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Life is better when not in a hurry
As the sea on the tide
Broken love promises
Tears overflow and dampen happiness
Hate from the hurt
Wanting it where I crave it.
I didn't give myself away.
I imagined giving myself away;
No, I imagined myself taken away.
It cost too much to be free
Love is safe and lies
The truth is as ugly as a storm
It finds a way or makes one
A path worthy of one
I saw her today, walking by herself.
Eyes fixed on the phone.
I froze to appreciate her beauty.
She looked up, calling out my name
and I only smiled back.
She reached out and I firmly held her hand.
Feeling her thin and warm blood vessels.
Time ceased in this perfect bubble
I wanted to tell her, I had to tell her,
but my pride got in the way.
I slowly walked away, walls tumbling down
My sanity thanked me, for adhering to reality.
A brutal drug that does not cloud judgement.
I saw her today and it all came back to me,
All the fantasies and memories.
I saw her today and she haunts my day.
Around the globe, Somewhere too deep
Hope shackles hapiness
The lion runs to run again
I see you since I was nine
You are yours, I am mine
It has been seven long years
My sky is grey and full of tears
Write and I'll know what you are.
Read everything and you'll know the truth.
Ignore your feelings and be freed from addictions.
Dance naked in the dark and be one with peace.
Look into their eyes, to kindle their flame.
Women are puzzles, men are players
Ever-changing, unsolvable puzzles
Most assume, but never knowing
A few quit, the rest die trying

Striving to look attractive and youthful
They all bended a knee
Yet all she wanted was attention
They lost a battle, not the war

A genius showed up and kept still
Without ideas nor solutions,
and she he played herself into oblivion
And that's how you win.
Self contentment amounts to nothing.
Emotionally unavailable, emotionally immature.
Falling in love from one look.
The breeze flows through and around
The river meanders through and around
The darkness lurks in the deepest of the deep
Humans are not kind to each other
Loving you for who you are,
Is marching to war with myself.
Where I drown in the emotional flux.
When the tide settles, I'm reborn,
Into a person that loves you.
For your love humbles my heart
People everywhere willing to be deceived.
Showering you with roses and kisses,
with each lie you whisper.
Different is all we are, compliments of each other.
Only together are we a force to reckon with.
The darkness only exist to test our resolve.
Never tire for the enemy is always out to strike.
Fear not those around you, but that which is inside
For a corrupted soul reeks of cowardice.
Love lurks in life
Flesh fumes in flames
Weight weighs on will
Pain pulses in people
Fuming with rage , ink splashing.
A world so loud, a tainted canvas.
In need of a friend, a forest.
To listen, when low and trickling.
To listen, when spilling and roaring.
A river in the midst of the jungle.
A fire through the night.
Beauty that whispers to souls,
and matures like wine;
works like venom on the heart.
Conquering willing victims.
Lacking, I confined in you,
Clothed in your glorious radiance,
The warmth of the rays on my skin,
I fought and leaped a little longer,
For together we were a monstrous lie,
Truth sacrificed to feed the flame,
Very close and yet chained in secrets.

Going somewhere without a compass,
A journey without a destination,
Never prepared for what awaits us,
We constantly stumbled on to reality,
Bruised and forever missing you,
The memories keep me awake at night.
Life is a reflection of you.
To change anything look into the mirror.
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
One cannot give when without.
The beauty of life,
Is in acknowledging everything and not depending on much.
A moon in the night sky.
An island in the midst of nowhere.
Seek the truth,
not their  truth,
nor your truth.
I was onto something,
that something was onto me.
A thin line between addiction and control.
They changed and the world changed with them.
Improving everything to their needs and immediate gratification.
A world and a selfish specie, till death do us part.
The bride rearranges everything and fuses over anything.
The walls crack to the pressure and wash up the mold.
Life sprouts from the ashes, in the limelight of the day and night stars.
Eyes fixed on the sun, fail to ignore the silhouette.
The climate changes, nature can't keep up.
A globe of complex colours, the chameleons make it work.
Defined identities unchanging like epitaphs in the graveyard.
Life goes on, as dead clocks take a hand break.
Far too late, be my guest.
Mired in the thick of thin.
Be dumb, be doomed.
Peace by the pistol.
The favorites learn and play by the rules
Like couples share a life for the rest of their days
Pure love knows no limits, it extends beyond reason
Freeing shadows from our hearts and minds
Like lovers share more than a toothbrush
No white knight in shinning armor,
to pay in flesh and blood.
Only the grim reaper, to **** you out.
To stand in your corner; to throw in the towel.
A cold bottle to loosen a nerve or two.
Demanding results and mostly good results.
The useless ordained the worst fate,
a life alone; being your best friend.
Darkness is always lurking,
and water is never against or for.
The wind is always in a hurry,
and we insist on settling.
Smoking chimneys, colorful fireplaces.
Familiar strangers, radiant smiles.
Isolated gatherings, cheerful carols.
The void between.
Selfishness apt to inspire love
Broke another promise, broke another heart
Surrender to enchantment
Carrying on the way the wind blows
Hold on loosely and don't let go
Everything is going how its meant to be
Checkout anytime and never leave
One way ticket, red light nightmare
The silver rays penetrate the shadows of the night,
As I stare mindlessly into the far distance.
Not knowing what tomorrow brings to light.
The wind whistles as it passes by.
The trees dance to the rhythm.
Lips pressed against the cold window,
As I busk under the faceless moon.

The man worries about his dwindling savings.
Girls clamber at the end of their shelf-lives.
The big round moon sits gracefully on its thrown,
Observing its peaceful subjects.
Shimmer and slumber through the night.
We cannot break the law, but only break ourselves against it
Love is eternal and it cannot be achieved
Never take more than you can chew
The mightiest rivers are single-minded
Calm to the eye, yet they run deep
Beautifully, Silently.

Detours came my way
Martha was stable
Lorraine was pretty
And I ended up alone
Mother should I run for president?
Mother do you think she is good enough, for me?
Mother do you need to be so high?
Mother should I trust the government?
Oh! Isn't it just a waste of time.
From a Song by Pink Floyd titled Mother
My reaction is mostly neutral and hers falls on the extremes of either side.
Living on borrowed time, she lives only for herself.
With each added year, the more roots she plucks.
Rocking herself by the fireplace, she cries for the long gone friends.
Who could have helped her drown the pain of life, and I help her to bed.
Where she stares at the ceiling, before retiring to her self made Utopia.
Do flow with the current, never looking back to the past.
If you do, only be it to face your fears.
Always look forward to the future and beyond,
for surely familiarity will soothe your fears.
Emotions are versatile and volatile,
and love is not an exception;
so I won't promise forever.
A beautiful diamond
Clear and true, as the north star.
Burning ceaselessly,
throughout the night.
Heightening my senses.
Coloring the world.
And through the eyes.
You are welcomed into my heart;
And you stay up there,
forever clear and true
It was only a puff,
that turned into a chain of cigarettes.
It was only a cup,
and it's a series of bottles.
Only once and never,
turned into often and forever.
Wars waged on multiple fronts.
Numbed intuition,
feigned indifference.
It's been long since I've searched,
for that one thing.
I have traveled far and wide.
Beyond the boarders, under the blue.
I've known not, to be with it.
Rivers flow to the ocean,
As bees adore the flowers, and
All your pearls to pirates.
Freedom is a willingness to say no to anything.
Love is a commitment to a side or cause.
Life is being anything and not everything.
So choose wisely.
The shadow of the flowering tree, shelters me as I write. Children soiled all over, yell and scream in their native tongue. Fruits dangle in the wind as the trees rock forth and back. Feeling a heavy load in my rib cage, I stretch inhaling the cool morning air. I gaze into the distance and drift with the lonely breeze.
Too many slaves in this world
Seeking truth in sacrifices
Tearing souls to pieces
No truth in love
All truth in solitude
Sad screaming scenery
A sign of victory
Life is a fall on the edge of the precipice
Where you either open up or crash
Death is a portrait walled in a mansion
Where aging comes without maturity
Vanilla with top cherry petals blossom in the sun.
Camped on the park bench, silently observing the crowd.
Without any chase left, I wait on my prey.
We are chaos.
State taxed for existing.
Never committing, never saying no.
Free men surrounded by walls.
I was once in love with you
When I used to own a heart
And now I am a selfish heartless stone
The thought of you still lingers around
And I smile to it when no one is around
Knowing I have never been so crazy in love
Conflict without compromise.
A secretive anxiety and horror; from which springs the flower of love.
Our coloured canvas.
Shades of crimson, Shades of scarlet.
Color blossoms from sharp prickles
Where isolation was all the solace
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