Funny how the sweetest thing in my life,
Can bring about nightmares of pain in my sleep.
I know she will never leave me,
My thoughts become a threat in the night.
Sometimes my dreams so destructive, I awake with night terrors,
She is always there, calming me.
She is always there to hold me, to shove the bad thoughts away.
She is the only one to save me from my thoughts, she keeps my life real.
She loves me, with a smile like the sun on a hot summer day,
And eyes, which glisten like water droplets, from a warm summer morning.
She shines me a light in my dark night thoughts.
She is my savior,
My demons tremble at the sound of her voice,
They are scared to see her, because they do not know the real her,
Only a mirror image, a mere shell of what she truly is.
They capture her appearance, nothing more,
Her personality is a mystery within my nightmares.
My demons will never know her like I do,
She saves me, my angel.
She makes me full, she is my antidote to this venom known as anxiety.
She will never leave me.
I know this because she is my savior,
I love her.