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Adeoye Favour I Jan 2021
The night is young,
morrow's afar off.

Oh, there's time
Tick tock, tock tick
and the year has gone by

Another season with
no bounty.

How long will you
squander the great
equalizer, oh how long?

© Adeoye Favour I.
15th January,2021/8:40 AM/ Friday
A stitch in time saves nine.
Adeoye Favour I Feb 2020
Who can sing me the abridged version of the ancient songs so sweet,
Songs of victory,of feats so great,
Carve with passion and sealed with love,
Tales of greatness,of unabated doggedness in the dark face of tumultuous hailstorm!

But what song shall I leave in the
mouth of earthlings,to chew like the crispy lyrics of old,
Or would I just be a shadow of an ancient monument?

© Adeoye Favour I.
I love greatness
Adeoye Favour I Feb 2020
I may speak the language of heaven,
And have interpretations to every tongue,
I may give my wealth,all my accumulated assets to the poor,
I might even give my life, burning myself at stake,
I might have the voice of angels, all the components of orchestra in one body,
I might understand all mysteries,
operates in all the dimensions of the spirit, have access to all the portals of heaven unknown to man,
But there isn't an iota of love in me,
then am a clanging cymbal, that makes much noise and bound to fail,
Because,all things will fade, prophesies,revelations,gifts,graces,
Even Heaven and Earth will pass,
But love will never fail.It shall endure and remain forever.
©The Psalmist
© Adeoye Favour I.
# Poem
# Psalms
Adeoye Favour I Feb 2020
Circles of Peace,of careless abandon.
Circles of love,unadulterated agape.
Circles of sweet dreams and great intention.

Circles of brotherhood and kindred spirit
Circles of umbilical trust and faithful souls,
Circles of impactful influence
Circles,oh circles of camaraderie

Circles of joy,of gospel that gladdens,
Circles of brimful  moments,
Circles of memorable times,
Concentric Circles of fulfillment,

In the middle thereof have I pitched my tent !

© Adeoye Favour I.
Life is in circles.
Adeoye Favour I Jul 2019
The George of the Jungle
                  King Adventurer
      George of the jungle
Father of Wildlings!
Adeoye Favour I Jul 2019
The letter of the depressed soul
I always want to love life,
but it seems am an awful and unforgiving lover
And it seems life herself is grossly unfair to me,
Always frustrating my labour of love and very many commitments

I always get more than I want or ever deserves,
of the many struggles and pains that life serves
Maybe she forgot the concept of fair share
Or maybe others were made with iron
And I with soil.

©Adeoye Favour I.
Thinking Out Load
Adeoye Favour I Jul 2019
The Song of the DEAD
The Dirge is about to begin
The banjo is heard from afar off
The intermittent sound of Ìyá-Ìlù has arouse curiosity
The dead will begin the song at twilight,
And gyrate through the night
Because this would be their last feast,
After which they are muted forever!
© Adeoye Favour I.
Footnote:Ìyá Ìlù : Variable tension drum with waisted body.It is the commanding officer of the whole talking drum ensembles and is one of the family of the talking drum generally called Dúndún.
Dead man tells no tale
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