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grace is getting more than you deserve,
whereas mercy is not getting what you deserve.
god grants us both.
as said by our youth pastor
she lays on one side,
and he lays on the other.
she is a beautiful flower against the brutalist landscape,
he, thistle and thorn on a path rightfully left untrodden.
she is an ornate nib against the parchment, gliding with grace,
he, a metal implement against the wood, etching with fire.               
she is my first musing in the early morning,
he, my final contemplation at night.
she is the uplifting ionian in a chord progression,
he, the dark, dissonant sharp iv of the fanciful lydian.
she smiles,
he frowns.
i  know i can't keep fetishizing the idea of compromise.
s o  g e t  o u t  o f  m y  h e a d,
and croon the dirge with me.
no more rifts or ultimatums, please.
i can't be alone any longer.
don't make me choose right now.
no. NO.
just hold me tight,
and tell me things will get better.
in my nightstand, there lies a bottle of pills
(some old opioids, i think)                                            
and a paring knife.
you both are the reason i don't pick up either.
both of you are my lifeline...
no more rifts or ultimatums, please.
just both of you, and me.
can you love two people at once?
i thought i was better. i thought i was healed. but like a vice that you never truly escape, my past has come back to haunt me. it's alright though. i see a light at the end of the tunnel and writing this helped me get a little closer to it. i just need to wait out the night.

inspired by Scott's "Small Rituals":
when we're locked together
in one another's warm embrace,
all my fears,
all my inhibitions,
they all melt away.
what cross do you bear?
whisper to me the pains you've repressed,
the regrets that consume you,
divulge to me your darkest sins,
and lend utterance to your woes.

how do you build the ark,
that exists in your mind?
rocking in the arms,
of the slow, swinging seas,
whilst quixotic dreamers,
dance across the sky,
lost in the clouds.

solace in tears,
premonitions in fears,
let me cradle your soul,
and mend,
piece by piece,
plastered poultices,
and golden lacquer scars,
sealing all that ran deep.
let me shoulder your burdens,
so that one day, you may learn
and live alongside them.

so long as molten rock,
anoints our heads,
and flickering flame,
sears our feet,
we shall traverse
the crucible that is life.

each bearing a cross,
and a crown of thorns,
we are beautifully broken,
the faceted protagonists
of faded film noir.

we will prevail.
“No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.” -William Penn

angst, ik lol, but i just wanted all of you to know that i'm here for all of you. not sure how much i can do for you but i'll certainly try! thank you for stopping by.
just a lovesick boy
who's sick of love
unrequited love hurtsssss djsksksksk

inspired by Conan Gray's original song, "Lovesick Boys" - - light but bittersweet

i wouldn't blame them though: i wouldn't want to fall in love with me either
you’re not here today...
suddenly, the world seems a little dimmer
cliché, ik, but nevertheless true

— The End —