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Stevie Ray Jul 2021
There are no words
to describe you.
I've searched for them
in between countless metaphors.
For me, you stand
above comparison.
Words can never describe wholeness.
Thus silence
seems befitting.
Stevie Ray Jul 2021
Fragile are those petals
as they flutter in the wind.
Yet they dance so graciously,
when they let go
and embrace their vulnerability
Stevie Ray Jun 2021
A circle inside a square
depth through silent prayer
a spectator keeping an eye on mind affairs

My thoughts rain, winds howl and scream
but I'm in peace, when I'm asleep
who else can I be but dreams?

Within my hands I've caught a glimmer of the ocean.
Rainbows of light made from a rising sunset.
I spread my roots and grow,
fertile soil is giving me some space
before it's genuine and deep embrace.

A twilight forms from out my feelings.
A brushstroke of sadness that
carries deep commitment
painted as light through black,
from past to present.
My darker hues
stand so proud and true
with uniforms and ancient medals.
Broken boots and blown out helmets.

They remind me of myself
And I realize that you are my reflection

and the one on an inward journey
is the observant you.
Stevie Ray Jun 2021
"She's out of your league bro."
" Only out of my financial league."
Stevie Ray Apr 2021
Starstruck I gaze at
memories that glimmer faint
and hide in old light
Stevie Ray Apr 2021
Did you overcome hardships with more strength? Did you overcome situations that were stronger than you, with more strength then those situations? No, you overcame them with less. Are you stronger than the mountains you climb? Are your legs and feet harder than the rocky muddy ground? No, they are softer and more fragile, flexible and at it’s foundation is something even more abstract, it is invisible, it is untouchable, it is unshakable unwavering vigor and strength.

- Stevie Ray
Stevie Ray Mar 2021

Everything devolves into structuredness because all things revert to singularity. To one entitity. It reverts to a single point of energy charged with infinite potential and pure conciousness.
An All-being dissolved of any structure and definition giving meaning to the No-Thingness inherent in the fabric of all existence.
We are omniscience expressed through a fragmented incomplete experience. More expressed through lesser, yet without this,
potential wouldn't come into fruition. Understanding comes with defining structures painted on the empty canvas of awareness. When we cease to paint, the color of awareness transforms emptiness into spaciousness. That's why through silence we can experience contentment in being. The practice is awareness without understanding.To understand that we are awareness without practice. Effortless. Duality is our illusion, our bounderies are imaginary. We only perceive the paradoxical expression of reality.
Like the notion of distance in the definition of interconnectivity.
Wholeness is incomprehensible presence.
It is the rigidity of our awareness that prevents us from flowing into it. Take water poured into existence, yet it takes the shape of an imaginary bowl. Held together by the tension of it's own convictions. It firmly believes in it's seperation and individuality.
Convinced of it's own shape, it does so against ironically impossible odds. It forgot it's place within No-Thingness yet that does not mean it's seperation. It merely means it does not recognize itself as the wholeness it perceives.
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