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Shysta Oct 2024
to you,

I’d like to believe -
that meeting you was fate,
that it wasn’t just a deranged connection, neither will it ever be a coincidence of sorts.
to me you’re unlike any other.*

Knowing you, was being home.
A place to rest my mind against yours,
A place to be surrounded by the breeze of your thoughts and wisdom.
Where every story you told me was like an age old letter kept in the crevice of the walls,
perfectly enveloped;
How is it that amidst a sea of wandering minds, you find a mind that wants to wander yours?

You made me realise that love is easy, that it’s not rocket science and that it isn’t complicated,
That we tie ourselves up in difficult knots
and that love is simply, as easy as it sounds.
To me, you’re familiar -
a past life, a divine intervention or probably a second self as you call it.

You make me want to read you and learn you and annotate you,
with my silly stickies and neon pens, and
fill you up with all my flowers hidden away in dusty old books.

Somedays, your sweet words ask me to write you a poem,
about the whirlwind my life is right now,
and I want to tell you about it;
about how on days when I’m walking the streets of this unfamiliar city
and I look back -  
I don’t see the traces of my footprints.
When I come back home
exhausted from the weight that my shoulders could ever uphold -
I find no feather of tranquility to tickle me out of weariness.
When my unhinged, running at 3000 thoughts per second brain
seeks frantically, a resting ground -
It is only ever stomped on with battering noises and formalities.

But how do I tell you, that I can endure a lifetime of lonesome dreary days like these -
If it means that every night, without fail
the warmth of your pacific voice would caress my soul,
That the only thing worth thinking about
is the idea of your presence around me;
even in spirit.
That on some level, I’ve imagined a world that exists in my head entirely built by you -
The expanse of the deserts,
poetry for streets,
walking on water,
monuments for homes,
and you.
but how do I tell you?

Sometimes I feel stuck between the layers of the sky,
A void, nothingness.
The clouds below, the space above.
It’s like I’m floating in mid air, and at times I like it that way,
But I know that eventually I need my ground to steady me;
To let gravity pull me down with all its might, as it should -
But when I put my weight on the earth
Where do I go? and to whom?

I find myself in an endless loop of uncertainties.
Almost as if I’m stranded on a desert of yearning and longing;
and your embodiment is simply a mirage,
falling in and out of the abstraction of us.

In my infinite monolithic dreams -
I see you standing at the far end of the sea
where the sky meets the land and forgets to leave,
and I am like a light stretched out, dispersed in the breeze;
I can almost touch you, but you could barely feel.

At times I read in-between the lines;
I find urgencies in your words as if you’re reaching out,
and maybe you are, but how can I know for sure?
So I sit still, with your mind and my heart -
I sit still and let your words consume me endlessly.

I’m torn between fragments of momentary bliss,
my nights end with the mornings,
and you fulfil my empty heart.
This imprisoned joy, this strange sense of belonging, this purpose of being.
Everything, everything.
These moments of shifted colours;
How long until it’s taken away from me?

On nights unguided by the moon
my thoughts fail me, constantly.
at every bleak attempt made to unlearn you,
there’s a reflection of you on the ripples of the sea.
at every bleak attempt made to unlearn you,
a melancholic ballad takes flight from my heart,
at every page of every book,
in between the lines of Hemingway,
at a peaceful walk
on a silent night
at every step of every way,
Unknowingly, unexpectedly, somehow, through some way
your light follows me, everywhere.

I think holding on to hope, helps.
& I think if I hold on to it like the way that I do -
you won’t be so far away from me;
that your spirit will finally take shape,
that it’ll finally have eyes to hold my gaze,
that it’ll finally have strength bigger than
mine to carry my being.

But if ever, our worlds cease to collide -
If ever your voice blurs into oblivion.


That your subconscious is eternally linked to mine,
That wherever you go, and whatever you see -
I will walk parallel to you,
even if we’re distanced through space and time;
All my of reality will merely exist in theory, and I’ll accept my grief for gratitude.
I’ll hold your eyes close to my heart, and see whatever you see;
Even in another world,
I’ll only walk parallel to you.

There will always always be a little bit of you in everything I’ll ever love.

All the happiest part of my heart will only ever be yours.
Only your name, and your memories, your words against everything else I’ve ever known.
Aug 2020 · 156
our part
Shysta Aug 2020
I wonder what it would be like
If I ever cross paths with you

would you look at me with a silly grin on your face,
or look past like you're supposed to-

today I thought of you and where you'd gone
and it wasn't a fleeting image
it was perhaps a journey I went on all alone-

I found myself walking down this street cluttered with cafes
walls entrapping stories, with ours maybe at the bottom
I saw smiles and giggles and pitchers - half empty this time.

I knocked on unfamiliar doors,
hoping for a gesture of compassion
but nothing felt like you,
The back of the door was an unending abyss
And I still feel trapped in it.

On a lone night, I drove miles and miles
In the city which never felt like home-
listened to love songs about the moon on the radio
as the shadows of us faded away.

I searched for you in the blowing wind
and I searched for you in the symphonies of sound
and perhaps you were there;
but this time I walked right through you.

My mind still wanders
to unknown places
but this dream ceases to end
But if the silence sets in, and it will;
I will know that I, perhaps have found you,

and then-

You will remember
the lapse of when my bemused head
was entangled by your feather thoughts.
You will remember
the scent of the solitary flowers
I kept alive in my pockets.
You will remember
sunshine bleeding through trees
and the gold of the moon and a song about it.
You will remember
all the quiet places
where your mind was yours and sometimes mine too.
You will remember
the flick of my hand
and I will remember yours.

And from that moment on,
I promise-
we, would never part.
Feb 2020 · 150
let me look at you
Shysta Feb 2020
I am a thousand miles away
from knowing the complexities of a heart
that knows how to beat
but to stop when it is not supposed to;

when there are revolutions of changes
from summer to cold
from dust in the wind to a tale not blown away by mystery.

I’m not quite sure
I’m not sure of what it is -
that makes me want to look at you a little more than I should
or perhaps the struggle to make you look at me-
just once.

each day as it unfolds into the night
my eyes search for yours
and they will always-
I know,
never loose sight of you because they know their way back to you

you have guided them,
treaded a path so beautifully I sometimes question-
is it even real?

there is nothing more ecstatic than when you ask me to click you
there is in fact,
no joy that beats the feeling of when you want me to look at you
even through that **** lens.

I scan you, through and through
I now know each and every
on your silly face that you make when I tell you to smile

how your eyes reflect the light of the sun
what a sight it is to see those celestial eyes.

trap me in it

I take infinite pictures of you,
every chance I get.
every angle, every way, however you like-

so just-
just stand there
and let me look at you,
a quick gaze.
and maybe just maybe
you can
perhaps see me through.
Jul 2018 · 741
b a c k //
Shysta Jul 2018
i've been gone for too long
stopped for sometime;

ran out of words
             out of emotions or maybe feelings

of a deep, pitch black void inside of me.

but, it feels different now
as if i'm whole, maybe mended;

        i enjoy lying on my bed on a sunday morning
             as the sun spears my eye,
                      it doesn't hurt anymore.

i wrote a letter to myself after a long time,
and the first sentence was a happy one, surprisingly;

          i wrote about a new jacket i bought the other day,
                about filling my basket with flowers i killed,
                      only to keep them alive in my books.

i feel a change within me, a new spirit, rush
springing up in me, wanting to explode


and honestly-
for the first time,
           i feel as if i'm back
                                 back and alive;
Jun 2017 · 418
Shysta Jun 2017
The stars I see from my rooftop,
that gleam and twinkle amidst the sky.
They stay at place, their home I'd say,
Is where they were, and truly belong.

The wings I feel, the delicate wings,
of birds that share a profound sound.
They help me dream, as if I'm drowned,
In the thought of being, one amongst them.

The sun sets and rise, the glowing globe,
makes me wonder what it's like,
to be able to set and rise with it,
Up in the sky and down in sea.

My dream is not a void, neither is it an abstract need.
My dream is a closure of my raging thoughts,
knocking on doors to let it be-
A part of my deranged imagination.

It is but, a thought; let free.
Sep 2016 · 551
Shysta Sep 2016
All I wanna do right now

              is break into pieces and
                               never be fixed again
Aug 2016 · 326
Shysta Aug 2016
Believe now, Death is just a wisper away/
Aug 2016 · 332
Shysta Aug 2016
I used to think a lot when people said, "He's an abstract painting, or she's a work of art, or how a beautiful landscape is always a personification, magic CREATED by someone" and I used to always find myself pondering upon these lines hoping to find something better, so much better to compare my life and this place to. But I'd always fail knowing that there is no word ever created beautiful enough to describe this moment.
What I've learnt from this is that you don't need words to describe something, all you need is - your eyes deep enough to appreciate this moment and your heart brave enough to feel it - all of it.
Aug 2016 · 251
Shysta Aug 2016
And I wonder if the wind would ever stop,
Causing us a breathtaking death.
Aug 2016 · 572
Shysta Aug 2016
......what an adventure would it be,
      to be burnt by those
     who burn themselves.
Jul 2016 · 291
Shysta Jul 2016
You'd laugh a sardonic laugh at the memory of us

and I-

  I would just let it pass

    With a heart full of sorrow,

          mortified by pain and regrets
     and nothing else
Jun 2016 · 658
||D E S T R O Y||
Shysta Jun 2016
"So,whats your thing?"
I questioned as i gazed into his amber eyes
*(so tender so pure)

*waiting for an answer to revamp my world.

“I write”
Said he, a whispered proclamation.

"About what?"
I asked, hoping to be blessed by his utterance
to be blessed by his words

"I write about the rains
The pearls from heaven drooping down on the wandering souls
a pacific catastrophe

I write about the seas
A crystal sheath of calm, unveiling
not the length of life
but the depth of love

I write about people leaving
Painting my book with ink and thoughts as the dreadful picture
comes back to life.

I write about the murmur of air
Bearing with it a tale, a story

I write about the sunrise
Spearing the eye with golden light
death and dark fleeing behind."

and then he stopped.

I dropped my subtle smile as he looked straight into my eyes.
Baffled by his gesture i looked down,to my trembling hands
only to be met by his eyes again.

and he said,

I write about you my love
Those sparkling eyes, that charming smile
That countenance full of life

It's your petty soul that thrills me
A soul I can


S  H  A  T  T  E  R


**D   E   S   T   R   O  Y
Clever as the devil and twice as pretty
Shysta May 2016
A thought so sudden, today I remember you
And I can’t help but miss you  -  miss us
Its like, its like the sun has dispelled from the horizons and the seas have given up,
And the flowers,
the flowers have shattered like our hearts  -  that broke.

I have concealed an entire ocean of feelings and emotions that i truly want you to know....
You were there with me,
''FOREVER WITH ME'', you promised (where are you now?)
You were the sole thing that kept me striving to move forward, to do better every time i fall.
But i couldn’t tell you this...
I...I...just couldn’t tell you this.

It was my pride, my ego, I know, that broke us apart
I tried to change; I swear, I tried to change myself, but how could I change,
Change what's within my heart.

This was bound to happen, my friend, you left
Leaving me in this fathomless chasm where I'm breaking, I'm falling. I'm losing myself again.
In this forlorn land of trespassing lapse, I'm longing for you and your hand to hold.

It's a whirlwind of a feeling, (Trust Me)

I cannot forgive myself for this sin, I pushed you away.
I cannot breathe the regrets, I'm holding on to this day.
I could have asked you to stay,
stay, just a little longer.
We could have ridden the clouds, could have explored the rainbow after the storm
Could have been whole, together- US.
But i didnt,
(dont ask me why)
I just didnt.

Its far too late to ask for a version of your leaving
Its far too late, to ask you to care
But my beloved friend please,please just know
I wish you were here
**I wish you were here
To the friends i've lost
Jan 2016 · 450
Shysta Jan 2016
and as i look back to my past,
all I see are the blurred silhouettes of
which were never ours
Sometimes you just need to put the past away and move on with your life
Nov 2015 · 928
Shysta Nov 2015
"Do not love half lovers
Do not entertain half friends
Do not indulge in works of the half talented
Do not live half a life and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
Do not silence yourself to say something
And do not speak to be silent
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal
is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half a drink will not quench your thirst
Half a meal will not satiate your hunger
Half the way will get you no where
Half an idea will bear you no results
Your other half is not the one you love
It is you in another time yet in the same space
It is you when you are not
Half a life is a life you didn’t live,
A word you have not said
A smile you postponed
A love you have not had
A friendship you did not know
To reach and not arrive
Work and not work
Attend only to be absent
What makes you a stranger to them closest to you
and they strangers to you
The half is a mere moment of inability
but you are able for you are not half a being
You are a whole that exists
to live a life not half a life.”
-Khalil Gibran
Oct 2015 · 522
Shysta Oct 2015
How beautiful is it-
To have your heart broken at your own hands,
And get it fixed, in the arms of others.
Behind these metaphors, I  wanted you literally.
Oct 2015 · 505
Shysta Oct 2015
Blurred how life gets with time.
Unclear, Unsure, Unsettled.

Gone are the peaks and valleys.
Gone are the people who shared,
An irreplaceable life-together-alone.
Leaving scars of their memories on this ground-the path,
For them to regret, bemoan
- *disowned.

Changed how priorities get.
Changed how affection retreats.
Changed are those who promised
-promised to never deceit.

It's a dark, deadly feeling of despair.
Rising in my heart through the veins, through the nerves.
And around the cold, numbing, bitter air.
Entering the hollows of my being, where my boundless feelings kept* -
''By the time you read this, I'll be gone.''
Oct 2015 · 497
Shysta Oct 2015
Trapped in the cages of catastrophes, My wings, flutter in hopes to fly in the
blue skies once again.
Dealing with the blight of long-ago,
Fighting the agony.

The whisper of my voice deafens the sound of the loud,
Yet those words were as quiet as the heart that beats no sound.

The thoughts of failure echoed in my mind,
And with heartaches and dejections, it leaves me blind.

Sometimes, I’m the artic wind,
Which whistles through the desert, breaking the night.
And sometimes, I’m the highest tide
Majestic yet so destructive with a crucial sight.

I wish upon the moon, and I count upon the stars.
For the path, I want to walk on with pride-light and a spark.

I know...

Somewhere along this stormy way,
Lies the hope- untold
That I'd never give up on, they say.
For the truth is crystal clear, and bold.
Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.
Aug 2015 · 877
Shysta Aug 2015
And Beloved?
              You will never die
  Because I will preserve you perfectly
                     In my ink.
Keep holding on and we'll make it through.
Aug 2015 · 833
|| DIRGE ||
Shysta Aug 2015
I'll sing to myself.
The song of the devoted lovers of insanity,
In the orchids with their hands intertwined and their souls moving perfectly in sync.

I'll sing to myself,
The melody of the rain,
Which poured its heart out on the blooming flowers and the tall native trees,
Along with the tender breeze,
Rolling gently in the distance whispering your name.

I'll sing to myself,
The harmony of the brook,
Transcending into the deep seas,
Like it was designed, destined and fated to be a part of it.

I'll sing to myself ,
The song of the lonely mountains,
Beneath the moon, which have seen the untold sunrises, disheveled tides and the low valleys screaming in the hollow yet the alluring land.

I'll sing to myself,
The strain of love and of despair,
Of curse and of prayer,
Of disdain and of admiration-rare.
Of loneliness and only of tears.

I'll sing to myself about thee,
Because you're not here, to sing to me.
Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.
Aug 2015 · 496
Shysta Aug 2015
I sat by the river with a broken heart
Where terrible words lay, straight the path..
Of feelings- despair
And the sorrow, no body cared
We were perfect, I wished you knew
For all that we shared- more than true
Laughing and giggling about the things we did
Cherishing the memories, never getting rid.
Arm wrestling and those pillow fights
No matter what worse the situation-2 wrongs make a right
We were bad, yet the perfect souls
Of love and compassion we stole
I wish we were the same, and remain till eternity
For you are, and will always be my Infinity.
Aug 2015 · 329
Shysta Aug 2015
....and it took me a long time to realize that there was so much more to this world, than just Love
Aug 2015 · 1.0k
Shysta Aug 2015
I just want to feel enough.
That when my hair is in a mess,
When I've smeared eyeliner all over,
And that I've scratched fingernail polish,
When I'm stammering apologies even for the things I've not done.

Not yet, you'll tell me to hush-

That all of my imperfections were sketched, destined and fated to be perfectly loved by you.
You're the star in someone's sky.
Shysta Jul 2015
*The cold dreadful nights.
without the cover of warmth and love and affection,
which was denied by those who crossed her off the list.
*The days of her struggle under the brightest sun just above the sea ******* up her soul and leading her the path of entropy.
*The days when she faced rejections, denials and in-acceptance  by the people who she pretended to be the light after the deep dark tunnels she went through.
*The times when she was standing all alone, being crushed by the walls of miseries and wrote endlessly about them out of frustration.

She has been through everything...
The times when she was hurt, the times when she was broke.
Jul 2015 · 316
Shysta Jul 2015
But honestly,
          I've never heard a fairy tail,
                               As perfect,
                                      As Ours.
Shysta Jul 2015
I suppose,
           It will make sense,
Some people just need a hug....on the neck....with a rope.
Jul 2015 · 375
Shysta Jul 2015
Touch my heart;
Kiss my soul;
And I'll burn down in flames.
*Wild hearts, can't be broken*
May 2015 · 871
There will be days:
Shysta May 2015
There will be days :
You'll feel your voice fading away,
Dwindling amidst the mishaps and hardships,
Without even having the will power to convey what you really feel.
You'll feel as if you are consigned to oblivion.
That it'll be inevitable for the people who once valued you so much,
Consider you only as a dreadful memory.
You'll feel as if there are thousand things inside you,
Blaring to be heard,
To let loose amidst the falls,
But it won't. It'll be trapped once again. Unheard.
You'll feel your eyes losing its sparkle and cheer that you once had,
And that your tears will define you than words.
There will be days when you'll fall apart a billion trillion times,
Somehow, hoping that you'll be okay.
But soon you'll realize that your despairing and worthless life will trap you in the pound of shitstorms and tragedies  
That it'll become utterly impossible for you to begin again.
“Yes, I understand why things had to happen this way. I understand his reason for causing me pain. But mere understanding does not chase away the hurt. It does not call upon the sun when dark clouds have loomed over me. Let the rain come then if it must come! And let it wash away the dust that hurt my eyes!”
Apr 2015 · 1000
Shysta Apr 2015

I'm nutty bunny number two. I love me and I love you.
Apr 2015 · 474
=Carpe Diem=
Shysta Apr 2015
Revamp yourself first...
Because ur young and free and you have dreams and desires to fulfill with utter gratification.
Because you want to do something meaningful in this world to gleam ur identity , to make people know who you actually are , and to where you belong.
Keep expanding ur horizon ,
decolonize your mind ,
and cross borders cause at the end we only regret the chances we didn't take.
Stop Existing.
Start Living.
Carpe Diem :')
“Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you've lived nearly half the time you have to live already?”
Apr 2015 · 503
Shysta Apr 2015
Amidst your bewildering life ,
you meet someone and its so clear that the two of you are familiar to each other , that on some level you belong together.
As lovers , as bestfriends , as friends , as family , or as something which is beyond any relationship...utterly different.
There is this link that you know from the very start. You just work whether you understand one another or you dont , whether ur lovers of insanity or partners in crime. You come across these people through out ur splendid life, out of nowhere , under the most perplexing circumstances but you know that no matter what,they are always there. Not for anybody else. But you.
They make you feel alive , like ur not off-track and that they always dazzle ur life with exclusive support,fondness and tenderness.
I donno if that's what you call co-incidence or fate, or sheer blind luck but it definitely makes me believe in something.
**Something which is beyond words.
Her soul was utterly captivating. A warm rainy day. Dying to be danced in
Apr 2015 · 304
Shysta Apr 2015
Accepting ur defeat.
And putting a foot forward for battle2.
Is nothing but to be called a champion.
*Don't quit.
Suffer Now.
And live the rest of your life as a champion*
Mar 2015 · 319
.... i didnt.
Shysta Mar 2015
I sat amidst the dark hours.
Wondering what  she got.
Which i didnt.
And then the truth hooked me to the ground.
She has YOU.
But i didnt
She got broken things.
Where her heart should be.
Mar 2015 · 400
The Unrivalled.
Shysta Mar 2015
They call her the ''Unrivalled'' ,
that she is the most confident and the most sanguine girl they ever met.
They say that not even a pinch of dejection will ever let her get crushed between the walls of miseries.
But they are yet to know the truth which hides behind the most charismatic smile of hers.
Deep inside know that she is weak.
So weak to even admit it.
So weak to dispense it to the world thinking that she is craving for comfort, that she is craving for consolation.
She'll never want people to feed on her fears.
She never will.
Who am i?
That's a secret.
Feb 2015 · 369
I see the stars
Shysta Feb 2015
I see the stars
Twinkling in the sky
From the ground i stand on
Yes, I see you


As i stand
With a compact smile
And the thought
Of you in my mind
I wonder,
Do you look at them
And see me
Just the way I DO ?
*I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night*
Dec 2014 · 436
Not The End
Shysta Dec 2014
Everything will be alright at the end

If its not alright

Oct 2014 · 373
Shysta Oct 2014
He told me
to stop wearing makeup,
it was his job
to make me blush.
And i did.
Sep 2014 · 965
Truth About Life!
Shysta Sep 2014
Everything that comes together*
Always­,Always falls apart
Sep 2014 · 373
When she was gone.
Shysta Sep 2014
He remember her and only that she’s gone.
But cherished her memory and let it live on.
He missed her and shed few tears
But he was happy that they lived together
He re-read their conversations and smiled like an idiot (<3)
But wished that time could once again come back
He regretted his yesterday
But still looked forward for his tomorrow
He opened his heart
Wiped his tears
Got a smile to his lips
Forgot all the fears
And started to live again.
"When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you"
Sep 2014 · 327
Shysta Sep 2014
It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone, when you still do
*Everyday I tell myself I need to get over you, But every night I find myself thinking about how much I want you back*
Sep 2014 · 524
Shysta Sep 2014
                    feet !
                hands !
                   stomach !
                   knees !
              nose !
             lips !
            face !
and a slash to each wrist !
Shysta Sep 2014
Can anyone fix this broken heart?
its been stabbed
its been **KILLED
''The lonliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart and all they can do is stare blankly''
Sep 2014 · 421
From Death To Life.
Shysta Sep 2014
as i stood by the riverside
lost and alone,
with death as my only friend
searching for horizon
to find the very end
my whole,
life ,
flashed infront of me
and the regrets i had in my mind
i looked , and
kept looking
at the knife in my hand
the thought of the cool blade
on my pale skin,
the thought of the crimson beads
popping out of my skin,
it all semms so perfect
the shrieks inside my head
had the urge to come out,
i want those scars
i want those cuts
oh! i wish they would never fade
now! those scars seem prettier than mascara
that blood seemed prettier than gucci and prada
my body started shivering,
my eyes started watering,
my stomach growled
and my lips started trembling,
all of a sudden,
''I'M FINE''
rang on my phone
a SORRY was what i got
from the other side,
the knife i threw
and the tears drew,
and i thought that-
that message was all that turned my death to my life
                                                            -Shy­sta&Nandini; x)
''I don't know what I want in life. I don't know what I want right now. All Iknow is that I'm hurting so much inside that it's eating me, and oneday, there won't be any of me left.''
Sep 2014 · 387
Why Did I Fall For You ?
Shysta Sep 2014
when my life was going well
and it never seemed as a hell .....
why did i fall for u ?
when everythng was no less that perfect
and the happiness popped into my life in a rocket
why did i fall for u ?
when all my love was given and never recieved
and that there was nothing i could deceive
why did i fall for u ?
when everything was going out as i planne dit to be
and happiness and love and affection was all i could see
THEN why did i fall for u ?
when i had everything
and tht i needed nothing
why , why did i fall for u ?
with all the luxuries i had
i wasn't able to live
with all the jewels i had
i wasn't able to give
with all the wealth i had
i wasn't able to believe
cause what i lacked was my heart
which was miles and miles apart
made me think ,
think why did i fall for u ?
the day i saw u
sparks flew
the day i saw u smile at me
made me think what could the reason be
the day u came close
and let me be on toes
and kissed me on my lips
in pure water less are 100 dips
the i was with you
i never notices how the time flew
was a whole year
seemed like a night's near
when i closed my eyes
i only saw you
i only felt you hand
i only felt your breath
i then wondered again WHy did i fall for you ?
the answer was crystal ....
ur my heart
and you fixed it all ....
soo that it could never fall apart ...
never fall apart ...
never fall apart ....
         -Shysta **)
''I dont hate you, I never could, I hate how you made me fall for you, when you knew you had no intentions of catching me.''
Sep 2014 · 915
Shysta Sep 2014
you turned my life upside down
killed me from inside
kicked me down and threw my crown
and left me here , with no one to guide

cut me down in half a million pieces
treated me worst and the love decreases
between u
between me
between us

millions of lies
never thought about my cries
cause wht he did was no less than a crime
and he can never be worth a single dime
cause he traeted me worst than a dog
and that he was a clog

happy was my life going
he entered and it all got ruined
for his love was something i dreamt about
and what he did ...haa ! Flout !
love ? :o  love was like ****
and every second my heart was bit

with all your lies
and that fake shine in ur eyes
how did he do it ?
how dare he play with my emotions ?
why did he do it ?
why did he do it ?

you held me tight close to ur heart
and u said em ur life's most important part
but i dnt think that part exists now !
cause someone else is to whom ur vowed

you broke my heart at a tender age
and left me ,
all alone in a metal bound cage

em shouting screeming , crying out loud
but em just an ordinary girl in a crowd
u used me ,
cheated me ,
played on me ,

u broke that trust
and came in like a gust
u have to pay back
u have to pay back
u have to pay back !
                   -shysta x)
“The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones.”

— The End —