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Lucio Aug 2018
I daydream as I walk in the forest among the trees
And imagine your touch as gentle as the summer breeze;
I close my eyes and absorb the suns rays
Its warmth, nothing compared to yours on winter days:

Listening to the birds chirp as they do their mating dance
Your visage in my mind is starting to enhance;
I smell the moss, grass, and flowers, natures perfume
Nothing compared to your scent, I inhale  deep and consume:

And I hear you call out my name and whisper, be with me forever
As quietly as leaves rustling in a zephyr;
But it's just a daydream as I walk in the forest among the trees
And I continue to imagine your touch as gentle as a summer breeze:
Lucio Aug 2018
I'm not blind, but I didn't see
All the love you gave to me
I'm not deaf, but couldn't hear
All the words of encouragement you whispered in my ear
I'm not mute, but I could never say
The right words to make you stay
I'm not numb, but I can't feel
Your presence next to me, this can't be real
I'm not dead, but no longer alive
In this empty home, alone I cry
Lucio Aug 2018
In this vast Sea called life, she keeps me afloat
My heart for her only points true north
Regardless of the days, the ups and the downs, she knows my true worth
So to her the rest of my life I devote

If only I could put her in a Spire, protected by a moat
Because she has my heart beating back and forth
In this vast Sea called life, she keeps me afloat
My heart for her only points true north

In the worst of storms she’ll cover me, a protective coat
My own personal shield from the horrors of the Earth
With her I'll grow old, a fire roaring inside the hearth
I’ll remind her of her Deeds, and I’ll gloat
In this vast Sea called life she keeps me afloat
Lucio Aug 2018
I’m a man writing his own eulogy
Simply because no one knows me better than me;
I’ve told myself no lies, I put up no mask
No hiding behind a façade, no questions to ask:

So when I speak on my behalf just know it’s all truth
I won’t just mention the highlights of my youth;
Sure I’ll talk about the birth of my children
But won’t leave out the bad, I mean we all sin:

I’ll talk about my rough patches and my depression
How I failed constantly, but it wasn’t a loss Just A Life Lesson:
I’ve never claimed to be a perfect person I’ll say
And follow it with but at least I ******* tried along my way:

I’ll quote my favorite songs so you can have a better perspective
So you can know the man writing his eulogy, it’s him being honest nothing selective;
I'll apologize to my friends, family, and those I let down
Just know I wish we could have shared one last laugh and one more round:
Lucio Jul 2018

Ok let me start by mentality preparing
I'll need to hype myself up and be wary;
Because when I see you smile I  freeze
And I know how everyone can see what i see:

Beauty unparalleled, truly you have no equal
And when i make my trip it won't be once, best believe in a sequal;
I look into your eyes, still pools of water and mist
And i get lost in a trance, another place  added to my list:

Of places I've got in mind of exploring
And with you as my guide I'll do plenty of touring;
You bring me in close to get a good look
And your smell has me caught like a fish on a hook:

But I don't fight it, baby reel me in
I've waited to long let the journey begin;
I'll run my fingers through your forest of hair
As my lips are attracted to the path of your neck, nothing can compare:

To the ecstasy i feel in your presence
You lead me down to your twin peaks, I pray for a life sentence;
I want to memorize all your textures and curves
So I can caress you the way you deserve:

But you tell me not to worry, there's more to see
So i start at the bottom from the top and run my hand over your knee;
You laugh and say there's a hidden valley down there
As you pull me in closer, **** I wished I had more time to prepare.

I'm lost in love...
Lucio Jul 2018
A man with power can still be powerless
A slave to the routine of maintaining it one needs mental prowess;
Only going as far as our mind, heart, and spirit allow us:

No mentor to guide him he's at the apex
But he's still got fears and doubts, when he's the one leading this trek;
And that's when he realizes it's about more than just money, power, and respect:

Setting aside his ego and id
Reflecting on all of his actual accomplishments he's done did;
And he still keeps fighting, just as hard as he did back when he was still a kid:
Lucio May 2018
I'm sorry…

I’ve already said these words so many times
I feel like a criminal who’s committed the worst crimes;
There’s nothing that can be said about what I’ve done that can't  be seen as selfish
All I ever wanted was your happiness:

I never stopped and never will, keep loving you
But trying to regain who I was is the best thing for me to do;
I feel like the monster Frankenstein had envisioned
A man with no soul, trapped in his mind like a prison:

I wear my words like a suit of armor, protecting myself from what you might say
As I ramble on and on until night becomes day;
I know what you want to hear from me, and the words just won’t come out
But just know those unspoken words are true, without a doubt:

This is my last and final attempt at an apology
I’m just a man giving his own eulogy;
Because when I let you go, just know I died inside
I wish that I'd  never hurt you, and I’d been the only one who had cried.
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