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126 · May 2020
I'm not good with words
Zoe Grace May 2020
They have the chance
To dance and twinkle like stars upon the page
But most of the time
They get lost in winding passages, my train of thought derailed
124 · Jun 2020
Haiku for H
Zoe Grace Jun 2020
A brilliant smile
A comfort like no other
And the sweetest kiss
You asked for a Haiku, and I finally wrote you one.
121 · Jul 2019
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
I need to cry
I want to cry
So why won't the tears flow?
120 · Jun 2019
Zoe Grace Jun 2019
Why did I fall for you
If you won't
Even talk to me anymore?
119 · Jul 2019
I thought i was over them
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
It happened again
I thought i was past these things
God ******* **** it
Another panic attack, another depression spiral, another fit, another part of my life where im left feeling numb
114 · Jul 2019
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
Knock knock
Is anybody home?
It seems as if I'm hollow
To be forever alone.

The hole in my heart
Never filling up
The tears in my eyes
Never drying
108 · May 2020
Zoe Grace May 2020
Your touch lingers on my skin
A hand to my cheek
One passionate set of lips to another
Your teeth that grazed my neck so freely

You call me your siren
Beautiful and fair, a voice to match

To that, I call you my Sailor
For I am drawn to you as much as you are to me
I know in my heart that I chose you
And I'll follow you wherever you go

You call me your fae
Irresistable and enchanting

To that, I call you my Angel
You saved me from my darkest place
When I'm with you, my heart soars
And I feel so high above the clouds I forget my own name.
<3 H
103 · May 2020
Zoe Grace May 2020
Nothing comes to mind
I promised you a haiku
I'm sorry baby
100 · May 2020
Zoe Grace May 2020
I sit here
And I'm overwhelmed with happiness
So I don't know why the tears in my eyes feel wrong
98 · Jul 2019
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
For once in my life
Words are not enough
To express what i feel

It is as if I feel every emotion
All of them and once, and yet
None of them at all.
I know, I'm confusing.
98 · Jul 2019
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
Help me
Im alone again
And about to cry
96 · Jul 2019
Zoe Grace Jul 2019
Do not mistake a cry for help
As a cry for attention
I don't want your attention, or your pity. I'm not faking this. I just... i want somebody to notice that I'm not okay, i want someone to look at me and see past all the walls ive built.
48 · 1d
How do I write a poem about the fact that in my childhood bedroom I had about 10 glow-in-the-dark stars blue-tacked to my ceiling, and that I could touch them if I stood on my bed on my tippy toes, and now, in my 3rd year of university, in the the house I rent with my friends, I have ridiculously high ceilings and a projector that shows me a galaxy?

How do I describe the feeling of staring into the bathroom mirror at my 20 year old reflection and seeing the ghost of my younger self looking back at me from behind my bloodshot eyes? We both stand there at two thirty in the morning with tears running down our cheeks, our hands angrily ****** in our hair and our stomachs ****** in to the point of pain. I can't tell her that it'll stop, because it hasn't.

The dreams she had slip further and further away from me. I can't reach the stars anymore.
I find myself back on this site after years. I don't know what that means for me, but we'll figure it out together.

— The End —