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Shivpriya Sep 2023
Oh, hidden sway over my soul, I call out to you!

The roads direct me to the ways aligned with my aspirations!

The streets that return their gaze to me ask if I am broken.
The bubbles of tears below my eyes testify to my answer to their question!

The aimlessness of my heart leads me nowhere.
While I tiptoe on the shining concrete surface,
The time clicks away to the surface and moves on!

The graveyard of stories cry,
They try hard to know about their final chapters,
They dig painfully to bring the replication of my feelings.

The ripples on the gray water increase its movement,
bringing the phases closer to their ending part!
I look my coal eyes in acceptance of my heart's yearning.

My heart sighs with a deep breath.
It acts like a relieving oath of finding the unseen moon of my heart!
I'm excited to share that I've added three new chapters to my writing collection! "Goodbye, Dear Photos: The Bowstring of Love!",
The titles are: "A Beloved Chapter Cherishes Its Limits of Love!", "Oh, Hidden Sway Over My Soul, I Call Out to You!", and "The Echoes of Dignity!"
Shivpriya Sep 2023
My boundaries of love don't know how to end their most beloved chapters!
They cry to feel some love.
This love symbolizes the shining little pink heart with its hue that seeks detachment from the people who keep entering and exiting my life!

I try to remember your beautiful color in nuanced shades of sunrise and sunset, which reminds me of my truest boundaries.

The overwhelming and decisive nature of my contented heart is such that it allows me to carry the heavy weight of the breaking junctures of my life!

The fiery boundaries burn with intensity; ask me what are my authentic boundaries. At the same time, I refuse to tremble looking at the sight of a funeral!

I ask myself, "What are my genuine boundaries?" as I stand here, possessing nothing and at the accepting end of everything.
I'm excited to share that I've added three new chapters to my writing collection! "Goodbye, Dear Photos: The Bowstring of Love!",
The titles are: "A Beloved Chapter Cherishes Its Limits of Love!", "Oh, Hidden Sway Over My Soul, I Call Out to You!", and "The Echoes of Dignity!"
Shivpriya Aug 2023
I'm bidding farewell to the emotions of Your faraway eyes looking at a distance.
It is a farewell to the voidness that faces the nature of the two-way streets.
Those streets bother me.
Despite having no information or communication, it influences my assumptions and interpretations.
I know those eyes,
They are not angry with me.

My emotions tied to your gaze, used to save my vision, now turn out to be challenging.
The process wants me to shake my hands with the reality of situations.

Your eyes are in the form of destiny. I feel the pinch of uneasiness that seems to be fated!
It helps me manage my expectations, therefore, confront and accept the realities with a more grounded and realistic perspective.

The Efforts act like treasure.
It allows one to bear the broken pieces with grace!

I must confess.
The heart of endurance knows.
The tragedies happen in the skies of the heart.
And they are not always meant for pouring out the rain,
but eventually, by preserving through the challenging moments, one emerges stronger and becomes appreciative of the joy reflecting from the following rainbow of eyes.

This sadness has a brave art of a sailing heart.
It encapsulates the wheels of sorrow, ready to embrace the necessary and unavoidable cup of suffering.
Album Name: Goodbye, Dear Photos: The Bowstring of love!
Chapter 3
Shivpriya Aug 2023
O! My last place, would you like to teach me what love is by showing me how to bend?

O! My last place, do you want to teach me what competition is by competing with the sheer madness of all the societal stigmas?

O! weighty conclusions, do you want to teach me how to live by typing your name and calculating the mistake?

O! The freshness of the insightful photo. Do you want to teach me what new color in emotion I crave in life?

O! My last place, I'm grateful to you despite my unanswered questions and desire for growth!
Album name- Goodbye, Dear Photos: The Bowstring of love!
Chapter 2.
Shivpriya Aug 2023
I wonder about the imagery of my faith.
I feel the presence of a happy sun
when I'm stuck with the sight to know how its essence thrives.

The way you smile and talk is difficult to imagine.

When I see you smiling, I'm on the winning side of the situation.
The plans and procedure of silence are such that it allows one to have multiple windows of assumptions, but when it comes to having clarity about it, I shudder at the thought it will alter how I feel about it.

The happy sun is agreeable in all situations, and it makes me agree too that you have entered my heart with natural grace through your photos, and it has had a profound effect on me.

Nevertheless, the pictures I used to look at are now pictures of goodbyes. What am I looking at? I'm pondering this fact now.

I love seeing you smiling and laughing from the heart. Will you change the course I am taking up?

I want to know about the new color that the appearance of my faith would like to take up!
Album name: Goodbye, dear photos- The bowstring of love!
Chapter 1
Shivpriya Jul 2023
Once upon a time, a small pond was surrounded by mesmerizing yellow flowers. It reminded me of how much I adore the things I love.
The realization of this moment filled my heart with the sound of chirping birds!
The cuckoo sang with its brightest tone from the rooftop branch.
My eyes brimmed with tears as I enjoyed the sight of a mother swan cuddling its tiny tot beside the pond. A yellow duckling saw the affection of the mother swan and ran towards them, but by then, it was too late.

As buzzing bees, chirping birds, and insects grew louder, I watched the sky transform into a beautiful array of colors as it moved forward.

I saw some rocks scattered around the trees and pond near me. They stood alone in their presence. They were the only company I had at the moment. There was no one else around but me.
Today, I can sing. I can hear birds singing and see a beautiful swan cuddling its baby!

But today, I am alone, sitting near this pond, looking at myself in the reflection of my image falling in the pond.
I hold on to my preferences to understand myself. How can I learn without being attached to anything?

Every day as I walk by the same pond, I notice the trees and flowers becoming more beautiful, with new fruits hanging from their branches. I also see birds enjoying the fruits.

I am still learning the dedicated approach from a committed nature.

The beautiful flowers and trees often remind me that my inside weather is not always okay, but I am learning to deal with the atmosphere I encounter wherever I go!

The wet tears are not always sunny. I hope to find answers to my internal monologues someday.
Album Name- A Collection of Contest Poems!
Title- Reflections by the Pond!
Submitted this on July 18, 2023, for
Shivpriya Jul 2023
No matter what we do, we will become the black dust of our ashes.
Our mind can't die, even if it's intentional, non-intentional, deeply aware, or only partially aware!
It has no physical covering like our skin, a protective barrier for our bodies.

Those who focus their main interest on the taste of harm and destruction, with solely ignorant intentions, are foolish and ultimately lead themselves to self-destruction! Even death is ashamed to associate with such individuals.

A destructive mindset only leads to chaos and an unhappy life.

Those who desire peace do not engage in wicked behavior.
Is it humane to participate in such evil?
Death will inevitably come, regardless of whether or not it shows mercy!
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