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 Mar 2014 adr
Megan Grace
 Mar 2014 adr
Megan Grace
you and i,
we are open
hearts on
floors and
we step lightly
for fear of
unsettling the
room. one
day, though,
we will
no longer
be afraid
and we will
pick up
everything we
left sitting
out, and i
will hand you
all that i
have with
the knowledge
that you will
never drop
it, never lose
it, never take
it for granted.
i like knowing
that someday
i will be safe
with you.
"I still believe
that, you know.
That one day
we'll be
 Feb 2014 adr
Megan Grace
I am what Webster's defines
as a wreck
a mess
a disaster
because lately I've been
missing you so much that my
legs ache, that I can barely
speak around the knot in
my chest when I see you.
how do you tell someone you
don't know how to be without
them without sounding desperate?
I only know how to love you
in the scariest ways.
 Feb 2014 adr
no matter what your teachers
may tell you, your grades are not a
measure of how smart you are, that
has more to do with how you handle your
heart, and i have never seen anyone love
more fiercely or smart than you.  

i have let boys touch me just because
i was scared to lose them; don't let them
lay a hand on you without you asking
them to, you are worth more than that.

people will walk away, but you've known
that already.  keep your chin up so that when
they turn back one last time, they know that
you don't need them.
you don't need them.

i hope you find somebody that holds your
hands, even when you're nervous and
they start to sweat.  if they pull away,
you come find me and i swear,
i won't let go.
i just love her more than words
 Feb 2014 adr
Megan Grace
 Feb 2014 adr
Megan Grace
god, you
said something like
"this just makes our story
more interesting" and
up until that moment
I had thought you'd
given up on writing
new chapters with
 Feb 2014 adr
Megan Grace
 Feb 2014 adr
Megan Grace
how sad that I thought
we were going to end
up together- something
you called "soulmates"
and something I called
"settling down"- but
you ripped the parts
of me that I gave you
to shreds and scattered
them in all the places
I have never visited but
always wanted to. now
every city I long for is
tainted with your name,
with my constant need
to do right by you, with
my feelings of inadequacy.
I think I probably hate you.
 Feb 2014 adr
Megan Grace
most days
I am overwhelmed
by the need to talk to you,
to feel your name drip from my
 Feb 2014 adr
Megan Grace
you molded me, soft, in
your hands- a wheel at
Pottery Barn- and I couldn't
say "no" (impossible, at that
point, since I was so sure the
sun set in your palms and the
moon only rose upon your
permission) so I let you turn me
into someone new, someone I
thought you could love. your
words tore open my chest and
mixed with my veins. they
whispered "you are beautiful, you
are lovely, you are everything" and
I soaked it up until you had nothing
to give but apathetic shrugs and
a mind that was always somewhere
else. I expected too much of you,
but how could I not when you
had promised me every star in the
sky on its own individual string?
 Jan 2014 adr
Megan Grace
honey jars
 Jan 2014 adr
Megan Grace
I remember only that
you had the lamp on in
the living room, and I had
crawled into your bed
because you said I couldn't
go without talking to you
for twenty minutes and
I was trying to prove that
I could. You were playing
your ukelele and I swear
I have never had so much
trouble breathing as I did
when I peeked out of the
doorway and you gave me
that slow, lazy smile. God,
who were we then?
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