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Cmi Aug 2019
Read me with your heart
Not the mind
Feel me with your soul
Not the skin
Find your stillness within First
Before  reaching  my Depth
Empty your being
To see the clear picture of mine

Cmi Jul 2019
The language
The heart
The language
Cmi Jul 2019
The greater
the darkness  
the brighter
the light
Cmi Jul 2019
✨Dive deep
Floating on the surface
with the waves
Could be scary
Strong winds  
And hurricanes
May mislead
Your path
Dive deep
It’s safe and secure
In a seabed
Where nothing exits
But peace

Cmi Jul 2019
Your Soul dances within my Soul  

Under the starry night

All senses lost in  awe
overwhelmed with
The Current of your presence

Everything dissolves

Leaving the universe  in stillness

Cmi Jul 2019
There is a hope
There is a plan
There is a place
For two lovers to embrace
But you and I
No place
No time
No hope
In Soul
We can hold

©sobbingsoul 2019
Cmi Jul 2019
I am the  ocean of  your love

Your love flows
in drops

Of my being

Vast and infinite

No island to see

Filled with Joy

Mysteries and Romance

Where We  meet and dance

You are my mountain

Wearing clothes

of Silence

you rise above

Calm, Peaceful
and so deep

Snow  of your love

Merges with me

Melting  from your peak

Come for a swim

I will embrace you

with the waves
of my


Dive into it

I will keep you
Safe deep within
my seabed

Away from commotions

Finding yourself

In this Depth
of love

You  find

But yourself

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