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Dec 2015 · 207
I am reassuring everyone in my life that everything is going to be okay
while in the meantime I'm truly just
really, its fine
IT has
and IT has
and IT grows
and there is

those things are all fine, and fine is

and I don’t really yearn for anything outside of that
life is brilliant to witness

every day
and every day

I witness it
and bite into it
the pulp is

and I wait
I do not walk into traffic
I fear death


and ongoing

I suppose that I

have something figured out

I’d like to take a walk
but its raining

and I look into the mirror
and I look


like I should be advertising scotch
my beard looks stern
and my eyes

my blazer hangs off my shoulders

yes, things are


and the pulse
and the breath
and the leaves
Dec 2015 · 216
I chose not to trust him tonight
I chose to head to the bars alone
away from ilyse
and I chose to keep to myself, hugging some
I asked some for reassurance, I suppose,
but for the most part I kept to myself, hung to myself
hung by myself
staggered at my own self
staggered at all of it
I am desparate
fallen into a well of void
I want to be just like HIM, just like THEM
i'd like to FIT IN BETTER
but I am
in this vanity
of shrinking infinity
slick this off my back and turn to the next onward motion and hope that it sticks! for gods sakes, for the poor old boy
give him a shot of bourbon, he needs it

this THING
eating at my guts
is it forever?


you would know, you thrusting GASHING
Dec 2015 · 289
Where I am headed
the crossroads
and all that jazz
I'm ready to sell my soul, and all that
it's held up in a tight ball concentrated in my forehead
begging to be released
a river
a ******* sicstic pimple
**** and guts
ohhh that's where I'm headed, that's where I want to be
gothic, james dean

But I can't
there's a christmas tree in the living room
and a girlfriend who is happily going to sleep
I'll never be biggie
I'll never be Bukowski
with the shotgun to the head
ready to die

for now, I fear death

but ******
I can still be so hot
blazing, infact
hot as the devil himself
there are those who fall victim to insanity
and those that have already fallen down that hole and then emerged somehow,

and the devil makes boredom

breathing fire
dreaming the horrific dreams
spending days a sponge, emulating
picking at the sobbing satyr that is begging to be
stirring up the soft drink and making it
too hot to touch
or shall I go?


never, I lift, I am a winged animal, heavy as a pig
dragging on the end of one long spliff
I spit
I'm IT
Nov 2015 · 208
Drinking song
Oh la lee lah noticing those at the end of the bar
Some have it all figured out while others
Call for one more round
Bottles draft and straight up
It's all okay, hey! Hey!  I like this song, and me too, I as well, here's to going down, down. Down

The game is on
I'll sip to that
Savor, or down it
I'm all about that
Whole or partial
It's excellent

One more on me
You've got the next one
We may be here today
But time is funny
And everywhere there is irony
So, you might be a part of a plot twist
Of whiskey ginger, sour, on the rocks
With a bit of lemon on the rim
Yeah, that kind of

Nov 2015 · 338
Today is a good day
I feel fine, and yeah,
I do that
thing, where I have caffeine
whether in this or in that, playing or staying stationary
the aesthetics, the relaxed argon oil
the moisturizer
cherry coke
cherry coke
yeah, today is just fine
made a reservation for tomorrow
and I'll go, and I'll go
boy I'm ready for something to eat, sweets
and *** comes so easy, on days like these
Today, the day, and
when my voice is gone
I will recite with a deep low hum
barely audible
and it will be fine
because I will have that
boot on top of the hollow stage
makes quite a noise
so yeah, today is going okay
and now the poem is over
Nov 2015 · 532
The Wild Vulture
Made it to art school, but you always knew you were too


so you popped that gum in your mouth and blew out breath that was fresh, but found yourself in quite a mess, quite a beautiful, beautiful


you loved some of the books, but what could they teach you? you love some of the teachers, but what could they preach to you?

escape artist made it out alive! HA

you walked in lowly to the art supply store bought yourself a drawing pad and a guitar, what a SCARE! what for, what for

you live on canned beans and stick to the paints and strings and the occasional

your creations become serious and the songs become more profound, as your wild apartment blooms into a garden of spinning wheels

of spinning wheels

You take up a job where daydreaming is acceptable, and move on out of the way of your superiors when they walk in the room, punch in your time card, then continue on those silent a musings


throughout the day, throughout the day

you read very little and listen to even less but create a lot and thank the good lord for that!

The place smells of fumes and the streets beckon you, but you lay on top of the creations, high on it, high on it, high, high, high



burn it
in a tin

and the clothes too

and your beard is long

you shave that too, yes

bloom, bloom,, bloom, bloom,

the next day you are ravenous and you eat five dollar burritos, two of them, you shave your head, in a  tank top

you are on fire, a wild vulture






Nov 2015 · 237
lost again.  thought I had found something, but then you seem to fall on your *** or wake up confused. that’s why the night makes more sense sometimes, because you can just let the night take away your sense of needing to get something done, the night doesn’t have any expectations of you.  The day expects things, the day beckons you.  The night is cold and careless, its when the bad things happen, its when the drinks happen, and all the good ideas happen, too.
Nov 2015 · 282
Misplaced animal
the misplaced animal
scanning the beach
paranoid that the party upstairs
is laughing at him
getting a phone call from his mother
that it is time for dinner
but that it not his plan
he is riding the insane wave
of tricky mystery
and his cloak is a smokescreen
riveting masterpeice, complicated boy
young man
learning the way of the journey
and years later
he will return with his girlfriend
and the feeling will be long gone
and he will try to resurrect it
with her
but it falls short
like a sneeze that never comes
and that will be that
the misplaced animal
is caged
Nov 2015 · 469
Budlight crucifix
blurbs, suburbs, writings, hasty tastings, fibres and frame, grilled, softened, appreciated, excruciatingly talented, genuis, hocus pocus spelled incorrectly, ironiclly, at the end of a misplaced magic trick, houdini in a fix and liking it, holden Caulfield with a girlfriend and a glass of champagne, mesmerized landscape architect workers tracing billions of samples and coming out insane, sane ****** monsters with no idea of where to turn to next, bottles of budlight, a crucifix,
misplaced, erase one memoiry, and another one emerges, out of a cloud, and it sits there for awhile, assured of itself, then once again, drops out of the race, a low bass chord, and the protagonist character takes a drag of his cigarette, and it’s all over
Nov 2015 · 233
A poem
I am addicted also
to the poem
blowing a sentiment bubble
they fly overhead and I like to
catch them in my hand
with the right amount of suds
they sit there, bublbous as ever
and they shine against the sun
and I admire their beauty, and then
as a wizard
I let them float away
Nov 2015 · 235
brewing a cup of coffee
takes time
and I sit, and I made love all day
and it was quite
and we sit here, looking over
facebook posts and whatnot
and my **** is sore from *******
and I feel great
the coffee is brewing
and I will sip when it’s ready
Nov 2015 · 269
It's my day off today
and first things first I have my breakfast
eggs, bacon, toast, coffee
then I buy a six pack and now I'm sitting here
unsure of what to do with myself
I think I'll sing instead
and shower
and look my best
and have a beer
and play a game, my video game
maybe I'll go down the block and buy myself a new jacket
because it is my birthday tomorrow
so, **** it
Nov 2015 · 181
sleepless night
sleepless night
I am at your dispense
teach me something new?  
I’m a reader of your newest book
there’s something that I want to hear
and it’s out there
and the minutes crawl by
and I hear it on the back of a pin wheel
rolling to the other side of an empty room
I’m shouting!  Can you hear me? PAY ATTENTION
I am a commander of notes!  I taught myself to do it
and I show up for work
and sit through it
but it is not this
I want you to sit me on your knee
tell it to me straight
like I’m dealing with death
and everything is meant to aim dead for center
it’s not a riddle, no, not this time
I am at that part of the book where there are two ways
the leaves on the trees are crumbling, and I’m at the dispense of weather
put boots on my feet! I am THE KID
who wears a spiked collar
prepare me for what I should expect next
and I’ll listen
sleepless night
Nov 2015 · 315
I still have a spark in me
and ****** it grows
I sing at the top of my lungs
and let it breath in the room
I picture myself staring at paintings in the museums
at Silverware!  something so still
and I am limitlessly fascinated
Yes, it is there, and I am Free!  I persist!  and I insist
I say Freedom with a capitol F
and I ring!  I am not tied to anything
I am young, I will learn to play guitar!  
I am young, and I sit and laugh about Jersey boys
music has meaning
the video games are fun
the movies entertaining
and I will drink in the bathtub
and simmer in it
Oct 2015 · 302
Lost and Found
Everyone believes they are the king of their own worlds
Walking around with their hair grown long
Looking down over everythig
Flirting with the mysterious
They wear sunglasses
And speak rhythmically
Pulling out their cameras
Anticipating the next show
Everyone is a mini habitat
And that's how they go
Wandering, forever
Oct 2015 · 297
one, two, three
Quick one two three
And then home
One two three stops
There will be one more
And then another
And then I'm home
And that's where the market is
And bed is
And ***
That's where I drink beer in my easy chair
That's where it is
One, two three
And then I'm home
And the rotation of the wheels
Go tut tut tut
Like a Google search
Like information
Like flying keys.
One two three
Then I'm home again
Just like that
You'll see
It's 36th then Steinway then 46th
It goes up and up
But I get off
When it's my turn to
And where my home is
That's where I go to
One two three
Then it's my home, you see
Sep 2015 · 250
Looking out over everything
Woe the charisma of this place
One kid who was alpha, is alpha
Is in trouble because he hit someone
Or someone hit him
And he decided it was just to hit back
And coach sits him down and says
Life throws things at us, this life, this existence, he looks out over everything and he sees, he had been there, he has been all over, to prison, to award and glory, to dance floor, he has seen and he says this life, this life
And that is that

And the three of us
Look out over everything
Sep 2015 · 200
For the students dancing
When they
Are dancing
Like that
They inspire fun
And the adults
Encourage each other
To dance along
And some do for a second
Then laugh at themselves
We are kids again
Serve the ice cream
Then clean up the mess
My hunger becomes overwhelming
My pores are sweaty
Thin as a starving dog
Waiting for the hour to be finished
Waiting for the train ride home, the moaning rails, the darkness and advertisements
Waiting for dinner with Ilyse, and how lovely that will be
We will both complain about our days
I will lament the night before
She will forgive me
And then we'll talk about going to the show
And maybe I'll have a beer
And sit in the living room
And maybe I'll dream of what could be
And what already is
George carline words ringing in my head, there is only past and future
It was a funny joke, but alas
There is a
And it is
Sep 2015 · 352
The uncertainty in the air
The state of the union says a lot, nothing political

the oscars say very little, everything about it is political

to war?  to not war?   

it breezes through the plants, its on top of the little lamp posts sticking out of the tanbark, breathed into the lungs on the bikerides, the dog walking

that fresh silence, the music in the movie where the glances are lit up with darkness in the background

yeah, the people get their news from the comedians, then the comedians drop out in the end for activism, grassroots soaking up coffee loaded with cream and sugar

to lean left or to lean right? Does it really make a difference?  Really?  

my jacket sinks into my skin and my rear sinks into the chair, and the world stirs, whirlwind of expressions, whirlwind of expectation

the uncertainty in the air, there it is, and the answer is to sit back, relax, and watch the big fiasco commence
Sep 2015 · 295
I am the one they can transparency
eyes to the front of his skull
bulging, everlonging
sitting and trying to be cunning
quiet, listening
but emulating, instead
some sort of glowing ember
and people ask
are you okay
and I revolt
in protest
I wish I could wear shades all the time

I wish I could be invisible, sometimes

I had a dream that I had a cover over my face
it was a good dream

and now I sit

with my clothes on

thinking back on embarrassing moments

and I am


they call me transparency
Sep 2015 · 385
I am swiss cheese I am somebody who is trying to relocate their shoulders, thrown about in a misty sin of congratulations
I am a sipless vulture attempting to be pure but coming out vinegar
juniper berries and sickly **** of packaged rawhide
inescapable landslide
unexcused, for what its worth
an imaginging roller coaster disaster, so far from my fathers, mad from too much beer and wine
hankered down by mood stabilizing pills
jipless, jockeyed, jiving to bizzare melodies
a sipter esphicator, ready to lunge into the excesses of butter beer
singing jollies with dumbeldore and other queers
misplelled, misplaced, outcast, on the bench with other pupils
and the carnivore sinks its teeth into its kills
shanking and shaking, singing in the bathtub with katy perry
muse the blues with cherub rock, loathing dylan, asking for more cohen
juxtaposed on top of everest and demanding a double feature
dickless angels
turnabout, shout, the end is near, abstract, understand the notion, the fear
and scream helpless hopless empty bottles of beer
nectar and graham the hector, a mellon bunnie with rabbid ears
run for your life!  the fires of eternal flowers and bounds of life
seem sophisticated at the time
Turnabout, the beats are out
and the real madness, the real madness, is here
Sep 2015 · 163
in nothing
the creation
is high
in the mud
making angels
Sep 2015 · 259
Midnight thoughts
the spigot has run dry, its a desert out here, grimace while you’re trying to make it, trying to ******, the bars are beckoning, madness, out of your control, the smoke around your face, you’re laid out on your back, a defeatist, shackled to the plank, memories stick and then they fade out, wasted, wasted away, and you follow with your hands, you shove them into the dirt, and you try to remake what was given to you,, you put eyes in the little scuplture, but its crooked, and it stands helpless amongst the others, in a display window, where passersby think that it is creepy,


they say, and that is what you are, combing, combing, chasing down airplanes that departed for the towers, their destination is history, and their timing is a bead in your eye, in time, it halts right before it strikes you, inimaginable quest, one episode, and then, its over
Sep 2015 · 266
I sit here
and go over old poems
and think of what could have been
and sigh, that beard looked pretty cool
with the scarf
I looked ready to take on the world

but I've changed, I don't look the same
I took the medication
and now I sit
and look over old poems
wondering where the madness went
the rain is wonderful, it makes you feel like you are in a capsule, that you are cradled, and anything is possible, washing out the old day and bringing in the new, its nice, sometimes you drift away and find yourself falling into the couch, and you imagine the homeless, trying to keep dry, but perhaps they see it as a blessing too, a shower perhaps, they stink real bad

and then the bit of rain stops, and it reverts to a light sprinkle, and your ears perk up, waiting for the next hit, hoping for it, you feel the gust of wind the last one brought in, nice, the windows opened just so, drip drop, drip drop

and then you’re ******, why did it stop?
oh well
just keep
Sep 2015 · 242
Anticipating work
Is drudgery
fixated in time, unkept
mixed mockery
television shows
and showers, bath tubs
the sink, its flow
Facebook info
no lines, no purpose
no therapy
just drink, the woman
the fan
Sep 2015 · 196
Is easy

for me

I clean the floors

and the dishes

and I give her kisses
Sep 2015 · 351
An evening
so what, she wants to try to be objective?

hurled insults, but rooted in


your knowing is rooted in


Subjectivity? Objectivity?

Fine, just fine

sit at the table over a glass of wine

and sip, sip, know

knowledge, in little droplets

drips off the balcony

oh, I guess that was that
Sep 2015 · 214
I don't know
where else to turn to
I've exhausted my supplies
and now I'm naked writing a poem
my book probably *****
and you are reading this
probably naked
Sep 2015 · 318
Mystyque, lost in your clutches, beckoning to me, the longing, the everlasting

made lightly of your touch, and smirked it off,
but always found myself back at the foot of the piano, laying it out, far out the dress, the long dress, of mystyque, lay of me, layer of layers, clawing at the absence of time, your jaw dropping exposure, endure, ensure the masses that there isn’t a scene here anymore
butterly love lasting sadness, jiving mystery, beauty, your rival, shock her in the eye, shuck the corns from her toes, a mildew the droplets and form the new ring, sounding the array of fixtures, fingerling crossings, in the middle of a field attempting to shoot a scene, not going as planned, never to be what is expceted, or perhaps never better, a clamor, a vicious madness a stamour, mystyque, your forces know where we all must go, to bold to shy away when the opportunity emerges, as a ballet, as a wedding rehearsal, know your place, your gallant white sondress, your dawning, singing random tunes,

drawn into the dampening doom, drugged out and done, doing what needs to be done, fickle and free with the time, you surely know the direction, you see the deed, which rhyme?  your wellspring, your sinking fixture at the top of the ceiling, dripping off the balcony and onto onlookers, where they keep their deepest lockets, locked up in secrecy, breath in my direction!
Sep 2015 · 206
Learning to let go
Boymanthing, a silly and serious melody

from vanity to wisdom, one asks the question, are they one in the same thing?

punishment?  cruelty?  are they necessary?

a boy learning to walk on the stage, in front of everyone, that is where he belongs

but doesn’t know how to get there, the distance, so far away

but in his recent history.

he learns to let go of the notion that he needs to sell his soul for beauty

and begins to live his life, fully
Sep 2015 · 275
writing a book
I started writing a book
and I have a title and everything

and I wrote the first few chapters

do all writers go through this, where they sit and wonder...

do I need to live more?
Sep 2015 · 447
not heartbreak
not solitude
not hurt
left those things behind

forgiven a few things, others come back in a rush and haunt me
read a few more things, they make me weaker, while they help pass the time
passing the time is one of the best things

developing a gut, a love of food

drinking too much, but romancing just the same, even better

not a character, a person, walks down the street, notices the restaurants, wants to sit at the nicer ones

wants to be a court reporter, a teacher, maybe

sits on the couch and watches sitcoms

cooks pasta, cooks breakfast

tells the iCloud to go away, remind me later

late nights rarer, comfortable with lazy body

grown out the beard, again

not heartbreak
not solitude
not hurt


so what is boring?  what is normal?  what is comfort?

it’s fine, just fine

and the poetry is fine, too

and reading is easier
Aug 2015 · 192
Content living
content living, not too out of balance
giant sand bags either ends of the balance beam
weight, some sort of a weight, that I remember so well, that I focused on in the theatre, that I sang about and stomped my feet about, and received applause

Some of that energy is gone, and it can never be had back, some of that madness, some of that desire to ******, to die, to set everything on fire

gone now, too much to lose, to content, to full from the last meal, looking forward to more ***, another poem, perhaps

but then, then it was scribbles, it wasn’t even poetry!  It was pure madness, directly from the source, it was brilliant, I thought of myself as brilliant, that’s for **** sure.

and people would ask “what were you writing?” and I don’t remember what I would answer, but I was too embarrassed to say something poignant or ambitious or cool

Content living, when the living room is balanced
Synchronized, the carpet, the flower, the plant next to the couch, everything handy, the beer in the fridge, all fine, fine.  And I have plans to be a teacher, and that also is fine, and I might audition for things, and that is fine too, and Ilyse is beautiful, and I love my mother.

Normal, a normal man

so what is it now?  A wisdom?  probably that, yes
Aug 2015 · 463
Rockefeller Plaza
Hustle and bustle of underground merry plaza showcase, the underbelly, the underlife, the true essence of the show going on at 8, men speaking rhythmically, eating quickly, with waste boxes, recyclables, the news is digestible, a man forages for answers in his phone, digging with his thumbs, and another reaches through the speaker to try to hear the close, the head anchored up, the scarf hanging at the direction towards the sun, oh the glamorous walls and the anxious souls, oh the marble staircase and the jansport backpack, more cleaning services than surfaces, less times more money, more money, less time, time is like money, it freezes and then it flows, what was the expression again?  Only the smell of coffee is lucrative, only the stench of ***** diapers, babies, in a place like this, where murmers are murmurs and eat isn't required but fufilled then joked about over digestion, a proper coffee break, he is of an ash tray the men gossip, not directly, but imply, stick to facts but hierarchies fill in like water into a ravine, never obscene, silent struggles to an invisible top held by Rockefeller who is no longer in this world, his spirit keeps some sort of hope driving noses into the pizza lunches, and the limitless contemplaions, the tough desicions, men around coffee are women amidst vultures, who has a higher grasp, whose the one getting cursed, overdone, overpowered, the cards turning in silence, literally in glances, a polite face turns to a disappointed hatred in seconds, perfect, like a diamond
Aug 2015 · 459
oh sweet nothing
Oh sweet nothing
Set to the skies overhead
A rebel with a song playing, the hips moving
Hurry to get it all down, but right now there's no immediate threat, so
Ring a bell and make the kids across the street forget their skateboard woes for awhile, and I'll sit here ***** with flip flops on my feet
The traffic rolling by every five minutes
The shining leaves
Oh sweet nothing, you're being ****** good to me
Aug 2015 · 539
Goodnight, myself
Goodnight, myself
you’ve been alright to yourself
you ate okay, and you wrote something down
skinny naked oak stands out in front of you, and sober as a wall you stare
Oh seany, what have you come to?  you handsome frailty, delete the last phrase
indulge in your favorite candy, don’t call your mother again

oh life, you curious thing

Goodnight, myself
you are a hairy creature, clawing at destiny with evenings of contempalations
the ******* boys jerking each other off while they sing of reasons to die
What are you looking for?  in those limitless interviews
it has to come tonight, of all nights, it was all leading up to this night

Goodnight myself, singer of songs loving the cotton candy crooning crawling all over the chords
making music with a drunken rustle
Your fears have added up to the millions, and for some reason you broke down a wall today
and you didn’t realize it until just now
Aug 2015 · 172
Heaven (revisited)
I've heard of fools who believe in a place like heaven where the paint dries itself and its warm and pleasant, I've heard of their books and how they pass on looks to their kids, give to those in need at gasoline stations and believe their hands are clean, frame their pictures and love everything. I've heard of those fools, and I've seen their forevers, crushed and spread over countertops, sleeping off the dust in the eye, forever thinking through forevers, with a magnificent presence.

and everyday they wipe themselves clean, science goes only so far, and then there is God, those fools make sense to me
Aug 2015 · 222
I've heard of fools who believe in a place like heaven where the paint dries itself and its warm and pleasant, I've heard of their books and how they pass on looks to those in need of gasoline at stations and believe their hands clean, frame their pictures and love everything. I've heard of those fools, and I've seen their forevers, on countertops, sleeping off the dust in the eye, forever thinking through forevers, with a presense.

and everyday they wipe themselves clean, and that's alright with me
Jul 2015 · 374
Russel Crowe
Original master of bottled overblown ownership, around a flogging frame of masculinity, tone more reflective than any of your own, your a master, someone who takes the wheel, the navigator, russel crowe at his finest, with a head heald toward the mist of sea you take glee in knowing your place, your status, your finest hour, punishment, corporal, minsitster, sinister, your enemies fear you, your colleagues believe in you, won’t you take on another cruise ship, take on another fluke? Nothing is quite in danger, yet it is always looming right in front of you, the danger, the edge of the world, beckoning, its black marvel is a hole in the sea, and you will swirl around its edges, knowing nothing but the night, the cold, the winter, the old man with the mop in hand warns of omens, and the crew complies because they listen, they are wise,

Hold down your anchor! The end is approaching!  you know what they came for, they want you intact, whole, at the core, a piece that they can rivet, take away, reach down to the center and feel the pulp at the fingertips, pull it out and hold it towards the wind, its our apple, bite into it again
Jul 2015 · 291
oh liberty,! oh freedom , let me be at your expense, I am dying to get to know you, I am only getting started, I am only getting comfortable, not even the age of the **** of the joke on friends, not even there yet, not even there, still young, still full of life, still full of whatever I need to be!  still full of pos a bil a ty, separated out and its a hopscotch word, a bit up surd, lovers met around the chocolate fountain possessing their fate, and I possess my fate with a keyboard, keys and musical keys, working with the fingers, a knack for songs, good memory

God, I live in a palace!  God, he is not dead, he is relocated, he's weaving through the music, satanitc verses are met with heavenly melodies and hes meant for it, cherish it, whose got the better of me?  

no no  no, you’re up for surrender to his power, you’ve fathomed it, talked about it, debated it in your silly little politics course, you’re meant for this discussion, it is what you were born for, out of the foul mouthed, out of the obscene, the gestures are hidden, their in between every phrase, uttered out at a key, uttered out over a particular suit and tie and way of being

Surge surge surge!  its meant for it!!!
Jun 2015 · 487
Astoria, Queens
Stuck to their thoughts, the quiet dealings while the world restlessness exposes itself before their eyes, and they do not flinch, there is a fear at the fibre of New York City, the ananymoty keeps one brave in their singular ways, just a scratch, just a droplet, without considering one another, exchanges at the counter kept short, exchange a few wads for cheap goods that will last a while, that happens to be my style. Astoria queens, where the colors don't mesh together quite right, taxes, payroll, bookkeeping, lots of wine, novelty next to 99 cent, cars crammed at the intersection, baffled in the brook, crammed in the nooksc the books are protected by a sheet to keep out the rain, at the corner there is a man going insane, city living, the expression, nothing's good, but can't complain, dotted taxi cab advertisements, launching a career, launching an attitude, launching a party, we can do business for you, step right in and see keep my business card hardly an issue, hardly the matter, coffees crummy, coffees not so bad what's the matter with you?  Emotionless, dreamless, left to the lights and sleepiness, a work day, a day of pay, churning out a penny at the end, churning out dollars that we can spend a loss of security for a good, or perhaps an investment in a future security, the city wish it could do it all for you, Astoria queens, sewn together freakenstein American Dream
frazzled, unexpected, scrounged in a ball in the corner, with the different lullabies flying overhead, the masked patient is ready for his medication, won't be easy, and it won't last very long

he claws for a bit of rope, a bit of escape, a bit of cloud, the room is full of them now, and on he wails, on he dreams, waiting for something better to come, the lifeline is weak

what is this masked, dazed man to do, when his nails are down to the nub and he no longer has anything to reach out for?  the images on the television seem frightening, violent, ******, threatening, or sad, what is he to do?  throws the blanket over his eyes, counts, 1, 2, 3, and wishes it all to disappear

and disappear it does, he is away, he is blank, it is white, more like eggshell, there are bumpy edges, but smooth to the touch, sensual, and his little citadel is all he needs to know, all he needs to remember, and the worries of reaching the lifeline slowly begin to fade, like a sign in the rearview mirror on the highway, go along, go along, go along, and in his squatted position he rolls around, the sensual feeling is all there is, all that needs to be, cloaking his skin like a hot shower, like a nicotine buzz, like a drunken stupor, yes, nothingness

no conflict, no nothing, no insights, no roots to uproot, no, just the eggshell room, his citadel, his life
May 2015 · 655
standin on the rooftops
with the wind at my shoulder

standin on the rooftops

with a shine in my eye

standin on the rooftops

the wind gets colder

but hey, ain't life just divine?
May 2015 · 1.1k
bigger than myself
a bond between one and another, sinking in my back and curling through the stomach, pouring out the front, pouring into champaign glasses, on and on and on, at a party with different kinds of hats.  wishful thinkers, doing what they do best, making conversation that is pleasant, without a worry in the world, a stitch in the fabric of time

this group of people, have their white cloth and their pretty talk, think themselves the center of the universe, and why shouldn't they be?  the words have meaning, and the theories discuss take on a myriad of expressions and history

and at the same time, in the same instance, there is poverty, what of that thing?  clay pots and water that is cherished every day, brought in the daily bucket, brought in with heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, drum drum, drum drum

A system systematically serenading itself with rhythms changing clockwork calculated nonsense

indifferent to itself, fluctuating frequently, standing still

quiet on top of an owls den, hooting its own demise at the wrong time

pass it on?  keep it alive?

drum, drum drum, time, time time
May 2015 · 288
what of stability?
what of that thing?  a writers worse curse, I guess

but then again, what of curse?  what does it mean to be tortured by ones art?

non non non the apple falls and it falls

oh oh oh the sprinkling ties tickle the membrane of fruit flies

I'm just messing around, isn't it great!  to have nothing to say at all??

its like being encapsulated in a warm vessel, while the thorns on the outside continue to prickle the desert ground as it is blown in the wind

unaffected by bursts, emotion, thinking is so over rated

to wish for the boredom of an office job, ironically, but secretly know that somewhere inside you are something

but don't feel the need to show it to anyone at all!  the bluejay nurtures its young that never need to leave the nest!  

and one thought leads to another, cushioned by an inner strength

self esteem, perhaps

what of boring???  that thing which I've sneered at for so long, looks so welcoming, an external cloak, a hiding place for a muskrat whose had enough days of contemplation, fixation, beyond his wildest imaginations, skipping across the fence with a front of business as usual, a tie and a vest

frustrations that are trivial, anxieties that are irrational, a normal, normal
normal man
May 2015 · 292
A decent feeling
Superb!  It's alright to take a few things for granted, but then I notice the little things, like the way the yard is centered, like the way my hair grows into the right place, like a girl I love reciprocates, and a few more things I don't need to mention.  But

The body floats over itself, occasionally, and

blah blah blah, today is okay, right?  

Yes, the right people say the right things at the right timing, and your love ones move in tandem with the rhythm of your needs, the rhythm of self

what I'm trying to say is, things are looking okay, and okay is a shield moving in front of a mind that is a lake of misfits, all trying to get on board a ship of understanding, and hey!  they all got their hands on!  even the most absurd found a way to hook their clutches to the side

and perhaps this feeling is fleeting, like so many other things, but then again, we have a magic ability to remember what needs to be rememberd, and the people that love us remember, too

to be comfortable with ambiguity, is probably the greatest blessing of all...

to not need to write is probably an even greater blessing, when the porch and the sunshine contain all the answers in the universe, space and time stand still, the news is on a paper that is small or on a television that is turned off

stability, my friends, is all I ask for, in this life,

and I am content with that
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