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Savva Emanon Sep 9
In life, so much is left behind,
But love's the thread that weaves the soul,
It's not a dream that slips through time,
But the force that keeps us whole.

We let go of hopes that once were bright,
Our visions shift, our passions fade,
Yet love, in all its quiet might,
Is the light that won't degrade.

Through every phase, each passing year,
Some things we outgrow, some we leave,
But love remains, forever near,
The truth we learn to believe.

Love's not a storm that takes its toll,
But the ground beneath our feet,
It holds us close, makes us whole,
And in its care, we find retreat.

It doesn't fit a fleeting mold,
Or lift us far from who we are,
Love, in its tender, gentle hold,
Is the most enduring star.

It's not a fairy tale we chase,
But the strength that helps us rise,
Love meets us in the simple grace,
Of everyday, beneath our skies.

To love is to be open wide,
To all it brings, in every hue,
It's in the way we learn to bide,
And let its healing guide us through.

So do not let your heart give way,
For love is more than just a dream,
It's the path that shows you day by day,
That life is deeper than it seems.
Savva Emanon Sep 4
In twilight's gentle, hushed embrace, I muse,
Upon a truth, profound, yet oft confused,
"When you change the way you look at things,"
A whisper in the breeze, a truth that sings.

In quiet moments, by the fire's warm glow,
I ponder on this wisdom, let it grow,
For as I turn my gaze to yonder skies,
The very stars seem different in my eyes.

Once, they were distant, cold, and far apart,
But now, they're dreams, each one a work of art,
In shifting thoughts, a new perspective is born,
The heavens, once remote, now feel adorned.

When change befalls the lens through which we see,
The world transforms, a wondrous tapestry,
No longer mere, mundane, or commonplace,
But filled with grace, a dance of time and space.

The meadows bloom with colours yet unseen,
Each blade of grass, a world, a living dream,
The river's flow, a symphony of grace,
In every ripple, secrets interlace.

"When you change the way you look at things,"
A truth profound, in whispered wisdom, sings,
For in the alchemy of mind and sight,
The ordinary turns to pure delight.

So, let us not be prisoners of the past,
But with new eyes, this world anew we'll cast,
And as we do, the universe may range,
To show us beauty, in the subtle change.
Savva Emanon Sep 4
In the quiet of twilight, when thoughts softly stray,
I find myself often in a curious delay.
The train of my musings, swift and free,
Embarks on its journey, sometimes without me.

Oh, the moments I ponder, with a wry little smile,
As my mind starts to wander a wandering mile.
Ideas take flight, like birds in the sky,
While I stand at the station, just waving goodbye.

In the landscape of memories, both near and afar,
I chase after thoughts like a falling star.
They shimmer and glisten, then vanish from sight,
Leaving behind an echo of light.

Yet, in these gaps, there's a gentle grace,
A pause in the race, a serene, sacred space.
For wisdom resides in the still, silent air,
And sometimes, just sometimes, I meet myself there.

So let the train travel, let it sail on the breeze,
Through forests of dreams and memory seas.
For in every departure, a new path is found,
And in each quiet moment, life's wonders abound.

— The End —