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Kyle Sep 2013
Of stern strength and brawns I have none,
The great ape would have had me dismantled,
Of wisdom and intelligence I have none,
The wise owl can outshine my light bulb,
A world too big for me to take head on,
Quite elusive in the animal kingdom,
What am I?
A pigment altering rascal,
Amongst the shadows,
But a hint of rainbow overshadowing the meadow and those I deem mellow,
A cerebral among you numb skulls,
I am the Chameleon.
My name is Draco.
I may be slow in progress but I have the heart of Quetzalcoatl.
My animal totem
Kyle Sep 2013
I am Elizabeth Bathory
I go batty on these princesses,
Bath on the blood of Jasmine,
That is where I get fragrance,
No reflection in the mirror,
Since I am the palest,
Eating Belle(a) like the Beast
But I do it after Twilight,
Tangled Charlotte in a Web,
And unleash the animal within,
Dye my hair with so much red,
Rapunzel would faint,

I am the Un-dead,
A Sleeping Beauty,
The Countess of Castle Disney,
There are no Once upon A Times,
With Me.

— The End —