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Kyle May 2018
I manifest for many faces,
At the back of your mind here I hide,
One for every sin & saint your heart chooses,
Let it feed on your soul to keep me alive,

Take me to your masquerade and by Tartarus I promise,
His heart & his lips are yours to keep
Bloodied by your blade, mercy extinguished
Inspired by Hamlet
Kyle Mar 2017
Nyx as our witness

I counted stars that weren’t there

Just to lay longer
Night Sky

My first Haiku!
Kyle Mar 2017
I’d like to get to know you again
From your blushed freckles down to your pale toe
Or just be lost in eternity with the sound of your
Chest bound metronome

I’ll have you know, my red absinthe
That this soberness is killing me
Each moment without a sip from you
Is havoc unleashed
Kyle Feb 2017
I am a fortress of solitude, Lord of the misty peak,
I grant sweet breeze, visitors of my lofty perch,
Terror to prisoners of my hollow crypt,
My troubled throne remains still,
Sought by the noble and tyrant in a struggle that never seems to quell,
But I am yours to command as you see fit,

A keep, yours to keep
Kyle Oct 2016
The curse of Un-living unhinges even one as proud
Guilt alone could undo one’s wicked past
Titles I have sought by might & rumour
Tyrant, King, Reaper, Hound, Eater

Impaled foes fills my moat
Crescendos of screams, in symphony
With the hums of my throat

From the jugular
My canine harvests red elixir
Damning my thrall to reluctantly
Creep along my crimson mantle

All this time taking, I ache to give
Would this year be Turtă dulce
Or Clătitele cu gem?
Native delights that would surely
Bring out those little goblin’s grins
Turtă dulce- Gingerbread, Clătitele cu gem- Crepes with jam
Kyle Apr 2016
The Day, When the only season we know is Summer
The Day, When the only animals we see live in shelters
The Day, When every gust of wind carries the ashes
The Day, When every terrain that was once green now a wasteland
The Day, When every step we take brings us closer to a heatstroke,
The Day, When every vision we have is being robbed by Smoke,
The Day, When Mother Earth stops pleading,

And the eviction notice becomes more than just a warning

Earthquake, Tsunami and Thunder Storms

What’s mine is now Yours, takes a bitter form

Every Day should be Earth Day

So that The Day never comes
Kyle Oct 2015
I'll let you in on a secret of an ancient wicked
The price would only be your silence
And the space under your bed
The veil is near and I have no will left
The bones I have collected are yours if I am read
The Spiral is yours to command as you see fit
And the Hollow Labyrinth for your victims to go insane with
Take my place!
I long for the taste of candy and innocent pleas
For the millionth time,
**Set me free
An all evil dimensional drifter's unwavering attempt to go trick-or-treating
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