to pick it
And smelled it with your nose
Oh how the sweetness smelled
For the waft you took was deep
But then you picked the petals off
Driving me crazy
Then you went to her
Covered in beautiful flowers
As you had just killed my one
I wonder if you'll pick her petals too
And leave her with none
I wanted you to stay
But then you went and left
And moved on to her
Not even removing a single petal of hers
It seems you are pleased
You've found the most beautiful bush
Full of flowers and color
And no thorns to keep you withheld
You left me here broken
My petals on the floor
No more flowers for me to grow
I'm barely here anymore
121 · Nov 2017
Sprkinthedrk Nov 2017
Take it
Break it
Tell them it is beautiful
After you reshape it
121 · Nov 2017
Sprkinthedrk Nov 2017
Your scent against my skin
Is the only reason i know
What it is like to touch a rose
Without it dying at my fingertips
120 · Dec 2017
Sprkinthedrk Dec 2017
i’m sorry i crave your eyes
like lungs crave air after too much time
i’m sorry i crave your words
like a stray dog craves scraps of food
i’m sorry that i crave all of you
when i’m just a form of time consumption
all my entirety has ever wanted is you
and all you have ever wanted was the time alone i never provided you with
118 · Oct 2017
Sprkinthedrk Oct 2017
i want to touch your skin like the sunlight touches your face
i want to take in your scent like a child smelling flowers
i want to see your presence like seeing my first sunset in a year
i just want you and i want to be happy
110 · Sep 2017
Not Me
Sprkinthedrk Sep 2017
You call me beautiful
But how can you not see?
I’m the one who’s broken
The beauty is in you, not me
100 · Nov 2017
Sprkinthedrk Nov 2017
My greatest dreams
And my darkest nightmares
Sit across the room from me
In a single body
(With one hand made to create
And one hand made to destroy)
95 · Dec 2017
Sprkinthedrk Dec 2017
I once tried
to hide from the world
to make myself slowly disappear
until no more stood
but the shadow of this girl
that no one seemed to understand
it was lonely
wandering in the dark
never had I been so muddled
without saying a word
I thought I could disappear
and no one would pull me back in
but as those words left your tongue
I no longer could stay in the dark
my heart jumped back into the light
for it may love the dark
but if the light was what it took to be noticed
I was willing to risk the perturbation for your eyes alone
89 · Sep 2017
White Noise
Sprkinthedrk Sep 2017
i’m not your radio station
you can’t choose when you want me
i may sing
i may play
but i’m not yours just any day
you can’t just switch to other people
when you don’t like me most
when switching stations comes to people
it becomes personal
i can’t just play my music for you
when i play it the best
sometimes i’m your favorite song
and sometimes it’s the rest
i don’t like how you switch between
me and another station
when a song comes on that you don’t like
but then you switch back
that’s your attack
this is how you fight
treating me like this
is not a burden to you
you show no pain
in changing
when i’m too slow for you
so the next time
a musical note
leaves my head and mind
you can be sure
it won’t be for you
never again am i an “anytime”
so go find another station to play
‘cause next time you come back to me
all you’ll hear is
white noise
white noise
and that will be your sign
that you’re not welcome anymore
that i am no longer your radio station
no longer am i just an “anytime”
87 · Sep 2017
To You It’s Real
Sprkinthedrk Sep 2017
all the pain
comes pouring out
onto this page
tears on the ground
all over me
i’m soaked in salt
can’t even see
your words anymore
everything’s a blur
and you’re there all alone
soaked in your own
tears of pain
you write how you feel
and to you it’s real
to others it’s just another
page of lyrics
or poems
or even songs it seems
they try to add to it
add their own opinions
and feelings
make your pain no longer your own
but doesn’t everyone need to feel respected? doesn’t everyone new to have their own feelings?
86 · Dec 2017
Sprkinthedrk Dec 2017
last week was just great
like you know those weeks where you get your slice of cake and you get to eat it too?
just one of those “these days are what I
live for” weeks
and then came this monday
oh like a gingerbread house on Christmas day
this week was torn to pieces and it crumbled
someone hit the car door
the water pipe flooded the floor
I had to chase a stranger out the door
our house held a silent war
Now let’s see what Friday has in store

— The End —