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 Jan 2019 Charlene
Ali Ashraf
why do I feel alone amidst the crowd?
when someone is talking to me
I zone out?
sometimes I cry for no reason at all
sometimes I smile after I fall
why is it all?

why do I end up hurting
everyone I love?
why do I spend my mornings
looking at sky up above?
why do I wish to fly
when I can't even crawl?
why is it all?

why do my relationships don't workout?
why do I weep without a sound?
I am not hurt yet I feel hurt
why do I always stress on ifs and buts?
why am I eager to hang up every call?
why is it all?

why was I born different than others?
why do I always hurt my mother?
why I feel so alone?
even when no one's gone
why do I wish I was never born?

© Ali Ashraf
Wrote this during my work orientation. I was feeling like a misfit.

— The End —