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Soul Eater Jun 2014
Deep breaths I breathed
Such pain, never eased
Grasp a hopeless dream
Hear the cries and screams
No longer their savoir
Such depressing behavior
Snow falls onto lifeless hair
My soul caught in a snare
My dear brother
My dear mother
Goals, I did not achieve
Life gone like a staccato
Perhaps I can become a Legato. Original Poem source (All links in each are OST's that inspired the poems) And yes, I did write these myself.
Soul Eater Jun 2014
Feel the water fall
My world, so small
Tears drip onto weak knees
Help me, I beg you, please
Stop my endless suffering
Even this rain feels comforting
In my deep dark mind
Have I not been kind
Perhaps I am destined
With my pointless essence
Is it so disgusting
To be so trusting
Can I accomplish nothing
While serving Crime and Punishment. Original Poem Source and inspiration to poem.
Soul Eater Jun 2014
Blue cold water beneath her
Her innocent mind unsure
Whether she is destined to suffer
As her eyes lose their bright color
Thrashing for precious breath
Her time, short upon this earth
Such a pitiful woe
Can this be the day she will rue
Her heart was caught
Her love was lost
All she can do is cry
As she whispers goodbye
She has become so frail
The world bids her farewell
All of her memories shared
In hopes of being remembered
Her soul disappears
Her eyes, clouded by tears
"May god forgive us
My love has been lost";=15&list;=PL2kd9j3aTyoQnlt--LW7LeREiuVCPIMwZ Original Poem Source and Inspiration . (Original Poem no longer there because of channel being taken down :( )
Soul Eater Jun 2014
Gazing upwards forever
My side, you left never
Wrapped in your arms
Enduring the worst storms
Smiling up at the sky
Feeling the need to cry
Watching an endless ocean
So many different emotions
Watch day and night pass
The stars moving in chasse
Wandering innocent eyes
The world under a guise
It never seeming scary
In this state of Reverie. Original poem source and inspiration.
Soul Eater Jun 2014
Pull out your sword
Enemies, crowded in a horde
Tonight, we fight
Souls shining with might
Gather not as clans
But warriors hand in hand
This day we rise
Through the painful cries
Achieve what you desire
With eyes full of fire
Do not be beaten
Live to feel the Wind Of Freedom. Original Poem source and Inspiration.
Soul Eater May 2014
Swords clashing through the haze
Allies shouting with praise
Will they fall tonight
The most noble of knights
A grin graces their lips
Swords tight in their grips
Rushing forward into battle
Enemies mere chattel
Sky blazing in flames
Fighting with no names
Winning within mere seconds
Together,They Fought As Legends. Original Poem source and Inspiration (Also very fitting)
Soul Eater Apr 2014
Killing for what our simple minds believing to be right
Sadly, we cannot see beyond our own blinded sight
These men are no different from the beasts of the forest
By battle seeking humans, they are called fourth
Overtaken by their own pride
Onto the ****** battlefield they ride
Destroying for what they see as chivalry
For America's freedom and liberty
Can't someone stop this massacre
Or will our humans souls be tainted darker
Until the final enemy dies
The human race will always Rise Original source/Inspiration for the poem. I write these solely on my YouTube channel in the comments of the videos.
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