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Adeoye Favour I Jun 2019
In the deep;
In the midst of rivers of many waters
      I found myself

I sailed when the winds were turbulent
       And the waves rage

I set out on an unknown course
      Without a compass nor a map

I hurt comfort by leaving her zone
And  betraying her trust.

The bridge had fallen before my arrival
At the cross over point

Yea,I find no shelter from this paralyzing
           And contagious cold,
Neither do I find fire for warmth

I paid for a roasted chicken
   But I was served bile

I hunted earnestly for elephants
   But mongoose was all I got

Vinegar became the wine
I now savour,
And ammonia the perfume l wore

I sought for a companion
But fierce woes were those that
encompassed me

My peaceful haven became
An abode of lion and scorpion.

I became a victim of desires,
Thrown into the fire burning without sulphur
  In the name of passion,
And for the sake of the future .
© Adeoye Favour I.
Adeoye Favour I Jun 2019
Molten Magma  
There is nothing after no more
And no more after nothing

When a rock get crushed
When a mountain turns powder

When a bone is broken
When the baoba is fell

When monument burn to ashes
When the land rupture
       Giving way to fiery fury
And chaotic chasm,
Then there is nothing after no more,
And no more after nothing

When the beginning takes off from the end
     And the end from the beginning
And a poor soul at the receiving end of their tyranny,
Then there is nothing after no more,
And no more after nothing

When a poor soul had been poured
like a drink offering,
He becomes the cup and the drink,
He is a product of time immemorial  and
disruptive transformation,
  He becomes the fire and the ice,
  The wind and the whirlwind,
He becomes the roaring thunder
       And the thunder roaring
Argh,he becomes the molten magma,
Threatening the foundation of the cosmos
*Fell (transitive; to strike down,**** or destroy)
© Adeoye Favour I.
Adeoye Favour I Jun 2019
For the night
                       is dark
And full of terror
       But what do we
Say to the God of fear?
© Adeoye Favour I.

— The End —