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 Mar 2014 No name
silly girl
 Mar 2014 No name
they apologized
to clear their
not because
they were sorry.
 Mar 2014 No name
Edward Alan
Kiss upon my lover's nose:
It is for you the blossom grows.
Notice now it fans itself
Beyond the bough and hither flows.

Or else the scents came forth aroused
Not by those lips but by their boughs
Who shook and left them to the lake
With whose waters we are daily doused.

But could we shake the scent from trees
And drink the petals' milk as bees,
We might not lead our lips astray
And plant wet kisses where we please.
 Mar 2014 No name
Edward Alan
Boggy dark peat buoys
atop hot

swells of blackening water,
under a pale froth

of warm, bitter oils.
 Mar 2014 No name
"There are no words to describe how beautiful she is,
or how special she is, or my love for her.
To put these things into words would be to define them,
To quantify them, which means to limit them.
There would be a beginning and an end.
There is no definition fitting, nor any limit,
nor beginning or end to her beauty,
or to how special she is, or my love for her.
my love for her."
 Mar 2014 No name
Thomas McEnaney
I’ve been swimming in a school of fish
Spent the last thirteen years growing gills,
always swimming in the same direction,
The name of the game is simply ‘keep up.’

I’m nineteen years old and I may not be the smartest fish in the sea,
but Ive always dreamed of the surface,
Envied the skipping stones who make ripples with their freedom.  
Swimming in follow the leader formation isn’t easy when the the leader wants you to lose,
And it never could have prepared us
for the tsunami they called graduation, we ended up on land
And it turns out all along we needed lungs
Because the name of the game was ‘survive.’

Feel your scales cracking, gills gasping,
We were released without the skills we needed
Those who were here before us are willing to tax
Our lack of understanding,
demonstrating that if you pull a fish backward
His gills will fill with the water he has always trusted,
he will die.
They will serve him up, they call it Legal Sea Foods for a reason.

The rest of us are stranded,
Drying in the sand we used to dream of,
gasping for waves, looking to rely on the
very opportunities that betrayed us.

It’s almost as if theres a neon sign above us
A sign that reads ‘you are here.’
You are here and you cannot leave.
They taught you how to swim and how to follow
And fish don’t really sleep but they told you
Dream, Dream, Dream!
You are here and you cannot leave,
They told you you could walk
But they never taught you how to breathe.
 Mar 2014 No name
a couple days ago
i tried to **** myself
by ingesting a handful of
different pretty pills
in the hopes
they'd make me
a pretty corpse
i thought maybe
they'd plant roots
in my stomach
and grow flowers
out of my eye sockets
but then i realized
those pretty pills
would ****
not only me
but the ones who already
saw flowers growing
in the darkest parts
of me
 Mar 2014 No name
Riley Ayres
Hatred seeps through vicious eyes,
Love like a dream lost forever,
hearts forgotten together,
an ecstacy of broken sadness,
glitter trembles in minds refracted,
Broken tension forgets itself,
lost in the hands of the weary,
never safe in the caress of sin,
for poetry cannot be formed from chapped lips
your fingers ache as words relapse
breath forgets to fill your lungs
your place is gone here,
life begotten through glass shards
piercing the skin to your bones
small drops of crimson leakage
trickle from the crevices of your body,
the pain is unstable and placid
as they tear your heart out
with their bare hands....
For Those who have loved and lost, for those who have been hurt, and for those who have hurt themselves...
You Are Loved.
 Mar 2014 No name
Yhama ButterFly
I am wrapped in a firm squeeze.

This cocoon is tight! (so tight)

I fight to find comfortability.

(Restless) in this nest.

This Transitioning is hurting me! (tears)

Questioning the worth of these wings,

can I sustain this agony?

If I stop fighting,

will this squeeze be lighten? (maybe)

waiting... waiting... waiting


Until, this cocoon cracks and exposes my wings.

~ButterFly εїз 2013©
 Mar 2014 No name
g clair
My lingering lament
my stuttering sonnet
my book of bewilderment
has your name on it.
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