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My life was just life before you came,
When you came, it became more than life...
It takes courage to love a man that doesn't love you back,
It takes time, your energy, and your strength,
Somewhere in all the time, someone has to have the courage to love who they want,
He doesn't love me the way i love him,
He says he loves me as a friend....
It's sad when no one is there for you when you need someone the most, just someone to pat you on the back and tell you that you deserve everything in the world,
It really hurts when you don't have no one to trust, to confide in, to compliment your flaws,
To lift you up when you're down,
It's hurts when you can't​ hug your brothers​ for their birthdays​, you got to miss it and it just tears you down,
It hurts when no one is there to wipe your tears, and tell you don't cry when they're gone, it's so **** painful when you haven't seen your blood in 2 or 3 years,
It breaks my heart to know that I probably will never see my brothers again,
But in the end of it all, it just hurt, to nor have anyone there to listen to your words..
I know I might be better off without you, but I can't stop thinking about you and your laugh, your skin and your smile. You're probably too good for me but I would hate to see you with another girl
It rained on my birthday today,
I prayed the sun would come put, but it didn't,
I prayed a smile would rise upon my face, it did, but only because someone made me laugh, not because I got anything for my 17 birthday
June 22 is a day my family don't know
Life is so hard, especially when you go through the struggles alone,

You cry so much and prayed but no magic happened, nothing good happened,

You scream help, but no one extended any helping hands, no one heard your scream or felt your pain, no one did,

Life is all about giving up and giving in and people looking down on you,

Only one person can pull you out into the light, hear your cries, and not just stand there, but calm you and tell you everything is going to be ok,
Life isn't all a big party when you're so alone, no friends to call, o no one else's house to go to when you don't feel safe at your owns,

Life is dealing with all the trolls and bullies in reality and on social media,

Life is so real and true and it breaks your heart when you hear the truth about it all.

Life is every good and bad meaning in the bible.
Love is thoughtfulness,
Love is pain,
Love is giving your all to someone,
Love is falling in love with a stranger,
Love emotional
Love is hard,
Love is a deep tradegy to those who can't love,
Love is trusting someone and being honest,
Love is dying for someone you love,
Love is a unknown tradegy for us while don't love,
Love is sacrifice and giving your all and getting nothing in return,
Love is many things but unsure...
I love you more than the blood that's running through my veins,

i love you more than the air I breath in,

i love you more than the times my heart beats,

i love you more than the ground I walk on,

i love you more than happiness,

i love you more than I, myself,

im glad you stood up for me,

and didn't give up on me,

and that's why I love you.

I LOVE you more than anything.....Mom

— The End —