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Feb 2015 · 697
Perspective Relations
Sora Feb 2015
This time last year
I was sick from the monster that ravaged her
Praying to someone I never talked to
But yelling at them to save her

Laying in bed
This time last year
She was better gone than miserably withering away
As if the hidden tears watering the carpet in the office a few stairs away
could revive her.

We become selfish as the monster ***** away any hope.
Selfish to the ones who are strong and are walking tomorrow
Selfish to the ones strapped to the stained glass window to another place

Perspective relations
For this time last year
She was sick.
Now strong.
Nov 2014 · 417
Sora Nov 2014
I love you.
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
I Am Poem
Sora Sep 2014
I am Sora,
Crumpled at the bottom of your mind, the bottom of your waste basket, the bottom of your shoes, quietly burning from the pain that
greets me with a
hard embrace
chilly breath and
numbing strength.
Coursing through the reflection
left empty like behind some doors,
I have walked out from.
I am awake
through the nights
through the days
through the hours
through the lives
I am awake.
Like a window sees everything within its sights
I can not un-see the rain marks of hurt and of blindness staining my hands.
Pocketed in the morning
I held no weight, I held everything, destined for experience, destined for hoarding
of emotions
of relationships
of others' experiences I keep
But I walk alone with a partner
holding my hand like a parent with a kid when it's
“Vaccine Time”
And I'm hearing
roaring of the comments
hissing of my weakened soul and
echoing identities I used to claim as my very own
So the waves that I am
come barreling, come surging, come crashing, come Hell or High Water
to look up is to see and to see is to create and to create is to revolutionize and to revolutionize is to
Save yourself before the stars burn up.
And she
she is my Northern Star where I am Harriet Tubman
I have been there. I am there. I will be there. I will be out there. I will be. I will waver. I will stay.
Unapologetically me.
English assignment.
Aug 2014 · 488
Sora Aug 2014
Let me run away
To holde you late in the night
And make it alright
Sora Aug 2014
In the midnight cold I'll be the hand that closes
the shades 'cause now it's just a chilly stale air coming through the window
And when you're fast asleep under the sheets I'll be the
far away breath from thinking of how I'll say
Goodmorning not to the beautiful
but to the breath taking simplicity which
Spills from your veins to illuminate my aching smile
Because I would give my all for you
to be more than just in love with you
In the July dawns as the concrete begins to waver under our feet
I will be the cool on the back of your neck
For when you walk down those steps I'll be that
railing that reminds you of home when you
float not just through space, but through the door of my heart
but like a tide, you and I together ebb and flow in
Over the rocks we've been bloodily beaten, though we continue our strides
There is nothing I wouldn't do to gaze at your
blue eyes as if they were only the entire night sky
As I am home nowhere but within hearing distance of your soft breathing
For I am truly more than in love with you.
Aug 2014 · 521
Sora Aug 2014
He lost his dad
Hold onto his hand so he doesn't run
He lost his dad
With the rubble smothering the color of the sky in war.
He lost his dad
Caught sight of the coffin the pain worse than an eight year hangnail.
He lost his dad for God's sake
Could we really say that name in a time like this without a taste of guilt?
He lost his dad
Turn and down half a bottle of alcohol and then tuck him in tonight
Quick, we're running out of paper
He lost his -
The super hero got a little close to the waves and didn't know how to swim
His super hero got too many of these corrupted crazy villians to fight off
And now the hero needs saving while we sit and turn away
He was already under when we look at the empty silhouette panicking
He lost his dad
His super hero
Jul 2014 · 299
This Or That
Sora Jul 2014
Maybe I cry so much because this time it's for something
And I've always played 'that' part until it
Molded to me and now I'm not acting.
Not been pushed this much in my life now
That my legs are dragging and I'm drooping over.
Scrambling to word it right and make change
Unaware that this cause could go up in flames and
Take me with it.
Peel off this red, white and blue body because I'm
Not living *The American Dream.
Jul 2014 · 304
Question Me This
Sora Jul 2014
Is this even worth it anymore?
One fight after another and I won't be winner.
I've shed more than enough tears and it's not ok.
Is this ever going to be worth it?
Pain trickling under and over my skin.
Maybe it's done now because I can't take more.
Is this worth it right here and now?
Challenging for respect by family and school.
Never finding where I fit in this crazy world.
Is this worth risking my safety?
I've got no reputation to guard.
Be labeled as **** regardless.
I just need to know, is it worth it?
Talking about if I want to continue my transition.
Jul 2014 · 349
Sora Jul 2014
You came up and knocked on my door
My faith in love and myself you did restore
And with this night growing longer and brighter
You held my hand tighter
through the unknown outcome of this love
We were flying so high, along the wings of a dove
And I will never stop writing
And I could never stop fighting
to make you happy
If you're ever having a bad day and feel ******.
Because this is us
And we're going to last forever
I will be safe and I will be strong wherever
I love you
8 months ago you took my hand, not knowing where we'd end up or how we'd go anywhere, yet you took my hand and then we flew <3
Sora Jul 2014
Even if I'm broken, I've got my heaven around me
With the blue eyes of my sky I've so gruelingly
waited in this water as my legs began to give out
Praying for this rain of mine to subside
Inside, I see the warmth of your smile under the halo
'Cause after all, only the beautiful breach Heaven's Doors
White dove etched in my wrist flew to your lips
to unlock your heart of its holy water
So please taint my blood though it's not thicker than water
Chase these chains to make this being afraid
into I'm afraid but I've got Heaven underneath me
One disasterous paradise within me that you
dig for and find my Hell is seven oceans deeper than
The sky is full_ but even if I'm broken
I've got my heaven surrounding me
as your blue eyes wipe away the crush of my tides
Please let me call you love
Because even when I'm broken
You are my heaven that surrounds me.
Jun 2014 · 334
Say Jesus
Sora Jun 2014
All that's here tonight to stop thinking about Jesus
Despite feeling unnoticed or kept from
Pronounce your Bible ashen to give your heart
a skip over tembling glass
The storm raging on with the sunny rays warm
Because yesterday was fire and their eyes were scorching
For this frosted light to remain
you must unclench the verse and etch a scripture
bleeding out your tongue's history and see that is your Bible
Go from door to door and with that burnt Bible you won't let go
Sell to preach to see how Jesus hangs bloodied after so many eyes
Scorching him sorely off that cross to make themselves strung up in the shadows of their lives that were raptured and say Jesus of Mars
So red and mysterious to conjure up a book
that we follow like ants on a chemical trail to the food source
and to worship is to be chained and to be chained is to be stripped
To be stripped is to be captured and to be captured is to blindly die
With this book resting over your urn as you wait in lline to the Heaven you were taught so heavily to scratch at your wrists to get the plot of the Bible out.
Say Jesus as you did the first summer in Church
Jun 2014 · 665
Sora Jun 2014
Stealing my breath on a summer night
Youthful in the dusk and wise on the stars
Driving out with pillows and blankets in the back of the truck
Now, her smile warms my freeze
Easily holding me as I regain feeling in the form of tears
You, you and I~

Loving through the strokes of the clock
Echoing the newest learned song between the walls
Arching, moaning, coming- close
Neighbors can easily hear you and T and A
Netflix binges and night holds
Edward Elric and Alphonse are on a scroll hanging on the wall

Ching chong and she still believes Asia speaks one language
Love-with a little bit of lust some could say
I waited so long for the 'i' so I could say 'I love you and you love me'
Fighting for yourself and being my tough one when I'm away
Freedom. Yep. #YOLO #sorrynotsorry #Free
Orchard is a part of Washington State as you taught me
Running can't quite be a thing, but derby is
Dedicating my life to you. Then, now, forever.
Jun 2014 · 429
Odd Step Out
Sora Jun 2014
Hide me in your curves to show me on your chest
Fold me within your arms and say 'I love you' in a breath.
Watch me paint the night from the words you said
making the patch of lawn a temporary bed

To kiss is to express and to look is to dive-
into the deep end of the ocean blue eyes of your love I've been deprived.
Caress my smile and feel my racing beat
Each night I am only yours, my demons you did defeat.
So with your lips tasting of goodnight
let's crash together after the fireflies dim their lights.

Teach me, reach, for my hand
Preach in the darkness as you show me your land
This is bad rhyme but look at the time.
I can undoubtedly profess-
I've surely got the best partner in crime.
Jun 2014 · 593
Backdropped Drop Off
Sora Jun 2014
You could have a thousand shades to describe
A sunset that won you photograph of the year
Stil without flight we dazzle your angle
Careless to say we shine the shades
But you never thanked the rigs that pulled those shades

In simple terms
The shades draped over with clouds
Could not be as brilliant
To the scattered fractures that are
Not boastful, just gleaming
A handful of shades
With a hint of tomorrow peering through
Jun 2014 · 430
Rug And Shrug
Sora Jun 2014
Free so why do we have to be falling
From the oppressed comes the depressed
and a remedy people forget is to caress
The split wires and the fragmented heart
Instead of loading up on prescriptions to put in the shopping cart

Trapped because we're a fish stuck in the weeds
Like a nemo, we find sanctuary in the warping darkness
Flashing a light to say I'm trying
And after awhile, that's what we come to know
Trying is to sink and to sink is to die
And to die is to be released and to be released is to
Take that gun and **** it
Drop it
to the floor because your best friend would suffer
Going and going until you're almost gone
Just almost
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Sora Jun 2014
Watch out as we struggle to maintain
the withering roots with a dose of intolerance
Blasted through the decade aged monitor that
We can't afford to replace because these
suits and briefcases are tattered together to call substantial and the white building you cruise to each day ain't that blinding anymore
For all the 'accidental' 'unknown' and 'uncaptured' hangings you dated
And the collar around your necks
Got no creases in them
Like those on the hand of his sister
as she sits by the coffin
Jun 2014 · 363
Sora Jun 2014
America's in quarantine
until further notice, the red white and blue folds to
Double over and rid it of the hypocrisy
Stained glazed gates with half empty pockets-
Wedged between the vents of
the ones venting to control the temperature of the heads that are rolling
Soiling to morph these colors
that do not belong to them, but to the homes of the brave
Who end up voiceless, pinned up and victimized
And that police report never got filed
Diffuse into the gravel to decay
any hope of pride we still claimed
May 2014 · 927
I'm Okay With That
Sora May 2014
Medals crashing, holding, fasting
Lonely in the halls
I'm enveloped by this harmonious nightmare
and isn't that what life is coded out to be.
These medals, they come crashing, holding and fasting
Starving out ot be of honor
And I'm okay with that idea-
Fetching, tearing, withering away

To give to something better
Even if you won't remain any longer
Because when we're dead
nothing holds us above each other then
And I'm okay with that-
So live life like a celebrity
'cause in the end, you might as well have been one
And I'm okay with that.
May 2014 · 401
See Fire
Sora May 2014
With this flame
I tread water
And with these strokes
I'm hitching it on the road through the burned zones
As a toothpick forest drops from the strings to ***** the sky that
Held no water rain
but rained down ******
I tread water with this flame
Sora May 2014
We missed the showers by a night
To crumple together into this human ball
Or breaths and pecks and soft love, touching *******

I want to call it 9:30 again
Turn the lights out and slide
Into bed, with your hands rwching for mine
Hearing your soft smile through the pitch dark

You make me feel human
Capable of emotions other than rejection and resentment
You make me feel wanted
As though I'm something special and
It makes me cry.
May 2014 · 404
Sora May 2014
The aftermath
is almost worse than the surprise and maybe
It's just me-
Wrecked after every time we hang out
Becoming so close and intimate and vulnerable with you
Getting into the mindset that we'll be this way for a good while
But we wake up, like a one night stand
And we have to say goodbye
It wrecks me

But it's demanding to be felt now
So I will not hold back even though I'm weak
And I realize after you leave each time
That I'm alone, in a new city, friendless, homeschooled
I don't really have a life anymore
And maybe that's why
Waking up is the worst part
Because we have to throw clothes on a just say goodbye

And I want to steal you for more than a couple hours in an afternoon
Or for a night
I'm clingy and I don't want to let you go.
Because even though I know it's not
It feels like we are so separated. And

It kills me every time I know you left and are doing your life thing.

The aftermath is sometimes worse than the surprise for me.
Apr 2014 · 307
Picasso me
Sora Apr 2014
In a kiss I taste star dust
A super nova teaming within you
Through a glance I play out black holes in your pupils
Finally grasping what it is to return home-

-Fire soaring to lick at the domed painting that's repainted each night
Afflicting our compass rose as the grass
Lifts graciously to Heaven like God himself is runnning his hand through it
And his rain splatters all around the embers

Let me return you back home
Stumbling, fumbling for the door
Where God sleeps
And angels play
To clap our thunder
And stomp the rains
Onto this compass rose grass

I'll bring the false keys to keep us out forever
With your lips glazed a constellation
Moon speckled freckles across your back
And super massive black holes appearing in each blink
There's no need to be a part of God's Factory
Let's be held here in this space between
Compass rose grass arching to flow under our heels
And the sky bowing to us

Let me take you almost home
Where there's a hazy pink shadowing us
Allow me to escape capture
Gather the shameless beauty you hold and lay it over the horizon

And let me take you almost back to home-
Apr 2014 · 614
Dry Wall
Sora Apr 2014
City storms and maddening proposals
why not stay simple and kiss
No extravagent nights hitting the shops
"But the economy dropped" you hear
Then lets follow  back to simpler rooms
To the uncut fields  and
life support barn frames that glint softly
through the cowboy hat reflections
Take to the tire swing dragging over seams of the hurt skies
Scraping the bottom of the barrels

Go to the old country and in
our eyes
the metalic skin does not envy us
For it has novels it wrote to speak

Lets make it new again
Pulling the ashtray clouds
And gasoline tears through the messy cottontails
Let us not be caught as we adventure
Inside thickets of pasts and childhood books
Apr 2014 · 400
Star Dust
Sora Apr 2014
We were the ones
Stuck at the back of the class
Because of the signs taped to the front saying
Beware of Dog and Live on the Moon
And through the galaxies filling our heads and the
closed war through the monkey bars
We ran. We ran like this was tag and being tagged was to be shot
No matter what you are, you are the same as me, as her, as him
We're all made up of star dust
Sora Apr 2014
Hang these flags as you would have our heads
Trapped from snapshots of two men in one cot
And even when
They weren't lusting, sinning, thrusting
How is it that that is what the puzzle makes out to be
One was terrified of the thunder and lightning
The other looking out for another
But as soon as you conjure up the word brother
All Hell breaks loose and the Chruches scream

Even when the two long haired women tangle together
Scandalous and ****, profits and party
Based on their bust size and hair length
Throw in the noun sister and you have a sold out show

Selective, seducing, masquerades and markets
Like we are some animals bound to your chain
Cut along my veins and hold me to the light anf read me
Etched among myself are the scriptures of the already spoken
And the nes who aren't there yet.

We cannot hold the right to complain or banter
if we were not out in the streets, protesting, saying.

And we've all be persuaded into believing it's a blue sky
Until someone walks up and says it's purple
And the churches will look it up in their books
But who has time now adays for reading?
Another piece inspired by Freedom To Marry Same *** Couples Court in Oregon
Sora Apr 2014
Gays are no different
Because we have eyes, though some of us may be blinded
We have ears, though some of us might be deaf
We have fingers and toes, although we may not have all twenty.
Gays are not hell bound
Because we eat shellfish just like you do
We are flame resistant just as you claim to be
We have sinned, like every other person out there.
We are no different
We are wired differently as is every human in existence
We dress differently just like you
We all love differently, but we love anyway.

We say as our ancestors rebelled
We don't carry Satan on our shoulders as you have tought your children
We do our best to hold in the hate
And we feel as though we can acclimate others to their peers
We do not though, force ourselves on you
As you do to us

So we like
I can guarantee we fine more pots of gold than you
So we have our wn clubs and bars, because you have yours
She's a woman and he's a man, and there are no picket signs at their door

NOthing breeds us to disown and hate  but ourselves- so that is who we can blame or that's who we can talk to*

Gays are no different. So don't hold me from walking down an aisle
Inspired by Freedom To Marry and Same *** marriage court in Oregon.
Apr 2014 · 588
Sora Apr 2014
I prefer staples over tape.
I prefer someone who's high over somebdy drunk.
I prefer fixing the roof in the rain.
I prefer mashed potatoes.
I prefer teling my secrets to a plush otter than someone who can sell me.
I prefer loving her, rather than him.
I prefer a story that's not quite readable.
I prefer Paramore.
I prefer waking up when it's still morning.
I prefer the drumming of rain that spans over 24 hours  than a year of sun.
I prefer sticking up for myself.
I prefer picking my own battles.
I prefer power outtages as it snows.
I prefer wondering about people.
I prefer yeling to the oppression.
I prefer cuddles when I know you're not perfectly okay.
I prefer ties over skirts.
I prefer Polaroids over selfies.
I prefer to tie my shoes constantly.
I prefer cnvincing mysef she's on another trip
she'll return from, rather than believing she was robbed from us.
I prefer Sora.
I prefer masculinity on myself.
I prefer RedBox movie nights.
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that we came out to be that high school couple who beat the odds and made it to forever.
Apr 2014 · 539
Sora Apr 2014
These curtains they fold
These lights they shine
And this microphone
It echoes to eventually fade out
I am abandoned to see the chipped wall paper
Soft resonance substitutes yet
My voice is still clenched
Gave way as I beg for
Some to tell me anything anyways, like it's my right
"Speak for her. Encore, encore"

Shambles with bullies and rigs
Fumbling to my chest I lose my breath to
lose my balance

Oh these symbols they rain
And this rain hits
Swallowing us as we manage to
Follow our feet and walk
the walk where our hearts are spread out like
A smock n Picasso or Poe

Troubled to dangle on
Speak for her, encore, encore.
Dripping a nuisance
For my Father I am foreign to your tongue
As I do not intend to spread misguided fortune in a sin
I crumble in my lips speak for her.
As I do not have substitutes
Will you hear me either way.
Apr 2014 · 407
Farm Crew
Sora Apr 2014
Below the sun starts to droop
like my eyes in the winter haze
Swift and aloft, mesmerized
The penny looses its shine
And the well seems fit for drowning

Rummaging the the rubble
My heart's not a store
Scarred and broken
open through the door comes the looters

I am robbed
bobbed for a bite on the floor of unseen
Though these eyes are sore for looks
Scandalizing props a broker through
stained glass windows
faulty ceilings and fogged up glasses
Elapsing through the Praise scratched Lord hands

Am I left to compose
Iced over good mornings as honor and parishioners rumble over
Where am I headed, where do you go?
plastic pieces flexing
Docking down to where the light never seems to hit
But we take mark with a bouy-
To say your words *"This is how far I got"

Through my meadows I burn
To the chimney stack scoffs
And the melancholy sweeps to rotate the blinks over
and over and over again
Apr 2014 · 581
My name
Sora Apr 2014

Take me to your sanctuary
For I will
Empty out the skies to keep them within my heart

Falling into the dream
That I've fallen asleep to every night
With Kairi falling higher and higher into those emptied clouds
And I pray that there's still enough left to cushion her fall

Tell her that I'm at the station
My train's come to let me replace
And bleed out the skies so that she can fall asleep to the stars again.

With the starfruit brushing the shores safely before
I wanna line the pieces up, yours and mine.
Apr 2014 · 905
Sora Apr 2014
Smooth iceman
Sitting in the cinema
His hair rustled by the claps
And his identity is just in his clasps

Shadows flow
Echoing cries of the wolf
And then it's black, serpents
Strangulation and presents

Brought up to restrain
Beasts roam from the trainers

As the iceman
Sitting in the cinema
Regains power and steers
Turning back time, to simply reset

Before the wedding cake tiers
Slide and droop, they fall from tire
Falling to the end
The serpents came out of the den

As he was slipping, the iceman, the painter
Began on himself, to repaint

And the power of the anagram, endless
I know it's bad. But I just wanted to start playing with anagrams. Hopefully I'll post better ones.
Mar 2014 · 963
Pollution Saves People
Sora Mar 2014
Labels. Square. Cut. Legible enough to judge.
To rank and trivialize, hollow out a once million dollar view.
Leave only the shattered confidence and trampled mind to litter the scene
The roof of a skyscraper seems inviting with a
neon sign reading "Thank society for this."
You find yourself weeping, attaching, flooding your gates
To this sign, next to where you're going to surrender
Because no letter, no word, no other human
could grab your slit wrist  and lead you away. To say
"**** the square, cut, legible enough to stand scenery. Stop painting with your running blood"

Go with a plastic bag.
No- not over your head. Pick a size off the shelf
Now pour that million dollar view you make up in the bag.
Drip a few branches and some lamp posts,
or paint the sky arching to the shore with a flock of birds swirling around
Make it bulge
Warmth radiating through
Now toss it. Throw it. Hurl it. Hand it.
It holds, it shifts from a silent setting in one eye to a hurricane coming

Though the contents are still exactly the same
You cannot escape interpretations
For fear of the unknown and the trap door to never open up beneath you
But you can be a plastic bag instead of a box.
Mar 2014 · 752
Sora Mar 2014
Beat me, bruise me, leave me your pain.
Take from me then, the need to use a cane.
Stay close to me, keep me free
I want to walk tall and with pride
Stumbled and fell, is that enough to say I tried.
Let me wander, but please call me home
Beat me, bruise me, leave me your pain.
Let me walk away and I might just leave on the train
Release me although you may be weakened and torn
Please don't be rattled when you find-
a half empty dresser and unfinished bed in the morn
Mar 2014 · 918
Monarchs Of Passing
Sora Mar 2014
Butterfly fly away
To the mountains
And come what may-

Erupt from within the mineral pools of rocks
A beautiful fountain
Allow the flow of your wings to mock

Cascade through the changes of the moon
To return back to a cobweb of a cocoon
Alongside the rushing river from the mountains
A beautiful fountain
Sora Mar 2014
Stain my hands yellow for the unfaltering hope I saw
On the sidewalks slipping into the subways
Stain my sleeves red for the blood in me
Mutt blood, disaster, harmfully pristine to still have any
Coat my collar in silver for the linings I've come across.
Coat my chest maroon for the forests
I've wrenched apart, set on fire to teach you to save that stained piece of paper
Hit me with grey and honey glint-
For the sunsets you watch after the
Roaring thunder and ocean of lightning

Rock me under blue for the whitecaps that
Sunk your ship, drowned your men, swallowed your breath

Stow me away in white for the blazes which
Paralyzed you in the uncertainty and catapulted you to marry her

Paint me a shade
And I'll paint a church steeple in Italy
A wedding cake in the Bahamas
An apple tree flower heavy with fresh rain in Washington State

Paint me black
I will illuminate the souls that form your constellations

Paint me a shade
I paint a snapshot
One brush stroke at a time
"To expand, to gain, we sometimes must steal. And using this, the outcome equates the theft. That is, if it bursts from the soul."
-James Raymond
Feb 2014 · 663
Peeling Wallpapers
Sora Feb 2014
I'm sick of feeling stuck
To holding on
And to isolating myself
And to feeling numb, not because of all the pains
But just because it's sitting there.

I want to move on, start over
Breathe a new cloud
But I don't have the energy,
But I lay in bed all day on my laptop
Under the covers, skyping the girl who gives me all her love unconditionally.
I don't want to feel so stuck
And I feel stuck.
Feb 2014 · 686
Sora Feb 2014
Life goes on
And we must separate the wood from the rain
I find myself trapped in clouds of grey
Mourning, grieving, breaking

Life keeps on rolling
And I'm swept under by the rip tides
Crying for a breath of air
To say goodbye.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Diving Board. The Jump.
Sora Jan 2014
The orbs are comfortable
To lay within the glow
Rounding up and over the moon lit by
Nightly prayers from the children and the whispering ambitions of the aged

Will we ever fit in
Well, fit out of the confinements we dredge to make it all okay when the family cries
Each of us have all been strapped with Velcro from our Day 1 to fit standards
But does it mean anything..
For if we fall short, it hurts more than falling long
Why must we hurt and bleed and scrape against the bottom when we're trying our hardest

Age holds no value
When the interlacing branches of the forest
All look the same
Because we cannot dare differentiate ourselves
What it is to live "normal" and society's "regular"

Maybe we hide ourselves
under scars and lyrics, between role lists and bus seats
Maybe our orbs are colored neon, or maybe a lingering Oregon grey

So maybe, clicks and groups and minorities
And maybe even the "freaks"
Are all synonyms for "normal" and "regular"

So please, these orbs have become comfortable
Don't hang your head and hide one minute more.
Jan 2014 · 732
Sora Jan 2014
It begins and you can never press rewind
My heart was covered and caged
My fire transformed to mere embers

And can we chant and sing stories
If we don't what it is to breathe
Or can we carry on through the monotone echoes
As we desperately sift through yesterday
Trying to get caught up

It levels with such eloquent and supple scenery
One cannot taste the sweetened breeze
Promised by tomorrows dreams

Are we capable of expressions
Though we have no emotion, for we are abandoned.
All but empty goodbyes and numb sights.

With no more space to contain our absence
We bleed and we break, to soil and stain
Doing so without knowing
What it is to breathe

Burning dove, how is it you shine that bright?
Crashing and wandering to find only my oasis
For these passing days and glowing flames fail to touch me.
Jan 2014 · 520
Beginnings Again
Sora Jan 2014
Today's a brand new day, new adventures, new thoughts and ideas, new emotions, new questions.
Today's a brand new day and you could change your life around and rebuild your life and get yourself going down the right road and make more light in the world somehow, maybe even if that's just by not hiding who you are and speak your thoughts to some other than a page of notebook paper.

Today is a brand new day. It's up to you to break normality and not make it just another typical day.
Keep looking, you'll see it. I swear.
Note that's taped up on my mirror, I read as I get ready in the morning before school.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Confined And Died
Sora Dec 2013
The frames
Tunneling us enough to cloak the rays of diversity, of possibilities
The normality shaded a charcoal black, sprayed over us
Stinging the eyes of those who could see the spectrum
Blinding the ones who walked down the colored roads from the coliseum to the Twin Towers
People hung up on the walls, stapled to the confinements of society's critics
As if a snowflake would make them unloved, unseen, unwanted, unworthy of living and chasing happiness

Nobody can be there to comfort you
No one can be there to let the rain ease
Nobody can make you smile
But yourself
And the book's stacked on the sore shelves have taught us the opposite

Through the words strung around your front door
And the shades covering your walls
You can bust that choking frame apart that you might be trapped in
And create one that doesn't shift to make the papers tell society you're normal
That nothing's wrong with you, that you are not a sinner, and that you are not hell bound

Spiraling, collapsing, destroying, breaking, slashing
The ideas of ties over flat chests and the long hair to the ones with the *******

Finding your spectrum may **** off the clouds
And you may be blinded
But the colors come out from beneath your feet


Diversity thrives in the wonderland
That not everyone comes to witness

Follow me down into the rabbit's hole
To discover your frame, your life, your portrait
Your spectrum is not society's

Stinging eyes to the ones who see the spectrum
And the scars to the ones who have already painted their own
They have more to tell
Dec 2013 · 704
Graphite Finer Than Lead
Sora Dec 2013
The kicking
And pounding
Like an old
Blazing hot
Iron Horse

And the revolutions
Over and over again
They scream like an orchestra
Through the night that was started
so silent


And it's a work in progress

At what is now
The Architects
Finest work

And we call it our home
I call it our dream
And you,
my heart
Dec 2013 · 564
Story Book
Sora Dec 2013
The ripped out
papers that held
a surprise
has been taped back into the book

She never wanted to adopt
She had
3 miscarriages
So her only resort was adoption

And she ended up with me
A shredded flag that used to be
Something she enjoyed
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
I Did This
Sora Dec 2013
Look her in the eyes
With my own war veiled eyes
Look her in the eyes
Try not to shy away.

Come back to me
Don't leave me
Don't let this
monster, this darkness
boy fitting into the cracking skin of a girl
take me over

Look her in the eyes
Try not to look away
Look and see
All the hidden rejection, the hurt, the longing, the numbness
That you made her feel

Look her in the eyes
Try not to say sorry
Because somehow
You were meant to destroy your adoptive mother
And be abandoned by your biological one

Look her in the eyes
Try not to
*Shy away
Nov 2013 · 527
Goodbye and Good Luck
Sora Nov 2013
And I used to be just like you are
But I survived and I'm not just selling
False Hope
Just handing out
Your painfully truthful Fates

No, I am a walking almanac
And I can tell you that in eight months
You will still be trapped down in this dark

I wish you make the best of your time down here
Because this is as bright as it'll get for you.

Goodbye and Good Luck.
Nov 2013 · 394
We, Ourselves
Sora Nov 2013
Sometimes Love cannot
save us
Only we can be the ones
to save ourselves
So put down your hearts
unlock your lips
if only for a minute to hear
We are only as strong as ourselves,
not our partners. No, never our partners.
So become the
most stable
Afterall, it's two
Two halves that make up a couple

And I know
it's scary to be alone
but you are the

If your partner dies
one day
You, you don't die with them.
You still have to
get up

You are still here
So make yourself matter.
Nov 2013 · 602
White Light
Sora Nov 2013
I'm not here
I'm not in the stream of light
I'm caught up in fear
I am tied down
Back in that street back, way back
Before I stood to stare

I'm not there
I'm not winning any award
I'm not able to care
I am strapped down
Up in with those bars, way up in that barn
Before I cried to shadows

I'm not here
I'm enclosed by my tears, and my doubts
I'm not around when it counts
Like a missile waiting to explode
I am deep within the mines
Of the rich and the poor
I am not around when you need me
I am back, trapped in fear
In Terror
That I will be strung up by those lights
In that barn

Only this time
The lights won't
Loosen and I
to my life
I will stay strung there
As the morning lights washes over my limp body
Nov 2013 · 409
Hey You
Sora Nov 2013
Hey you.. You should come here

So I can kiss your lips and listen to the rain by your side and we can sit in the dark for hours and maybe pass the time with our hands as explorers and our hearts as our holding tanks.. And we can close our eyes, to see even darker shadows in the warmth of one another. Because I love you, and everything you do, everything you say, every little laugh you let escape your breath and how you make all my worries fly away.
Nov 2013 · 336
So Hey
Sora Nov 2013
You should come here

So I can kiss along your jaw. So I can make your heart run faster and faster, until it's flying through the night. So I can feel your skin up against mine, your bones pressed into mine. So I can just hold tight through all the hours that wreck me. So I can be there to see your beautiful life, just so I can just be there, to love you. Like you deserve and never let go.
Sora Nov 2013
We held our space
And as the darkness grew brighter,
We spoke of the untouched tomorrow
Down in the nights' palms
We danced in the curves of our skin
Making our own wonderland
And We pulled each other in
And as the darkness grew,
We fell deeper into the eyes
The whispers and the smiles
Fell more for each other
As the darkness grew and the space vanished
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