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Skarlet D Jun 2015
Saying My Good Byes is always hard,
And I will expect it is for you,
But I can't say good bye to everything,
And you can't either,
I have said good bye to a lot of things in my life,
And some things I regret saying good bye to,
Like I really do regret,
By saying good bye to those things it has made me very sad,
But very open about what goes on in my head,

Not everyone can repeat life but I wan't to,
I wan't to say good bye to the things that made me who I really am,
Who I am now is not who I wanted to be,
I wanted to be someone totally different,
I wanted to be more like her,
The girl inside of me,
The girl who can speak in front of hundreds and thousands of people,
Not the girl who is always fighting her battles inside of her head,
NowI am starting to realize that I am starting to say hello to that girl,
And good bye to the girl I am now.
Skarlet D Jun 2015
Knowing who you are is very important for the outside world,
You have to know type of individual you are,
If you don't that will be the end of your dream,
For a lot of people their dreams have to do with a lot of courage and independence,
Some of those people have went though those ups and downs for those dreams to come true,
And they made it,
They pushed though the hard times and smiled though the fun times,
Not all of your dreams will come true but a lot will if you just push harder,
Like a lot of people say no one can stop you but you and it's true,
My dream is to become a Author, Director, Musician, Script Writer, Speaker, Therapist,
I will do harder to get to where I wont to be,
I am a terrible speaker and musician,
But i will keep trying my best to get there,
I fI give up now I will never forgive myself for giving up,
And I don’t think you would forgive yourself for that either,
I don’t know anyone who still dose not want to live the way they want to live,
It might take years and years and years,
But you have to keep on motivating yourself to be positive,
No one can take you’r life away except for you.
  Jun 2015 Skarlet D
When your mind is shattered
Your eyes are blinded
There is pain everywhere
you go
Don't give up and
Don't give in

When the wheel of fortune
is stuck at 6
No hope remains
Don't give up
Don't give in
Noon will be coming around

When loneliness is
your only friend
it keeps calling you names
Don't give up
Don't give in

There are times
when life is
ablaze with horrors
Don't give up
and Don't give in

Those that survive
are those that find meaning
those that passively
take to their bed
are bound
Don't give up
Don't give in

When the law's
got your name
and no payment can be
you have to go
along with their plans
that have been laid,
Inside, where you hide
Don't give up and
Don't give in.

Time only stops
Don't give up
Don't give in.
Skarlet D May 2015
She won, but lost a friend.
Making a story called White_Mystery. This 6 word poem goes with it.
Skarlet D Mar 2015
People have been recently telling me i'm drifting away,Well it's true,But i don't drift away for nothing,I do it because you don't need me as much as you did before,Yea I might talk to you sometimes and you might need me,But your happy now,You don't need a weird girl giving you advice anymore,Like don't you have other friends you talk to,I'm just saying no offense,If i'm drifting away from you,You should be happy, Your moving on and i'm defiantly moving on, Yea I admit it, I like to joke around a lot, But when I do sometimes i'm very serious, You just cant tell because the way i'm saying it is coming out funny, When its not ment to be,  So you know if i'm drifting deal with it cause i'm not always going to be there for you even when i'm trying to get my own life straight.
To my friends
Skarlet D Mar 2015
Make me happy again,
Make me smile till I fall asleep,
Make me laugh till I choke on air,
Till I cant breath anymore,
Take me into the world where i can play with my animal friends,
Take to me the plays where I can see wolves,
My favorite animal,
Lets run with them,
Have an adventure with them,
And come back their leader,
With wolves on each side of us,
Hold my hand when i'm next to you,
Why don't you understand you make me happy,
You make me smile,
But you take me as a joke,
Yes I joke a lot but you should know when i'm serious,
You've  know me long enough to know when i'm serious,
I love you don't you understand,
Come on make me happy,
Now all I do is cry at night,
Over you,
Your eyes sparkle,
Your smile brightness up the day,
All you have to say is I love you,
You don't have to mean like your in love with me,
Just say it like you care,
Like i'm your friend,
Yes i'm in love with you,
Yes i know you don't care,
But I do,
Look into my eyes and tell me you don't love me,
If you don't i'll be sad,
But all I want you to do is make me happy AGAIN!
Skarlet D Mar 2015
There once was a girl who liked to be alone. She liked the colors black and grey. She like reading, writing books and has a sense a fashion. She tried to pay attention in school, but she trying her best. She didn’t like to talk very much, she liked to stay quiet. When she talked she spoke quietly with a soft voice. She had friends but never she never really talked to them. The only time she did was when she was confused about class work or where to go.

On the weekends she went out with her outside school friends, who were totally different from her friends at school. Her outside school friends knew her way better than her inside school friends even though her school friends knew her longer. She was always independent.

At school when she was partnered with a classmate she would have already started the project and be done with it two days later.She had a sophisticated language She liked studying also but not as much as studying writing.

She is a very bright young lady which everyone thinks is not emo and punk. She is a Christian but she is also punk. She listen to dub-step, house music, punk rock, pop rock, sometime gospel (depends on what song) but mostly dub-step and house music. The color of her room was grey. She liked it that way.

Other people thought it was depressing (her school friends) some thought it was it was calming and cool ( her outside friends). I’m betting your think “How dose her school friends know what her bedroom looks like.” Well she FaceTimes with them and not often, and if she dose its only about class work.

She had her own Youtube channel and it was a calm and mature. She only talked about her writing, how she felt, other things and what she thought about life. She only had a couple of people who like talking to her from her channel. They emailed her, messaged her, and sometimes tried to get her number so they can hang out and talk about some stuff.

At home she was quiet two and calm too. When her family came over she never liked to talk to the as much anymore. She would sit at the corner of the table or of the room. Unlike some people she liked to be lifted out of anything that was not important. She only talked when something important was hap pinging that no one saw, when someone asked her a question or when someone got something wrong. What she would mostly would do is get her food and go upstairs like every thanksgiving when her mom didn’t tell her to stay downstairs.

Speaking of family she did not have a good connection with her father, step-brothers and step-sister. They never really i guess liked to talk to her. But what i can feel you is that her and her oldest step-brother talked a little everyday.

Now it sounds like this girl doesn’t have a attitude, or a anger problem, or talks back, but trust me she dose. When she gets mad, she gets mad. And its not good when she gets mad. Its like a demand come out of her. With fire in her eyes, veins popping out of her body, face turns red, and it almost looks like steam is going to come out of this girls ears. Now no one has seen her get mad and the reason why is because when people get her mad in public her getting mad dose not show. She keeps it in like a secret. When she gets home they ways she expresses it is by posting it one her YouTube channel and she even tells her subscriber what the person looks like, height, age and name. The reason why i said age and name is because the people that go to her school ****** her off. They might not know her but she knows them. She knows everything that goes on in the school and in her old school still. This girl might sound weak and quiet but in the inside she is strong and powerful, oh and yea her outside friends will punish anyone that messes with her even though this girl clearly doesn’t need any protection just to give you a heads up.

Now i have told you a whole lot about this girl and her name is Scarlet, she is currently 16 years old and in high school. If you want to know anymore about this girl give me a heads up,  like and or comment down below, right dow there and you might even get to see what she looks like in the future another heads up there so goodbye my little lovable  loves and have a wonderful day. Peace.
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