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Public Diary Oct 2015
I wish i was exaggerating on how its always one good thing then a string of bad.

My luck is always the worst, i always complain about how i'm cursed. But i'm not lying, it ***** how hard im always trying. Good fortune just doesnt come my way that much, when it does its always just a touch.

It never hangs around, it always feels like I'm hell bound. Why can't I just be free? Why can't I just say "I'm glad to be me"?

I hate my luck, and its not just my attitude. I always try to have gratitude!

The universe just hates me, what rotten luck! I wish the majority of things that happened to me didnt ****. I wish it didnt feel like im being tested, i just want to feel rested! I want to have a break from this, i want to have a turn in being surrounded by bliss. I want things to work in my favor, not always tasting a bitter flavor.

Somday ill get my turn, someday ill be free but until then....its just bad luck and me.
If only i was exaggerating on how often unlucky i always am.....
Public Diary Nov 2014
You've glanced and looked my way for a while now
With you're eyes bright blue like the sea.
I wonder what you think when you look at me.

Now I realize you're as pretty as can be, but that's not all, there's more about you that eyes cannot see.

You've got brains to match your beauty, truly something rare.
You're shy but you're so sweet, someone everyone should meet.

Just thinking about how your eyes dart away when our gazes meet makes me smile.
I hope we can get together in a while

I want to talk to you, make you laugh and smile
eventually talking to you about being together for a while.

I'm not smarter than you, not more attractive or sweet, in every category,
you truly have me beat.
But if we do get together I have a feeling it'll last
and one things for sure,
I'm falling for you fast.
I wonder if your glances don't mean anything and I'm just reading more than there is. Well even if that's the case, it wouldn't hurt to get to know you
Public Diary Jan 2015
Hot, dry, no water in sight
The sun let's down burning light
For survival you fight, pushing forward with all your might

Skin cracked lungs bathing in sand each breath feels like a meal of niddles impalling you inside tears dry you can't even cry

The journey seems infinite there's no water in sight the wind more celascent than the sun dreams of rivers unfold as our minds are enveloped hope is dead we are doubters in the land of vultures

The vultures circling with winds blowing
A storm of sand envelopes the land. It fills your lungs making you cough and hack all while the sun and sand beat on your back
It gets in your eyes and you can no longer see nor stand, eyes shut, at the mercy of the sand
Public Diary Jan 2015
I'm am the ocean, I can be
beautiful and **dark
Public Diary Jan 2015
I love you

You're the one that makes me feel whole, the one who sheds light on my tired soul.

Push your lips to mine. Hold me and tell me everything will be fine. Tell me our dreams will come true, tell me "I can't live without you"

Tell me I'm the core of your heart like you are for mine, say *I love you

And plant flowers in my mind.

My mind was destroyed by the pain of the past, shrouded in darkness, broken needing a cast. Say I love you and erase the dark. Say I love you and leave your love's mark.

Plant flowers in the wickedest parts of my soul, where darkness continues to take its toll. Say I love you and leave your love's mark.
*Claim my heart as yours and say it does not belong to the dark
I haven't had a rhyming poem in a while so
Public Diary Jan 2015
I'm the boy who always wore shorts and a t shirt
I'm the boy that never felt pain
I'm the boy who never got cold
I'm the boy that was brilliant
I'm the boy that always was the toughest
I'm the boy that was said to be indestructible

I'm now the boy that wears long sleeves
I'm the boy who laughs sometimes but not as much as I used to
I'm the boy that doesn't try anymore
I'm the boy that gave everything he had to one girl
I'm the boy that's had his heart broken beyond recognition
I'm the boy who gives himself bruises
I'm the boy that's had his world plunged into darkness

**im the boy that's still holding on
Public Diary Dec 2014
What are those? Are they buildings?
"No, they're the walls"
Walls? When did they get there? Who built them?
"Obviously you. You are the king of this place, but you built those walls nearly two months ago. Don't you remember?"
I guess I forgot.....
Public Diary Feb 2015
~the most over rated ******* in the world
Public Diary Jan 2015
Thank you for being here for me when I felt alone and sad.
Thank you for listening to me scream when I was mad.

You understand my pain because youve gone through it too.
Very quickly, I opened up to you.
I told you what hurt, what made me scream and shout and you in return, calmed them into pouts.
You've calmed me down and made me feel like I wasn't alone.
You always help my mood quiet down into a calmer tone.

Thank you moona, thank you for listening to me
You always help me set my pain free :)
For moona c:
Thank you for helping me calm down
Public Diary Dec 2014
That feeling of being light headed and the  heaviness in my stomach brought upon hearing someone say they had a baby with you or you want someone else like that. The emptiness I'm feeling is so nostalgic
Public Diary Dec 2014
What's your favorite part about the rain?
The way that people can't tell the difference between the droplets that fall from the sky onto my face and the ones that form from my eyes
Public Diary Jan 2015
He runs into the woods alone, sad from what he's seen. He runs and runs through the greens, wondering for the future what it means.

Slowly he walks home, a cave hidden in the trees. He lets soft cries of sadness get lost in the breeze.

He lays down, head low, the sadness in his heart continues to grow. Large warm tears form and fall, sadness running deep.

Slowly, the bear cries himself to sleep
Public Diary Dec 2014

Need I say more?
Public Diary Dec 2014
"You finally know my real name....I've been waiting for you to be able to hear it for so long now.....
Public Diary Dec 2014
Will 3 times the recommended dose **** me?
Public Diary Feb 2015
Time the most precious thing in the world, the thing that constantly slips through our fingers

Nothing will stop it, nothing can stop it

It is the ink that spells out the words for our life stories and one day

**the ink will run dry
Public Diary Dec 2014
Are you scared?
"scared of you? Hah, not even close!"
Really? I am....
"What kind of ******* is scared of himself? That doesn't make any sense!"
swords clash
The kind that knows what they're capable of when they no longer have restraints....
Public Diary Nov 2014
We look at each other a lot, pretending to look at the teacher but looking the others way to see where the others eyes are fixed. I wonder what you think when we play this game of looking at each other then darting our eyes away when we're caught.
I wish I could know what you're thinking when I look at you.
Public Diary Jan 2015
"Your personality dropped by another 20 degrees"

Public Diary Dec 2014
Shivering at the thought of you making even more guy friends, talking to them, and getting to know them better
Public Diary Jan 2015
"Don't ever let her go to bed crying and upset"
*what about him?
Public Diary Dec 2014
furiously slashes
"Come on, come on, come on! You movements are so slow! It makes me sick that you're the 'king' of this place"
feels sharp pain in stomach
"You're not worthy to be 'king'. You're way too weak"
starts pulling out blade
"You're nothing.....
pulls out blade completely
....But trash"
blood sprays from wound
Public Diary Jan 2015
When she holds his hand back and you die inside
Public Diary Dec 2014
"She probably was doing her makeup for her boyfriend and they're probably on a date right now. Maybe he's getting lucky too ;)"
Public Diary Dec 2014
"hehe hi"
Who are you?
"Just someone, you have a lot of energy and that's what attracted me"
Is that so?
"Yup, in fact I'm watching you right now"
But I can't see you
A voice that popped into my head, it sounds like a little girl which is a very bad sign
Public Diary Dec 2014
I need to drop all my energy NOW the voice is back and I feel my energy flipping out inside
I hate this I hate this I hate this
Public Diary Jan 2015
My mood is at absolute zero right now
Public Diary Dec 2014
"sighs you're heart is starting to crack idiot, stop going through those things when you know it'll hurt you. You basically looked for the pain."

I know.......

"So then don't look!"


Public Diary Jan 2015
If you get sick at the thought of someone else touching me
**why are you touching someone else
Public Diary Dec 2014
"There goes another piece of your heart"
Public Diary Dec 2014
I wonder what you thought while I went on a "date" with her....I wonder if you were hurting....
Public Diary Dec 2014
Being so aggravated that you dig your nails into your palm until it bleeds
Public Diary Oct 2015
Someone please hold me back from breaking something
Public Diary Dec 2014
"You forgot what is was like to have your mood shattered by a few measly words didn't you?
I'm sorry, I forgot you don't speak for a while after that happens"
Public Diary Dec 2014
"Hah this is gonna be fun"
Public Diary Nov 2014
Sometimes I wonder what I should do. I'm laying here feeling empty, alone, and dead inside
Public Diary Jan 2015
Umm should I just go to bed then........?
Public Diary Jan 2015
Why is it that when I want to die, I feel **immortal
Public Diary Jan 2015
I don't like it whenever you say you have to leave.....mostly because I don't want you to go, but also because I'm sad you most likely text him while we're not talking....
Or maybe you talk to him while we're talking anyway.......
Public Diary Dec 2014
"If this is love I don't want it, please just take it from me."
"Why does it hurt so much?"
"Because it was real"
Public Diary Dec 2014
I built my walls high and thick to protect what's left of my dying heart
Public Diary Dec 2014
drip drip
It falls to the floor
drip drip
The vulnerability that comes with opening the door
drip drip
Should it be sealed again
drip drip

"Quit spacing out"
shakes blood from blade"
Public Diary Dec 2014
"You idiot. If you keep thinking and talking about that your heart will start to crumble away again."

piece of heart breaks off and fades away

"See? I told you."
Public Diary Jan 2015
"Wow it upset you that much? Gotta love social media eh m?"
Public Diary Dec 2014
Well it's been an hour and a half and still nothing.....I'm gonna take a nap....
Public Diary Dec 2014
You're essay was really sweet.....and I'm not rejecting it's just not going to be that simple to get me's going to take anywhere from 6 months to a year to prove you've really changed and years to have me trust you as much as I did when we first started.....I want to say those words again but I can't....not when I feel like you won't treat me the same way I treated you....I told you I had standards this time and that I hoped you took my words to heart....and I still hope you did....because if you can't give me loyalty, consistency, and thinking about my feelings before you do something, I can't accept you....I won't take you back....I know what my heart deserves this time and I won't let it get anything less than what it deserves
I'm sorry....I hope you keep the deal and show me you're really going to start a change....
Public Diary Jan 2015
Would you yell at me to hold your hand and touch your face while you held my limp body and brushed my pale face?
Public Diary Oct 2015
i was about to write something, but these thoughts should be written in a journal, not made public to make me seem desperate for attention when really i just want to get these feelings out
Public Diary Jan 2015
The bullets fly, tearing flesh and skin
Hiding behind crossed arms, blood flying in the wind

Each hit like a huge bite, making the blood take flight

It covers te ground making everything red.
What it feels like to watch you love him and wait....
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