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Cmi Feb 2020
Let me fly to where I belong
Away from this earth
Moon and the stars
Where no pain and sorrow exist
Beyond my mind ,the senses
And these attachments
Where I really came from
Let me go home
Where I reality belong

Cmi Feb 2020
I cried enough
Soaking myself
In the pond
Of my own tears
Wearing the ornaments
Of pain
In this separation
you vanished
With the dust
In the Horizon
I kept waiting
If you would come Back
You never did
Kneeling down in the silence
Sobbing my soul
Crushing My heart
I cried and screamed
In pain
again and again
Just bowed to the earth
Praying her
To take me
She never did
Rather my soul
Being numb
Inside this temporary home
Called physical body
Waiting to find you
In soul again

Cmi Jan 2020
Even for a second
Forget yourself
Even for a second
The depth
In you
In me
Feeling inside Of me
Feel your love
That lives in me
Every cell of mine
Flows as blood
Cares your love
as my breath

Let these
Two breaths unite
As one
For a second
Forget yourself
Just feel this depth
In you
In me  
©️ Sobbingsoul
Cmi Jan 2020
Even in this distance
I have always  loved you
Even in this separation
I have always  embraced you
Even in this pain of longing
I have found bliss in it
Just loving you
I have found
Lost me in me

Cmi Jan 2020
तीम्रो हृदय  बोल्छ
आँखाले खोज्छ
तीम्रो मनमा
दुनिया कुरा खेल्छ
कैले काई
भयले  जितछ
सुंदर ओठ तीम्रो
बांध्या छः
अहंको पट्टीले
मेरो प्रेम
तिमी भित्रै
निस्सास्या छः

Your heart speaks
Your eye seeks
your heart yearns

Thoughts bubble up
In the world of your mind

Fear conquers

Your Beautiful lips
With an ego bar
My love
In you
Tries to breathe for life

Cmi Jan 2020
You are my
Tulip Bud
Enclosed with
Infinite potential
Lived inside
For years
Being away from
The heart
Rays of my love
Shines upon you
Warming your petal
Slowly blossoming
Emanating the sweet
fragrances of your essence
Keep opening yourself
Letting the world
Who you really are

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