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Simon Thornton Apr 2018
I live for looking back
It’s all I can remember
Ask me what I did yesterday and I cannot oblige
Ask me what I did 20 years ago and I could write a book
This recall deficit wasn’t planned
It was hitting the ground in 2001 that decided it
Simon Thornton Feb 2018
A child can grow your smile you never thought you had
A child can make that smile have a regular place
Yet that child has the power to remove that smile
Without ever meaning to
And yet that child has that same power to return that smile
Being completely oblivious to this control
Yet without these unknowing powers that alter you
They wouldn't be the child you love
Simon Thornton Feb 2018
The mirror is a wonderful thing
The mirror is a frightful thing
It can positively highlight those points that aren't that bad
Yet, as time goes on
It can negatively highlight those points we knew were there
but never wanted to admit
Simon Thornton Feb 2018
Look at that person you’re with,
That person chose you.
Try not to do anything
to make that person think they made the wrong choice
Smile at that person you’re with
And make them remember why they chose you.
Then smile again, and mean it.
Simon Thornton Feb 2018
Never be the one that is constantly seeking forgiveness,
be the stronger one, and do things that never need forgiving.
Be the one that forgives
Life is long, but very short
Simon Thornton Feb 2018
Don’t go through your life looking back thinking,
why didn’t I, I could have, if only I’d, what if?
...make those right choices now.
Simon Thornton Feb 2018
Use, make the most of, appreciate,
and love everything you’ve got,
because when it’s gone
It may never come back.
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