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Dropped down into divine judgement
With a mark on my hand
They said 'Go to hell'
And so I did
I walked to my ring; Lust
With a smile on my face
Blue skin, with pink and indigo hair
I knew that I wasn't going anywhere
This life of mine has become a cycle
Seeing demon after demon
Just **** it all out
And ***** sinners watching the most professional **** star
Lust is nice and all
But I want a break
Maybe someday, I can go home
To earth
And live a normal life
I wish you loved me
But you said
'I love you more than a friend
But less than a lover'
And I can't help but cry
And scream
And feel alone
And I can't see
Or hear
Or smell
I can only feel
Feel the pain in my chest
As I know you don't like me
And I'll stray away
Away from my home
My family
Until you love me
And again
Red is for your lips; shiny, glossy, perfect
Orange is for your laptop; you always carry it around
Yellow is for your highlights; as blonde as the sand dunes in the desert
Green is for your eyes, which sparkle in the moonlight
Blue is for your emotions; broken and fixed at the same time
Violet is for your hair; the most beautiful shade of plum

                        I love you, Luna <3
Hope can be a beautiful word
Or it can stay silent
Putting us in despair and feeling hopeless
Every single day
Acrostic :>
Shadowfang Feb 18
I just took a science test
Didn't fail
but at the same time
I didn't pass
Shadowfang Feb 18
I'm being sent to a mental hospital
A place where someone can watch me
So I don't die
But I'll be missing school
And I'll have nobody to see
Nothing to do
But wait
Wait to get out
Shadowfang Feb 16
Its confirmed
My depression is real
Not self diagnosed
But clinically
I hope to get better
While I'm writing to you,
But I can't
Because I have the flu
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